Describe your first kiss.

Don't worry ma'am, I'm from teh internetz!

No seriously, do we really need to discuss this? It's pointless.
17 and nothing to speak of yet D=

Not really bothered though.
drinking with 2 friends. one had to use the washroom while me and miss A chatted. she dared me to eat a lemon slice without making a face. I did. and asked what I got, she told me to eat another one so I did and bam! as soon as I swallowed we were kissing.
You could have sex a million ****ing times and still be a lousy lover, because you don't know jack shit about what the woman wants. You sound like that kind of guy too with the way you talk. Knowledge is everything.

Bingo. Raziaar's got the right idea, it definately is something that can be trained for.

-Angry Lawyer
If you want it to happen more than once you better care what she thinks. Make her happy and she'll always come back for more.

It was pretty sad with my first GF, I kept getting better, she did not. It got to the point I could give almost give her an orgasm just from kissing her lips . . . when I moved to the neck (or body) it wasn't "almost." For me I didn't get much of a sensation at all. Lets just say don't wait till you're REALLLLLY sucked into a relationship before the first kiss.

Lets just say I'm glad that one's long over.
Describing my first kiss would be quite silly as I probably wouldn't be able to give a very accurate description to you. Needless to say, I was 10, and the experience wasn't particularly exciting. No fireworks, no lights... it felt more like a chore, like something you have to do with your girlfriend. Or at least, that's how I remember it. But then, thinking about it, I recall feeling a weird feeling, but being 10, I really didn't understand. That was my first proper kiss, as in, with tongues and everything. It was very sloppy, and both of us wiped our mouths afterwards; in a way attempting to hide it from each other. The tongues felt stiff and wet and really gross.. so not a particularly exciting experience.

My next kiss was 6 years later with this wonderful girl who I went out with for 22 months. Now that was something. It was soft, and nice, and anything you could really ask for in a kiss. It took like a week to actually get to tongues, because I was quite nervous about it after the last encounter. There weren't any fireworks. Not explosive fireworks, but I can definitely tell you it was a very pleasurable experience, and everytime I think about her lips, and the possibility of another kiss...
. It got to the point I could give almost give her an orgasm just from kissing her lips . . . when I moved to the kneck (or body) it wasn't "almost."

Maybe she was faking it. I wish I could have an orgasm via my neck.
Knowing the right thing to do and doing the right thing are very separate struggles. And while someone may be a terrible lover, at least they ARE loving and learning, as opposed to our mooing friend here, who, apparently, knows everything about sex despite not having even kissed a girl.

Porn != real sex

PROTIP - Doing the right things with your dick isn't worth writing home about; it's about making the night both of yours, being patient and funny, and loving the person you're with as she loves you. You will be bad at sex your first time. No amount of book reading or simulation will make a pilot an Ace on his first combat run.

Point is, if you don't love her, you'll make about as much of an impact in her life as a butterflies wings have on the weather.
He kind of caught the left side of my chin and then jumped back and said, "Oh, God, I missed!"
Porn != real sex

Porn? LOL. Porn has never been a factor. You can't learn shit from porn, since most of it is so contrived. And books have only been a minor influence on me.

And no, I don't know everything about sex. But my knowledge on the subject has been an ongoing accumulating process over the past eight years.

I'm not even going to begin to describe how I learned what I know and detailing it, because it's not worth it when talking to a person who doesn't appreciate what benefits good knowledge can have.

I don't doubt the first time will be awkward(I already said so previously). I would never profess someone who 'knows' so much would be a love god his first time. But it would certainly be easier in translation than someone who comes from an immature mindset on sex without any knowledge beforehand. Not to mention more smoothly stepping up to different things and exploring more readily than being awkward and unsure about all the many various facets of sex.

No amount of book reading or simulation will make a pilot an Ace on his first combat run.

Of course not, as I said. But your analogy is a little flawed. It would be more like the difference between a pilot on his first flight with no previous flight experience other than how to move the stick around, compared to one who is well versed on all the in flight controls, instrumentation and the theories behind the mechanics of flight and all that good stuff. Sure, it's his first time in the cockpit and he's going to be nervous and make mistakes, and some things aren't going to be quite as easy as he thought, but he has a much stronger grasp of things than his aforementioned counterpart.
Raziaar is very right. Having a vague idea of which buttons to press (even though everyone's got a slightly different key config) really does mean the difference between ballsing it up and at least having a passable attempt.

-Angry Lawyer
tbh i'm almost 30 and it's still a bloody mystery to me down there - what seems to work well one night doesn't the next. It's like women have a rubix cube in their knickers and the planets have to be aligned in a certain position for you to get it just right.

I make up for my lack understanding with blind enthusiasm! Here comes the love train!
tbh i'm almost 30 and it's still a bloody mystery to me down there - what seems to work well one night doesn't the next. It's like women have a rubix cube in their knickers and the planets have to be aligned in a certain position for you to get it just right.

I make up for my lack understanding with blind enthusiasm! Here comes the love train!

Well, unlike men, women are far more complex when it comes to arousal. All sorts of complex emotional and mental stuff going on under the hood that 'usually' accounts for whether a woman will be aroused and in the mood to be satisfied. Things have to click differently with them and fall into place, whereas with us it's just whether we're rubbed or catch a breeze. lol

Of course there can also be so many more factors involved. It's dependent on the woman really I'd imagine, and what's going on with her. Could be any number of things.

I'm not going to pretend to be a love doctor though, because I'm not.

Damn I'm tired. Off to bed with me. Been up all night and day without any sleep.
ITT: Raziaar tries to make himself feel better about never having touched a woman.
ITT: Raziaar tries to make himself feel better about never having touched a woman.

