Describe your fellow forumnite.

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Shens, comes from New York and has an Imu army, that may or may not have attacked you.
Shens imu army has already attacked me....oh the humanity!

what's an imu army? care for a demonstration? is it like a right-of-passage thing? if so, PICK ME!

Oops, I forgot razor in my post! Razor has the second best avatar
ComradeBadger is scary good at opposing force

Tr0n is currently an upside-down moonite, from Alabama. Also, he is not homosexual

TDE is the besterest artist around!

KoreBolteR forgot me :( and is never on msn :P

Danimal reminds me of yoghurt :p
I can just pitcure my tombstone now:

Danimal Gallensbane​
Died from a barrage of yogurt tubs​
what do i have to do to get all the mods to know me?

shippi, put my name on ur desktop or something......:D ?
You have to suck up lots ;)

Nah, I tend to remember most people from these forums.. oh, and I play HL2DM now so ner!
Ranga.. the dude no mods remember :P he, uh, lost his old avatar.. or something... :cheese:
SHIPPI said:
but who doesn't like to be reminded of yoghurt? :D
People who are lactose intolerant! rofl.

I win the lamest joke ever award! yays for mehs!

Tr0n spends most of his time in his manshack and is the hawtest man since Fabio.

TDE is the typical shy and modest über artist!

Razor always has some funny/cool vids to share and lightens up the mood!

CptStern knows his politics, he knows what he believes in, and he does believe in all the right things according to me hehe. He also smokes weed with mooses while eating bacon... and says "Eh?" a lot.....

Chris_D didnt believe SLAM could be used as a tripmine when they first came out til I proved it.

Hectic_Glenn likes Rage Against The Machine.

Pi Mu Rho has a big kickass tattoo, and doesnt like dead baby jokes.

Only thing I can remember regarding anyone on the forum.
danimal has a cool avatar, he doesnt deserve it :P

(cant remember who.. er i think it was) comrade badger owned me on opposing force or HLDM last year.
SupremePain said:
Razor always has some funny/cool vids to share and lightens up the mood!

Thankyou so, so, so much, i am so happy i am crying ;(. It is so amazing to get noticed by someone else on the forums.
Hmmm, where to start...

MarksmanHL2 : Gets too much maths homework and just found out he loves paintball.

Suicide42 : Gets bullied on garysmod, addicted to WoW and anime.

Simmo : hehehe.. ;)

CrazyHarij : Likes clouds and chinese dragons.

LoginHere : You'll get that mp3 player eventually, mate.

MaxiKana : Hasn't posted in a while. :(

thehunter1320 : Actually got a free iPod. :O

ray_MAN : I don't get to talk to him much anymore. ;(

Dalamari : Loves Led Zeppelin.

FarrowLeSparrow : I know where you live.. :naughty:

TDE : Used to be called Fenric1138, and always deletes me from msn when I add him :p

Shuzer : He left the forum, but his birthay is the day before mine, so i'm mentioning him anyway.

Pendragon : It was fun talking to him while I still had a chance.

Qckbeam : Don't really know what to say, but I wanted to mention you so you don't think I fergot you. :)

EVIL : You're way too good as an artist :E

That should be enough... :p

To whoever I'm forgetting, sorry :O

They won't be getting anymore hawt lovin from me. :(
SHIPPI said:
Ranga.. the dude no mods remember :P he, uh, lost his old avatar.. or something... :cheese:

u remembered me! w00t w00t!

ComradeBadger said:
You have to suck up lots

past a certain stage... i can't suck up any more.... :(

u'll be my friend, right? :cheers: :E
crushenator 500 said:
That should be enough...

um....*cough cough*! :frown:
Tr0n : losing his memory and droppped out of high school

Burnzie : Get the jules avatar back! :P

Sorry, can't believe I fergot you :O

I blame tron's memory passing on to me.
Cool Thread. :)

Eeek, I dont have much time so I aint gona go into specifics....

But seriously. Best online community i've ever seen.

Proof is in this very thread. :cheers:

EDIT: And cheers for the mention crush :)
ComradeBadger: Likes taking pics of himself

Crazy Harij: Went from Crazy Harij, to Serious Harij

Pi: Teh sexeh w/ ubah tatu
Razor don't mention it, you're loved :D
oh yeah....

Hoodlum, crazy swede who spends his life searching for messed up vids to show us! that anime dude was so ****ing scary...

FatTony! has a avater that's been freaking me out lately
"why is the blue thing sucking on a tube mommy?" :(

crushenator, the whole time ive been here, he's had avaters with Eddie in 'em!

marksmanhl2, what can i say? he always keeps it cool, never loses his head
Chris_D has done something with Valve that we don't know about.
i'll like to describe myself..

KoreBolteR never gets descibed, and is eating an apple
hehe, thinks of dalamari's Famous Apple avatar. :D


Dalamari's apple avatar is the KING!!!!!!! :angel:
crushenator 500 said:
Tr0n : losing his memory and droppped out of high school

Burnzie : Get the jules avatar back! :P

Sorry, can't believe I fergot you :O

I blame tron's memory passing on to me.

damn... after 3 posts, and one reminder from me....

*cough cough* forgetting somebody? :frown:

KoreBolter Really cool guy that found my old avatar. u ownz!

*cough* but not as much as: Chris_D, ComradeBadger, bliink, crushenator, SPuD, um.... TDE, Suicide.... see? i pay my respects..... :D
Ríomhaire talks about himself in the third person.
SLH is just about the best person on this forum.

He is also the most likely to make a VERY lame joke.

EDIT: He also seemed to make a very simiar joke to above poster without reading it. :angry:
FarrowLeSparrow steals smilies off usual users and thus is regarded a cleptomaniac! :O
Ranga said:
*cough cough* forgetting somebody? :frown:

KoreBolter Really cool guy that found my old avatar. u ownz!

Thx ranga :D:D:D im happy now :stare:

didnt i mention you Ranga? ;(

Ranga is a very cool guy with one of the best avatars on this site!!!! (along with dalamari's apple.) :p :D:D
Ranga said:
damn... after 3 posts, and one reminder from me....

*cough cough* forgetting somebody? :frown:

KoreBolter Really cool guy that found my old avatar. u ownz!

*cough* but not as much as: Chris_D, ComradeBadger, bliink, crushenator, SPuD, um.... TDE, Suicide.... see? i pay my respects..... :D

You edited... :angel:

Ranga : Someone I've never spoken to, but he.. err... has an avatar :p
Ranga is a very cool guy with one of the best avatars on this site!!!! (along with dalamari's apple.)

crushenator, if you just copy and paste that, i'll forgive you :D

EDIT: okay, u've already done it :D thnx :thumbs:
Farrowlesparrow said:
FarrowLeSparrow: Has a split personality

as long as one of your split sides say :

'KoreBolteR is God' ill be happy :angel:
oooh this wont be welcome, but im about 90% sure that vegeta897 has anger management problems :p
Kerberos is somebody I'd consider to fairly odd and him and I are often on opposing sides over issues. Still, he isn't overbearing, he's a solid debater, and his posts are always fun and interesting to read. For that, he's one of the members I respect the most.

Neutrino and Apos are both smarty men that, through some strange way, make me feel more intelligent when I read their posts. I wish they posted more. :(

CrazyHarij posted some track here that I really liked. I wanted to ask him some questions regarding his software, where I can find more of his work, etc... but I never bothered to.

KagePrototype is a NIN fan! I like him!
TDE is a really good artist

Most of the people here don't like rap at all

tr0n has a .....uhhh.... avatar
No...tr0n is a sexy biatch.

Thats what you was suppose to put.
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