Describe your fellow forumnite.

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Wouldn't it be better to actually post something about the person before you. You know how hard it is to think of a random person?

TDE is a god in denial
TDE is one of the persons here that I respect the most, but sometimes I just don't understand him.
Lemonking: Is almost that unimportant

Oldagerocker: Is right ;) Is a character of his own
Shens used to be The Thing. He also converted my demon-spawn army into borgs and killed me.

Erestheux (Yuri) has been on an hiatus for a while, and has lost track of members.

Crush is a cool guy. But he thought I was mad at him, so I apologized.

cybersh33p is my one and only best-internet-friend.

Pendragon gave me a gmail account when it was still tough to get them. I miss him :(

qckbeam founded the gloglebag army.

Icarus was a crappy mod, but a cool guy.

Princess_Jen was the funniest forum member.

The Dark Elf used to be Fenric, which was much cooler. He is also a talented artist but is very grumpy at times ;)

bliink, when first joined, PMed me to apologize for something silly because she thought it offended me. :P

outpost has the same first name as me.

SnowBall is a talented modder and a nice person. He's also obsessed with Sonic.

cptstern is a crazy anti-american, but he's still a cool guy

gh0st is a crazy conservative, but again, he's still cool

seinfeldrules' name is very true

thegreenbunny isn't actually a green bunny

neutrino is one of the nicest forum members here

burnzie loves Jules from Pulp Fiction, who shares the same name as my best in real life friend.

comradebadger was in my mod for a while, and did absolutely no work before quitting ;) He also kicked my ass at op4.

ikarous loves Icarus milk, and used to speak in prose. I also cant spell his name correctly.

Rakurai Tenjin was mistaken as Death Seeker, also known as Princess_Jen. I helped get him unbanned :) He is also the founder of the thread that started Icarus Milk.

vegeta876 made an awesome flash cartoon starring shuzer, and has numbers at the end of his name that I've forgotten.

Angry Lawyer only hangs around the help wanted and offered forum, and really is an Angry Lawyer.

Prince of China used to be Tredoslop, and is obsessed with Madox, which might not be so good for him. :P

Letters is a gurl lol!

Shippi is very friendly, good at paintball, and hardly ever posted before becoming a mod.

joule Had to change his name from Username, because people kept trying to sign on as him. Now there is another Username around. He also made the smiley links.

Axyon used to be Abom, and then before that it was Abom|nation.

Pressure introduced me to one of the funniest and best commercials of all time.

Ray_Man founded the "I'm leaving!" threads, and was banned for it.

Shuzer actually made an "I'm leaving" thread...

Farrowlesparrow has a confusing name, and gets drunk and posts alot. Yet he is a devout Christian. :angel:

lePobz didn't used to have that "le."

The_Monkey posts more than anyone I've ever seen, and has almost doubled my postcount in the month or so that I was gone.

Munro doesn't really wear frilly lingerie. ...just plain lingerie. He also doesn't respond to PMs, ever.

StarMonkey had a big avatar for a while.

Hot Soup, as pictured in my head, is his avatar. Which is scary.

nw909 left here for

CrazyHarij introduced me to easytoon, which was fun and awesome.

MaxiKana reminds me of a maxi-pad.

Tr0n is from Alabama, and likes Alabama Pi (3).

He_Who_is_Steve has an obnoxious name, but still has his moments ;)

blahblahblah had a Burt icon for a while, and he was politically active. I haven't seen him in a while...

Suicide_42 was making a cool comic, but it seemed to have dissappeared?

Sulkdodds made an comic, which was awesome.

SixThree is grumpy.

MechaGodzilla is an amazing artist.

lil' timmy was anti-everything. Then he left. And then he came back, and was anti-everything. Then he left again.

SpUd might be my favorite mod.

Simmo has had the same icon since Ronald Reagan died.

sprafa liked my original name, The Agent Smith.

tim8866 mysteriously dissappeared.

Hazar used to be Hazar Dakari. I still have no idea what that means. He also spammed the newbie forum.

Dedalus has an awesome avatar.

Varg|Hund likes sylvester. And green. I think...

Brian_Damage has lemons for eyes, and dissappeared.

Fat Tony! has Noo-noo as his avatar, from teletubbies. It's creepy.

<RJMC> is a master at MSPaint.

ailivation was banned a while back for bugging some other member, and I haven't seen him since.

Ritz isn't a cracker. At least I don't think so.

IchI is an amazing modeller

Mr. Reak writes awesome articles.

Dux is the best mapper on the forums, to my knowledge.

Some_God has been banned more times than I can remember. He also has a disturbing avatar.

pr0n_king might have changed his name?

marksmanhl2 : ) wasn't forgotten. He has had the same avatar for a while, and the smiley in his name is like, the coolest thing ever.

oldagerocker wasn't forgotten. He had a MSN convo with me once.

Innervision961 was a crazy anti-american, too, and reminded me of a shake.

Feath made a gigantic thread. And doesn't rhyme with teeth.

Lemonking is very happy now.

Babyheadcrab changed his name wayyyy too much.

Recoil made a smiley that was stolen by Farrow.

Chris_D clawed himself to the top of hierchy. Watch out, Munro.

