Desktop posting time!!!!!!!!!


Made the pic myself.
Geo: Wrong background for the album. (Think.)

And, holy **** Veg...
heres mine
wouldn't mind having a dual screen picture desktop, but can never get it to work right. always displays on both screens instead of stretching.


  • desktop.JPG
    68.7 KB · Views: 226

Hawt desktop on right, left monitor was my 3D project that i forgot to minimize when I took the screen cap. And yes... My left monitor is at a lower resolution than the right. Its a crap crt that is hard to read at high resolutions
After looking at your playlist LePob, you are indeed a person of taste :D :cheers::cheers:
this is mine... its on my laptop, ill post the one on my desktop when i can be bothered to get off the sofa and move!

Rubbish image quality, photoshop is broken so I have to use paint to save images. :(
That's a pretty awesome desktop setup you have there. Makes it feel like a vacation.
Jangle, do you know where you got that image? That's really nice.
Jangle, where'd you get the music player widget? I need one that my keyboard shortcuts can use so when I'm in a game I just advance tracks and whatnot without alt-tabbing.

Jangle, do you know where you got that image? That's really nice. :D

AmishSlayer said:
Jangle, where'd you get the music player widget? I need one that my keyboard shortcuts can use so when I'm in a game I just advance tracks and whatnot without alt-tabbing.

I think you need DesktopX for it to work. I'm not really sure, it might work without.
Is that Sibelius 4 I see Jangle?

What do you use it for? (as in, what genre of writing?)
Your wallpaper is... Confusingly humourous, Badger.
Your wallpaper is... Confusingly humourous, Badger.


It's called 'Adventures in flying solo' by an artist who I always forget the name of, I used to have another image of his..

Was CCTV cameras last time, I love his vectorised style!