Describe your first kiss.

The thought of vagina also makes me feel awesome in mah pants

Actually, I have no idea what you meant there.
Welcome to the gaming Internet! Revel in our 99.5% male demographic! Read with voracious interest as we describe in detail our first kisses and any penile reactions thereof!
Zombieturtle's either 17 with a birthday very soon, or 18 with a birthday very recent. I can't remember which.

Anyway, my first kiss happened when I was seventeen. Seventeen. :|

I was at school around 9pm, in the "tech booth" in the very back of the school auditorium, on the second floor balcony. A music night had finished about 20 minutes prior, and I was there with the only girl on the tech crew, taking lights down and cleaning up the booth. I forget exactly what happened, but we ended up in the catwalk thing above the auditorium where all the lights were kept, a good half hour after all the lights were down. She was up against the wall, and I was in front of her. I leaned in, laughed nervously, and whispered, "I have no idea what I'm doing."

She laughed at me, without moving, and said, "That's fine, the guys I dated didn't know either. They still don't." She laughed again, as did I. Then I leaned in and made out with her for half an hour straight.

Is it funny that my first kiss was the next day? With the same girl?
As I recall, it was pretty damn good.

But I was utterly out of my head at the time, and that particular evening is a blur of booze, groping, vaugely remembered kiss, more booze, more groping and then waking up with a new number stored in my mobile. A girl's number.

At that point I concluded that it had probably been quite a good night.
Your first kiss was while drunk?

That's cheating.
My first kiss was drunk too, it was 2 girls in their knickers and lasted rather a long time D:
I had been at this girls house with a few friends and we were just watching this video tape we just made for one of there classes. Anyway, all of the sudden I get a text message from her telling me that my ass looks great. Anyone eventually she texted me, "You should kiss me infront of everyone". Then after the video finished, I kissed her infront of everyone. I never really went out with this girl, but I did make out with her a few times and got to see her make out with quite a few girls. Rather nice if I say so myself.
Not what this thread is about, but... I lost my virginity yesterday. It kicked ass.
terrible. drunk and tired at a festival, a fat goth banshee seizes the day.. best ones are when it releases all kinds of tension drawn out by immense attraction. on the previous page discussion, i just have to add how awesome vagina is. i can just sit and think about how awesome it is. for a dangerously long time. it's funny. inviting. a little weird. but just really, really awesome.
New Year's Eve 2004/5 (cant really remember the year). Yeah i was a late bloomer but i couldnt care less, screw people that make a big deal over it.

Wasnt drunk really, we knew we both were mad about each other due to the..hmm..probably 3 or 4 months of flirting and phonecalls almost every night.

Just felt right when the clock hit 12 and everyone was cheering etc, we hugged each other and slowly pulled away, and i just leant in and kissed her. About 5 seconds later it went to tongues lol (was surprised when SHE went for tongues before i did), not like porn but it was..'passionate'.

Ended up in the same bed, didnt take advantage, spent about 7 months with her, then let her go as she went to Uni and i retook year 12.
My real first tounge kiss came when I was 14. It was the first time I drank alcohol, so got really drunk and this girl walked over and kisssed me. I don't know what her name was, nor do I remember how it felt, except that it was wet.
I think my first one was in the cloakroom not far from my class with my little "girlfriend" when I was 11 at the end of primary school, it wasn't a peck either, it didn't involve tongues but it was still pretty full on. 2-3 minutes long perhaps?. I dunno why we did it TBH, and I don't remember feeling especially "grinny" from it, and TBH at that time I was still like "oh, girls, yeah..okay" that is to say, the little horn-dog in me hadn't awoken yet. We lost contact after we went to different secondary schools. Wish I had kept in contact, she mighta turned out really hot...Oh well.

Perhaps it was for the best, we had a pretend wedding in primary school in the grass playing field out back. really embarrassing now I think of it.

My first real kiss was on my living room sofa with Saori.