Majestic XII likes hentai. Well, hopefull not. : |

Bad^Hat had a cool bad hat avatar.

PvtRyan wasn't saved by Tom Hanks.

thehunter1323 was banned, but is now forgiven. Tetris rulez.

Asus is Brak. Really.

Pi Mu Rho can be grumpy. He's also a great mapper.

Onions must have been eaten or something.

Erestheux was being too melodramatic. He also is currently making a webcomic. :O Oh, and he wishes more people remembered things about him, like how he used to be The Agent Smith. :(

Anyone I've forgotten I apologize most sincerely to.
Letters is a girl?
marksmanHL2 :): Someone I can relate to when it comes to martial arts.
Snowball: Also goes to the official Unreal 2 forums.
Innervision961 - Liberal henchman who sometimes does agree with me on issues like ID cards and such :p

Erestheux - Helped me get unbanned <3

ComradeBadger - Same as above <3

GhostValkyrie - Cool guy, out to sea with the Navy.
Erestheux said:
Good! :D

Everyone has thought Letters was a girl...

lol, so long as everyones happy :P

Prince of China said:
marksmanHL2 :): Someone I can relate to when it comes to martial arts.

Likewise. :cheers:

And yeah... GhostValkryie. I lost him his modship and have felt guilty ever since. :o
marksmanHL2 :) said:
lol, so long as everyones happy :P
You looked up, right?

Edit: Wow, innvervision is still around! Haven't seen you in a while, mate. :P
RakuraiTenjin said:
Innervision961 - Liberal henchman who sometimes does agree with me on issues like ID cards and such :p

Erestheux - Helped me get unbanned <3

ComradeBadger - Same as above <3

GhostValkyrie - Cool guy, out to sea with the Navy.

If arguing wasn't so much fun i'd probably agree with you on a lot more issues than I'd like to admit :E
Erestheux said:
Look up, mate ;)

Marksman hl2 :) = Dude
Oh oh, Erestheux also used to burn EVERY flag.

I was trying to remember what to put about your avatar because I remember it having to do with people putting burning flags in their avatar's and you made a funny one to mock the whole situation, finally remembered.
Chris_D, HotSoup and the other staff = all know what I'm working on

qckbeam, TDE = huge amounts of WIN

everyone else = ........
RakuraiTenjin said:
Oh oh, Erestheux also used to burn EVERY flag.

I was trying to remember what to put about your avatar because I remember it having to do with people putting burning flags in their avatar's and you made a funny one to mock the whole situation, finally remembered.
You mean this one?

That was the thing where Sprafa had the burning american flag, and everyone flipped out. I made fun of them. Hoorah! :P
Erestheux said:
The_Monkey posts more than anyone I've ever seen, and has almost doubled my postcount in the month or so that I was gone.

But, but...*thinks a while* stern! :P
So the only thing everyone knows me by is that fact that I'm from Alabama? :|

Is it like some rare thing that a guy from Alabama visits these forums?!?!

I kinda feel special now...
Tr0n said:
So the only thing everyone knows me by is that fact that I'm from Alabama? :|

Is it like some rare thing that a guy from Alabama visits these forums?!?!

I kinda feel special now...
you are also what would be defined as a "FinE azS H0!"... happy now? :laugh:

EDIT: aww im the guy everyone forgets... or dosent notice at all lol :(
Tr0n said:
So the only thing everyone knows me by is that fact that I'm from Alabama? :|

Is it like some rare thing that a guy from Alabama visits these forums?!?!

I kinda feel special now...
Well, you toss the fact around as if you were a steaming hot half-naked chick or something.

zomg im from alabamaz! lolz! here iz a pic of teh alabama!

Or something.

Well...yea I guess. :laugh:

...and yes supreme I am a fine ass ho.
Dude, check it out... that dude's from Alabama.. *chuckles* wasn't there a song that was based on the movie... *chuckles*

CyberSh33p said:
shens: thought he was ritz for a while because of the avatar style

Shens is not a girl.

pr0nking said:
Shens denies our love affair...

pr0nking is a serial liar.

Erestheux said:
Shens used to be The Thing. He also converted my demon-spawn army into borgs and killed me.

haha, win!
Tron is not defined by his home state. He is defined by the fact that whomever makes him angry is denied his sweet lovin'.
Bliink wants to leave a burning bag outside my front door because I wouldn't let her in if she wanted to kill me. I can only assume the bag would be full of feaces...human feaces.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Bliink wants to leave a burning bag outside my front door because I wouldn't let her in if she wanted to kill me. I can only assume the bag would be full of feaces...human feaces.

Farrowlesparrow may soon wake up dead. :p
Bliink may soon wake up with a prime example of male genitalia drawn on her face

I was going to say you'd have "I am The Pink Elephant" written on your face, but I have it on good word that you recently got that tatooed across your forehead.
Yes I think so to.
MarksmanHL2: Is that guy you know, who may just be arrested one day for voyeurism

I didn't really change the theme of the post with my edit :P
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yes I think so to.
MarksmanHL2: Is that guy you know, who may just be arrested one day for voyeurism

I didn't really change the theme of the post with my edit :P

Appreciate that :thumbs: lol
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