(Design) Permanent Magnet Motor.

Brian Damage said:
I'm sure I read somewhere that type two superconductors (or maybe it was type one) block out magnetic fields... hence the meissener effect.

And doesn't the second law of thermodynamics state that it's impossible to create or destroy energy, or something like that? Seems to me that Zero Point machines aren't creating it, they're taking it from somewhere else, like a solar cell...

[EDIT]: Hmmm... is it possible to make a biased magnet? One with a field that is stronger one way than the other?

im not sure weither its possible , but I know Nylon is a natural inhibitor, prevents the full strength of a magnet imacting on another, if a sheet is placed between them.

I posted it before but just incase you missed it , in the middle of the page is a simulation of the Perendev motor's configuration.

and for Fenric's viewing pleasure, Brown's Gas, which reduces and neutralises the toxicity of radioactive waste

Looks like you've thought of practically everything, Clarky. Good luck to you. I personally have an invention that I'm working on with my dad (Nothing to do with perpetual motion, mind - I'm not that clever) And I think that people who invent things for the good of makind will become great... somehow...

Anyway. I really hope that stuff like this pulls through. Good luck to you and stuff.
Some magical form of 'free energy' is not the way to a better future. A better future lies with a non-self-centered economy, and a unification of nations. We have the technology to power everyones home from solar or wind, it's just too expensive in a free market economy. We need more of a production oriented economy.

Clarky, read this book. It may or may not be true that he communicated with aliens, but either way the ideas in this book are astounding. If you really want to dig out of our ditch, I highly recommend you read it.
That was a good read, LittleB. Weird though, considering he practically told the reader not to "totally" believe his story. Anyway whatever will be, will be.
dekstar said:
That was a good read, LittleB. Weird though, considering he practically told the reader not to "totally" believe his story. Anyway whatever will be, will be.
You read the whole book already??
nice try clarky, but... no

working on the principle of a japanese maglev monorail it WOULD be possible to create a circular 'track' like your disk idea and have an engine run around it until the driver blew chunks and had to stop. However, as with ALL perpetual motion theories since the middle ages the designer forgets one basic and very important thing - the power required to drive the device must be greater than the resulting force. And it just ain't possible to magic up that greater power from nowhere and nothing. An equivalent force is all that people have been able to muster since old galileo (or was it davinci?) came up with the old gravity engine concept, and this is what you would have in your design - a motion stalemate.

Alchemy anyone? :D
CR0M said:
nice try clarky, but... no

working on the principle of a japanese maglev monorail it WOULD be possible to create a circular 'track' like your disk idea and have an engine run around it until the driver blew chunks and had to stop. However, as with ALL perpetual motion theories since the middle ages the designer forgets one basic and very important thing - the power required to drive the device must be greater than the resulting force. And it just ain't possible to magic up that greater power from nowhere and nothing. An equivalent force is all that people have been able to muster since old galileo (or was it davinci?) came up with the old gravity engine concept, and this is what you would have in your design - a motion stalemate.

Alchemy anyone? :D

you really havnt read through all the links ive posted atall,, or have a clue about how powerful neodynium magnets are. Or even read about magnetic shielding techniques, and the highly permiable magnetic materials used to allow controlled shielding, and focusing of the magnetic fields flux.

what you just uttered is past science, prenconceptual, ill proven nonsense that came from the mind of a scientist, looking through the limited sense of sight, we are all obviously with the same limitation's, but we dont have to be ignorant in our own senses,(the only thing any New scientist would agree on, is the that energy cannot be either created or destroyed)

if we arnt ignorant in our sense of sight and existance, it will allow us to preconceptualise about what lies beyond the subatomic, and what gives rise to manifestations such as the electron and atom,, to search beyond.
sorry for the double post, but I missed the edit time :P

this addresses the heart of the problem,

And it just ain't possible to magic up that greater power from nowhere and nothing

funny because the electron seemingly has intrinsic perpetual motion, it magic's up that energy it requires, which seemingly comes from nowhere, the very thing that makes our visible world possible gets its manifested energy from 'nowhere', that cant be right surely? (other questions arise, like, what gives it its physical presence, that also goes for the atom, what gives it its stability in this world, without it, it 'wouldnt be',, it would cease to exist,.)

so our visible world essentially seems to come from 'nowhere' ,.. but, only to the man who is ignorant in his own senses, sees it this way, for he cannot see past the limitation's in realisation that it must be getting its energy from somewhere.


watch the video.. right middle of the page. Prototype II
Calm down Einstein, Hoyven Glaven...