I can't remember exactly got it got there, all I know was that it was great, she was on top of me, it was tongues and everything, I had a boner, at the time I thought i may have got away with it, but she later told me she felt that huge stiffy, no surprise really she was like, on top of me and all.

But it lasted a while and she remained fairly passionate, near the end I remember feeling like "okay...its been fun but...I kinda wanna stop doing this now" or at least take a break from it.

So my first real tongue wrestling match was great, even if it did go on a bit longer then was necessary.

I banged her two nights after that kiss. Good times. I basically did allot of firsts with her, in fact all of them. We were both in love so it made it all the much more better. Personally I am glad I got to do all my firsts with someone I cared for, made it all the much better.

We were 18.


My first kiss was drunk too, it was 2 girls in their knickers and lasted rather a long time D:

:D Lucky bugger you, way to go!. Just imagining that makes me grin, I can only assume thats the kind of memory that keeps you warm on long cold lonely nights ey?. *nudge* eeeey?. :cheese:
I was about 13 and it was after gym class. He was very tender and kind - i'll never forget my old gym teacher. Would have been better without the stubble, though.
I was about 13 and it was after gym class. He was very tender and kind - i'll never forget my old gym teacher. Would have been better without the stubble, though.





Hes read this post and is coming.
It sucked . . . BAD, and I mean REALLY bad. Supposedly I was like the 6th guy she's kissed & supposedly guys told her she was a very good and unique kisser.

Anyway, we're laying in her bed (fully clothed) just cuddling and I lean over her and kiss her. It was so unbelievably boring as my face got covered in slobber . . . and there was this strange stinging sensation, like she needed to find a new lip-gloss.

At first I thought it was me, because I had never kissed before. I kept kissing her because I was in love, wanted to get better, I wanted to get better, try things, etc. I learn fast and after about 30 minutes or so she was tugging on my clothes, holding me tight, and making noises that . . . well, her friends in the other room thought we were loosing our virginity.

But still I was soooooooo bored, I would say bored stiff, except stiff in a misleading word. I mean bored to the point I was wondering if kissing anyone was fun at all & why I had ever been hyped up about it ever.

EDIT: NO, I'm not gay. It's just that I've been 100x more turned on by other girls giving me hugs than my ex's kiss, lol.
Kissing is ace, specially the first proper kiss with a new partner. Most lasses love it when you kiss their neck too,
whilst moving your hand slowly over their body in the direction of their inner thigh.
Man... I'm so ashamed of myself. I have never kissed a girl or had sex or anything. Yet I'm so inundated with knowledge of the human anatomy of both males and females, especially sexually. I can cybersex with the best of them, and I've been told on numerous occasions that I should make an attempt at writing erotica novels. One of my past friends, being a minor erotica novelist herself indicated the same because of my writing talents when it comes to inciting arousal.

I can't tell you how much it sucks being that intimate and knowledgeable about sexual interaction, and yet never even having had my lips come in contact with another person.

Man... I'm so ashamed of myself. I have never kissed a girl or had sex or anything. Yet I'm so inundated with knowledge of the human anatomy of both males and females, especially sexually. I can cybersex with the best of them, and I've been told on numerous occasions that I should make an attempt at writing erotica novels. One of my past friends, being a minor erotica novelist herself indicated the same because of my writing talents when it comes to inciting arousal.

I can't tell you how much it sucks being that intimate and knowledgeable about sexual interaction, and yet never even having had my lips come in contact with another person.

Lean forward and whisper very tenderly in her ear that you can guarantee her at least one orgasm. It works every time.
Man... I'm so ashamed of myself. I have never kissed a girl or had sex or anything. Yet I'm so inundated with knowledge of the human anatomy of both males and females, especially sexually. I can cybersex with the best of them, and I've been told on numerous occasions that I should make an attempt at writing erotica novels. One of my past friends, being a minor erotica novelist herself indicated the same because of my writing talents when it comes to inciting arousal.

