details about the glock 20, 10mm


Jul 18, 2003
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As some of you probably remember I have posted the glock20, 10 mm here. NOw I have arranged a section devoted to the glock at my website. Just click on and look under portfolio. Here you can read about the project, download movies etc. If you want to you can also add your comments if you click on the contact tab... Hope you find it interesting.
Cybernoid said:
You bought a handgun just to make a model of it?

Hehe, in America you could probably do that. In Norway that's illegal .You'll need papers :) I have contacts ;)
Damn, that looks really awesome man. Stupid question, but, oh well. Polycount?
with EVERYTHING SMOOTHED AND SELECTED (all the inner parts, two bullets in the mag)---42.439 faces. The model is not optimised, should be able to half the count.
First of all, i want to say that the model is amazeing, and the rigging is awesome, i watched the video. But i want to ask you a question about how the gun works. Ok, in a lot of games, when the player reloads any kind of pistol, he usually just lets the empty magazine fall out, without touching it. How do you do this, is there a button you hold down for it to come out, is it even possible to get the magazine out without physically pulling it out? Thanks.
Epyon said:
First of all, i want to say that the model is amazeing, and the rigging is awesome, i watched the video. But i want to ask you a question about how the gun works. Ok, in a lot of games, when the player reloads any kind of pistol, he usually just lets the empty magazine fall out, without touching it. How do you do this, is there a button you hold down for it to come out, is it even possible to get the magazine out without physically pulling it out? Thanks.
there's a button thingy


  • glockfront.jpg
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ummm no actually it's not. that's called the clip/magazine release, the slide release is right below the slide.
Xstacy said:
ummm no actually it's not. that's called the clip/magazine release, the slide release is right below the slide.

Correct, you can see me using this at the end of the riggVideo. The clip release is A LOT easier to use on the glock than on the USP, What were HK thinking? Reaching it is a pain:) Glad you liked it.
oh yeah it's an awsome model. *sigh* only wish I could model.
Good work mate!
Eller skal jeg heller si bra jobba? Sinnsykt bra modell. Fortsett sånn.

It's always nice to meet a fellow norwegian on the forums.
Xstacy: You probably can, just need some practice. Haven't seen anything you have done, have you done any models?

Echte|ioN: Thx, yup always nice to meet a fellow norwegian. We aren't that big in a worldscale, but we pop out here and there:)
Well I tryed it using my friends but I can't go over there on a daily basis. I think he has Lightwave not really sure though. I was trying to make an M16 but it didn't come out so well :( BTW is that a models for CS:S or for a mod you're making?
stO|lve: B-gjengen, aldri i livet ffs!!
Xstacy: Well, continue going over there ;) The model is to be included for a modeling reel I'm planning on releasing early january. It will include the g3a3 and mp5a3 + a subway model... Just don't understand when I'm going to be able to do all this shit. The g3 and mp5 are already modeled, but the subway remains...
lol, I will. I see well when you get it finished send me a PM and I'll give you my e-mail. Hey does the MP5 have a full stock like this one? The mp5 is my second fav weapon so keep me posted on your progress lol. :D
I have noticed that the mp5 needs more work before I can post it on my site, several modelingissues and rerender it. But here's a preview.
Because of the actual gun itself from the outside the model doesn't look very exciting, but the inside, phwoah man that is the best thing i seen for a gun model.

Great work, i cant wait to see your other gun models.

So its A gjengen then? Or just some random guys? :D
Let me see the G3A3 (AG3 eller G3A3? :p)
ItchyFish: I have to dissapoint you then, because the other models are not modeled inside :(
st0|ve: Guess you'll never know ;) The g3 is on my other comp. so I have to get my hands to work and flip the files over to my new one.
st0|ve: A gang member never reveals his true identity.

Mikademius: That mp5 looks sexy. You got some real skills dude. I hope to see more models from you in the future.
st0lve said:
So its A gjengen then? Or just some random guys? :D
Let me see the G3A3 (AG3 eller G3A3? :p)
BTW: It's real name is g3a3, norwegian army calls it automatgevær3, therefore AG3 ;)
Mikademius said:
BTW: It's real name is g3a3, norwegian army calls it automatgevær3, therefore AG3 ;)
Actually they made their own version as HKs G3A3, but Norway (Kongsberg Våpen Fabrikk) got the prints so that they cloud make their own version (its 99,8% the same)..
Mikademius said:
ItchyFish: I have to dissapoint you then, because the other models are not modeled inside :(
st0|ve: Guess you'll never know ;) The g3 is on my other comp. so I have to get my hands to work and flip the files over to my new one.

NoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO . . . Well at least they look sexxeh :p.

Ecthe|ioN:You will see more models from me in the future. Hopefully you'll be busy playing HL2, but...
Recoil:I guess you're right, I didn't have any top, front, bottom. back refs when I created the mp5, only side :(Tried to compensate with the flash eliminator and the flashlight, but I guess it's not a 100% :(
stO|ve:Didn't know that. If Kongsberg Våpen Fabrikk still exist maybe I should get my hands on those drawings so I can fix my AG3. Even though I can get as many photos as I like, the prints are always better.btw, where does the 0,2% go :p
TaBzOr:hehe, Takker.
ItchyFish:All my future models execpt those two will probably have even higher ammount of details, if I can get the referencematerial.
I guess you're right, I didn't have any top, front, bottom. back refs when I created the mp5, only side Tried to compensate with the flash eliminator and the flashlight, but I guess it's not a 100%

I can make some pictures of mine, if you want :) in two weeks or so I'd have the time to
That would be nice. If you could pack 30-40 images in a rar or something, I'd be grateful. You don't have to rush it :) I won't have time to fix it in a month or so anyways.
What programs, and techniques are you using foir your models Mika?

ItchyFish said:
What programs, and techniques are you using foir your models Mika?

I use maya for everything I model or animate. The tecnique used for modeling the glock was really straight forward. I treated my photos in Photoshop to get front, side, top and back alligned. Then in maya I set up four planes and assign a lampert shader with the image on.

Then it's easy to do. I used boxmodeling for most of this, but also some edgemodeling where it was suited. I modeled it part by part and put it together later on. When I create parts that consists of two very different parts I create these seperatly and then connect the meshes to weld the vertices I allign up.
thats... amazing, i mean i just started modelling and suck, so my comments aren't maybe the most usefull comments, but omg..

and it's nice to see the Glock is such a loved weapon, as it's made in my country ^^
rotzbua: God bless Austria for creating such beautyful things. Would be better if it couldn't kill though...

I managed to drag the g3a3 over to this comp so I will try to get a clayrender up this week...
Actually i guess the internals of a Steyr Aug are probably not all that complicated, what would be cool tho Mika is if you do actually make each part like a real Aug, shows the different barrel type, which you could actually change for another barrel etc, i think that would be pretty cool to make, so you'd actually have a model where you could change say a 14 inch barrel for a 18 inch one within the program. Just an idea.


ps, gimme that dam g3a3 model asap :p
I don't understand why people are so interested in weapons we've all seen so many times in CS, rainbow six etc. etc. Well, rainbow six has a lot of nifty models, but anyways... I don't see how I could get the time to model the Steyr between all the other things I'm supposed to do. I animate 8+ hours a day at work and when I get home I need some time without maya. Then maybe I fire it up at night. Even if I did start modeling the steyr, I'd need to get in touch with someone who actually has the rifle avaliable for reference. The g3 is on it's way ;)