...and lose that gargantuan chip on your shoulder. If you believe you can make enough electricity from your idea to make it worthwhile then good luck to you, but I stand by my belief that you've got more hope of making diamonds from dogshit.

What 3D package do you use btw?
Woah. Another topic brought back from the dead. From a newbie as well! Woah...!

The topic's been so dead, so long, I don't think I was even here! :o
This thread was cool. I love how clarky has always maintained his enthusiasm for this despite the sort of clarky is crazy club that sprung up. Fascinating stuff.
lol, yeah. Although those are the people who tend to have next to no idea about what I'm talking about. You see I see it this way, we are all indoctrinated into this world, no matter how much of a free thinker we like to think we are we are brainwashed about our reality to a certain degree to fit within the boundaries of obediant society.

Magnets can be put to useful work, and people have developed machines that use permanent magnets, it's just unacceptable to present society and the status quo for mainly economic reasons. Which is why whenever you get something like this..


You will always get the pro modern establishment apologists with **** all knowledge about particle physics and magnetisim screaming perpetual motion or something, When it's not perpetual motion atall. They eventually demagnetise and wear out, just because the machine has the ability to operate beyond a lifetime, does not make it perpetual motion.
That is no more a perpetual motion machine than a pendulum is (that's basically what that thing is, an arrangement of pendulums that are helping a magnetic ball around rather than a clock apparatus).

I don't like pouring cold water on honest enthusiasm, but you will not succeed at building a perpetual motion device that works on a closed system. Energy is naturally lost through motion and unless energy is constantly brought into a system from an outside source, it will eventually lose kinetic motion and stop. The loss of energy is accelerated if you're trying to draw energy from it.

Until, of course, Dr. Kleiner creates the zero-point energy manipulator. He will still fail at created a decent flashlight, however.
Except that machine in question has been going for months according to the inventor, and the pendulum motion being used is merely a timing mechanisim to put the magnets into the correct position given the position of the ball, to allow the magnets to pull the ball along freely.

The input energy that creates the balls motion in this system is coming from the permanent magents, or to be more technical, the electron spin that creates the magnetic field.

It's the same in standard circuit physics, we fail to realise that the true energy source that creates current in a coil/circuit is the poynting flow component induced by the magnetic field, not the oil/human input that powers the shaft that rotates them.

But thanks for ignoring my point anyway, which was essentially the title is wrong. I never pointed out it was perpetual but it never ceases to amaze how people will focus on the fallacy of perpetual motion as soon as they see the word. Permanent magnets eventually demagnetise, even though a neodynium permanent magnets life span is massive. Even under stress they degrade so slowly your grand childrens grand children will most likely still beable to use them.
The creator admits himself that it 'winds down' after a few days at the longest.

And I'm not ignoring your point - I'm pointing out that the reason it winds down is not because the magnets demagnetize, it's because the system loses energy over time, as it is impossible for a system to generate more energy than it consumes.

And, you'll be hard pressed to generate an electric current without the 'human input' rotation of the coil.

As far as I can tell, without inspecting the device firsthand, is that all the pendulums/magnets/etc focus all the otherwise wasted energy in the system in a functional way to assist the ball in its rotation, which makes for a very efficient ball-spinning machine, but it most certainly will not spin forever and it is not 'powered' by magnets. The 'power' comes from pendulums and inertial energy, set in motion at the beginning of the process, and cleverly conserved for an admitted impressive time. Pendulums are great for slowly releasing an initial input of energy over time.