I can't tell you how much it sucks being that intimate and knowledgeable about sexual interaction, and yet never even having had my lips come in contact with another person.


Well then do it.
But still I was soooooooo bored, I would say bored stiff, except stiff in a misleading word. I mean bored to the point I was wondering if kissing anyone was fun at all & why I had ever been hyped up about it ever.

EDIT: NO, I'm not gay. It's just that I've been 100x more turned on by other girls giving me hugs than my ex's kiss, lol.

I'm sure.... :imu:

Man... I'm so ashamed of myself. I have never kissed a girl or had sex or anything. Yet I'm so inundated with knowledge of the human anatomy of both males and females, especially sexually. I can cybersex with the best of them, and I've been told on numerous occasions that I should make an attempt at writing erotica novels. One of my past friends, being a minor erotica novelist herself indicated the same because of my writing talents when it comes to inciting arousal.

I can't tell you how much it sucks being that intimate and knowledgeable about sexual interaction, and yet never even having had my lips come in contact with another person.

Seriously man, unless you've done it you know jack shit.

Just go out and pull a bird and have a good time.

Lean forward and whisper very tenderly in her ear that you can guarantee her at least one orgasm. It works every time.

I'll have to remember that one for myself. :cheese:

Ho ho ho! Just do it!

Why didn't I think of that in all these twelve years I've been interested in girls?

Because your too busy wallowing in your self defeatism and supporting your vicious cycle of confidence killing phobia towards the whole act of genuine intimacy with a another human being in a situation that you consider makes you as vulnerable emotionally and physically as you believe it can get and that you have put the whole notion on such a pedestal that you've come to use your lack of sexual experience as a way to define yourself and you fear the consequences of not only potential rejection and harsh criticism, but moreso losing that feature of your life and personality?.

In my opinion, you claim to be all knowledgeable of sex without having had any, is just more of a sign that your not, how can you know?.

It is an experience, not just a subject.
Seriously man, unless you've done it you know jack shit.

That's not true at all. You don't have to have sex to know how to do it. I mean sure, it'd be a little bit awkward the first time or couple of times orienting my body, but that's not all there is to sex. Anybody can **** a woman and think that's all there is to it. But it's knowledge that lets you know the various ways to pleasure a woman. Sex isn't just penetration for ****s sake. There's a lot involved, and stuff like foreplay is a huge factor in the arousal of a woman. You don't have to actually do it to know the things that many women find pleasurable. In fact, even doing it you'd still know jack shit, because you only have indicators on how you feel, how aroused you are. Everything else is left to the woman to either tell you or keep to herself.

In my opinion, you claim to be all knowledgeable of sex without having had any, is just more of a sign that your not, how can you know?.

It is an experience, not just a subject.

I'm not all knowledgeable, far from it. There's always more stuff I can learn that can be applied to sexual encounters. Sex is not just an experience, it's a subject that has spawned countless manuals over the course of time on the best ways to pleasure a woman, various ways to spice it up and more. If sex was just an experience, there wouldn't be revered books out there on subjects like the Kama Sutra and others.

You go around ****ing women guided only by your dick and I'll go around ****ing women guided by my penis(and so many other parts of my body) and a wealth of knowledge about how the female body reacts to stimuli, and we'll see which one leaves them more satisfied.

You could have sex a million ****ing times and still be a lousy lover, because you don't know jack shit about what the woman wants. You sound like that kind of guy too with the way you talk. Knowledge is everything.
I was summoned to this thread by the word "penetration;" what's going on? What did I miss?
You could have sex a million ****ing times and still be a lousy lover, because you don't know jack shit about what the woman wants. You sound like that kind of guy too with the way you talk. Knowledge is everything.


Seriously though gentlemen, listen to the man. I bet Raziaar's first time is going to be super awesome. For her anyway!