<shrugs> I haven't touched a woman. I've already said that. It's not like you saying that makes me feel extra bad.

My knowledge doesn't change the fact that I feel bad about it.

It's just the situation I'm in, that's all. A sucky one.

Anyways. I have nothing further to add to this thread. I've already said the only things I can say.
I do believe Raziaar is on the right track. What he's suggesting has worked damn well for me.
My first kiss? Well, this one time at chorus camp...

Seriously, I was at a 2 week music camp in Princeton, with all the unsupervised cabin fever implied. My poor little emotionally confused 16 year old self wasn't making life any easier while there. But I did end up getting sweet on this especially kind, gentle mezzo-soprano.

So, after the big, camp ending performance, I manage to catch her alone at the venue. Basically, it was a staircase in the back area of the Princeton University Chapel. Meaning it had warm colors, filigreed railings and walls, a polished dark wood flooring, and was a very small space. I basically stop her, lean in, and give her a prolonged kiss. Then she adds tongue, which honestly shocked me because I actually wasn't aware tongue action took place in kisses. But damn that one of the more pleasant surprises in my life. Then, when we finished up, she told me "I've been waiting for you to do that".

Damn, that was nice. Rather better than my first sexual encounter, certainly.
No amount of book reading or simulation will make a pilot an Ace on his first combat run.
When I first read that in steam chat, I swore that it was aimed at me. Damned analogies!
At a mate's birthday party. My girlfriend at the time was his sister's best friend and she also turned up at the party. Oddly enough, this was our first meeting since officially deciding to date. For whatever reason I ended up getting smashed and at one point she walks up to me - "So, wanna hook up?" Me: "Okay". I thought it was funny because of how straight forward the hook-up turned out, nothing like how I planned. I was stoked for the next few days. lol
Awkward. I didn't really like kissing until I got into the swing of it, the first few weren't really what I was expecting.
That's not true at all. You don't have to have sex to know how to do it. I mean sure, it'd be a little bit awkward the first time or couple of times orienting my body, but that's not all there is to sex. Anybody can **** a woman and think that's all there is to it. But it's knowledge that lets you know the various ways to pleasure a woman. Sex isn't just penetration for ****s sake. There's a lot involved, and stuff like foreplay is a huge factor in the arousal of a woman. You don't have to actually do it to know the things that many women find pleasurable. In fact, even doing it you'd still know jack shit, because you only have indicators on how you feel, how aroused you are. Everything else is left to the woman to either tell you or keep to herself.

Sooo, how many women have you slept with?.

I'm not all knowledgeable, far from it. There's always more stuff I can learn that can be applied to sexual encounters. Sex is not just an experience, it's a subject that has spawned countless manuals over the course of time on the best ways to pleasure a woman, various ways to spice it up and more. If sex was just an experience, there wouldn't be revered books out there on subjects like the Kama Sutra and others.

You go around ****ing women guided only by your dick and I'll go around ****ing women guided by my penis(and so many other parts of my body) and a wealth of knowledge about how the female body reacts to stimuli, and we'll see which one leaves them more satisfied.

You could have sex a million ****ing times and still be a lousy lover, because you don't know jack shit about what the woman wants. You sound like that kind of guy too with the way you talk. Knowledge is everything.

And how many have you slept with again?.

Not to degrade your position because, hey, pleasuring your partner is something everyone should aspire to, and many achieve this, but...

Your sheer expertize on the subject (assuming you don't just croak it, or just find out your a shit lover and women in fact have very unique individual turn ons and needs and wants in a lover) means that it is CRIMINAL that you are denying women everywhere of your honed art of orgasminism!.

You could cite me the Karma Sutra from cover to cover, but knowing things and applying them are different matters.

Are you not bothered at all that your taking the time to declare to me how you know all this and are all knowledge about how the fine arts of making a woman moan instead of you know, blessing a lucky woman with the love, affection, and expertise you purport to have?.

Damn I'm tired. Off to bed with me. Been up all night and day without any sleep.

Just wait until your feeling like that, yet oddly uplifted with a nice wide smile attached to your face.

FFS man, get out there, partake of the fruit!, drink your fill!. :afro: Plus no book can tell you how to make love, and love making is just the best shit ever. *eyes stare off into the distant hazy past of nights and days doing what 20 somethings, young and smitten, do best.....[cencored]*

tbh i'm almost 30 and it's still a bloody mystery to me down there - what seems to work well one night doesn't the next. It's like women have a rubix cube in their knickers and the planets have to be aligned in a certain position for you to get it just right.

I make up for my lack understanding with blind enthusiasm! Here comes the love train!

Amen. You get a cookie for making me laugh. Its just a plain one though because I got a sore throat and laughing aggravates it.
Im 19 next month and have never kissed a women, and I couldn't care less, not that an socially incapable, dont have the courage or know how, or that im an ugly bastard (in fact im sure Im well fancied) Im either at uni, or concentrating on my music, and if im at a club, im either too wasted or too into the rave thats going on to think about women.

Its spells doom because believe me, its INCREDIBLY rare for a girl to ask a guy out, around here in anyway, but Im only gonna ask a girl out when I actually PROPERLY like that girl, not just thinks she is hot or is pretty, need to know the person and love her personality too, like to know what Im getting into.

But this is no joke, out of all the girls I have met and become friends with, none have really appealed to me that much, most are the same to me. I aint gonna ask a girl out just for the hell of it.
First proper one was in a cinema.

1 minute of fun :naughty:
Well, he's still right. He hasn't applied it, but he has the right idea.
I never said he wasn't.

I just think it's funny that he's basically saying, "Even though I've never come close to being with a woman, if the situation ever arises, I will be more than prepared to give her copious amounts of pleasure, due to the extensive research I have conducted in this area over the last eight years!"