Describe your first kiss.

I've never kissed anybody. I hate these threads.
Well, when I was born, my mother kissed me on the cheek. That was my first kiss.
This thread is on the far side of queer
This thread is on the far side of queer

too much ghey in off topic these days.

My first was in an elevator, i actually cant really remember it that well, so long ago.
Decent... my girlfriend gave me a 7/10 just before I broke up with her for cheating on me in 6th grade.

Yeah, how retarded is that... a rating...?

Please, kill this thread for the good of humanity.
First kiss ... was in junior/infants school - Can't remember much. Used to walk round the playground every break time holding hands with this lass, I cant even remember her name. But we used to kiss a lot.

I'm sure I knew her name at the time though.
My first kiss was in school, but the girl pushed me away. I tripped over my chair and fell flat on my ass, everybody was laughing at me. That was great.

I cried quietly when nobody looked
Surprising and unexpected. It was right around this time of year, too. I was in a school play, and before curtain down, as we took our bow for the audience, she kissed me. I stood there sort of flabergasted.

After that we used to kiss everywhere. At breaks and lunch, whenever I'd take her out to dinner, walking her home. One time on a ferry ride from Jack London Square to San Francisco, nobody could find us because we were on the deck, making out under the coat rack.

Kindergarten was awesome.
I was 13, a friend had a sleepover for her birthday and some boys came. My stepmother didn't know about the boys or I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have let me go.

Anyway, so the girl whose birthday it was told me that someone wanted to see me in one of the bedrooms, so I went up and some kid in my class pulled me into a closet. When he kissed me it was really wet and disgusting, and he asked me out for weeks after, and I thought he was gross.

I actually saw a picture of him recently and he's not nearly as nasty now. So well done, kid.
I think probably while playing a game I vaguely remember being called "Kissy Girls" on the playground in kindergarten that basically consisted of me and any other nearby males being chased by the girls, and if we got caught they would kiss us.

I got caught a lot.

My first real kiss was when I was 12 I think, I don't really remember it but it went well. A little sloppy maybe.
I think probably while playing a game I vaguely remember being called "Kissy Girls" on the playground in kindergarten that basically consisted of me and any other nearby males being chased by the girls, and if we got caught they would kiss us.

I got caught a lot.

My first real kiss was when I was 12 I think, I don't really remember it but it went well. A little sloppy maybe.

Oh wow, kiss chase. I remember this game.
My first "real" kiss was traumatic.

On his first attempt, he was polite... he asked if he could kiss me. I laughed. Out loud.

Apparently, this is very bruising to the male ego. I felt badly, but had ruined the moment.

When he finally got up enough nerve to try again, he didn't ask. He should have. He swooped in, all lippy and eyes closed... and I saw some of that stuff that collects at the corners of your mouth. You know what I'm talking about...right? And no, it wasn't THAT. Instantly, I thought rabies (because my mind is a crazy haven for idiocy) and freaked out a bit. I turned my head just enough, and got my cheek tongued. Sexy, huh?

Once I regained my composure and gently thumbed away the debris on his face (with some quasi-romantic motion), 3rd time was the charm. For him. I think he sprained my tongue. And, my TMJ flared up later on. That bastard. I was out of commission for weeks.

I hate first kisses. Too much pressure.
i was 8, i unwrapped its foil, pulled the white piece of paper, and ate it. It was a great first kiss
When I was a kid around 6-8, in a game not too different from what Ennui described. It was quite amusing.
I got all the girls back in the day.

Oh wait, I still do. Bow before my machismo.
I think it was their unplugged album.
I never kissed a girl. But I have tongued a girls asshole.

She was very cold, I had just pulled her out from the storage slabs, when no one was around.... the dead never say "never"....

Hehe, I kid, it was in the back of a car, I was like 15, wasn't that good, didn't know what I was doing.
She was very cold, I had just pulled her out from the storage slabs, when no one was around.... the dead never say "never"....

Hehe, I kid, it was in the back of a car, I was like 15, wasn't that good, didn't know what I was doing.
What? How old are you?? I had you down as being 12 - 14.
Describe your first kiss:

boner and saliva inducing.

Also, massively painful blue balls. Totally worth it.
Zombieturtle's either 17 with a birthday very soon, or 18 with a birthday very recent. I can't remember which.

Anyway, my first kiss happened when I was seventeen. Seventeen. :|

I was at school around 9pm, in the "tech booth" in the very back of the school auditorium, on the second floor balcony. A music night had finished about 20 minutes prior, and I was there with the only girl on the tech crew, taking lights down and cleaning up the booth. I forget exactly what happened, but we ended up in the catwalk thing above the auditorium where all the lights were kept, a good half hour after all the lights were down. She was up against the wall, and I was in front of her. I leaned in, laughed nervously, and whispered, "I have no idea what I'm doing."

She laughed at me, without moving, and said, "That's fine, the guys I dated didn't know either. They still don't." She laughed again, as did I. Then I leaned in and made out with her for half an hour straight.
I don't remember my first kiss at all. :|
What? How old are you?? I had you down as being 12 - 14.

Oh christ, am I really that immature? It's, my one place to not be so formal. Have to please the crowd.

I am 17, soon to be 18 in a few months.
I was 14. It was between two video games actually, in the arcade part of a skate rink. I was on cloud 9, but it turned out he was just trying to make some other girl jealeous :(
I was 14. It was between two video games actually, in the arcade part of a skate rink. I was on cloud 9, but it turned out he was just trying to make some other girl jealeous :(

Oh hi, been there. I was about 14 too.

Boys are STUPID.
I was 14. It was between two video games actually, in the arcade part of a skate rink. I was on cloud 9, but it turned out he was just trying to make some other girl jealeous :(

Man... we used to have a skate rink in Eagle River Alaska... that was the absolute best hangout ever. Everybody from school would go there, and they'd have these overnighters where kids would go and skate and sleep there overnight with sleeping bags and all sorts of stuff... basically bunking down where they want.

They eventually shut that place down though because of drug usage. <sigh> That place was awesome.