Deus ex 3 new trailer (also delayed till early 2011)

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Bahh, I wont be able to download these videos until next week.

Do they mention anything about the third person wallcover and take downs being able to be turned off? If I recall they said third person crap is totally optional.
This is what I last heard. Nothing is said in the video about it though.

The design has been updated to utilise a cover system should you choose to engage it. As the game is first person, it is only if you press a key when up against a wall that the view changes to third person perspective. As soon as you move away from the wall, the game returns to first person. You don't have to engage the cover system if you don't want to. You can just easily walk up to that same wall in first person and never see the third person cover.

But if you watch the videos, it seems the cover system is a big element in the stealth gameplay. I'm curious as to how well it will work if you're crouching behind a barricade versus actually pinned to it.
Yeah, wondering the same thing. Just found a streaming link of the gameplay. I have mixed feelings.

I think the social and exploration aspect is dead on, but character animations are awkward.
In terms of combat, I am actually pleased under the condition that taketowns are avoidable. I was okay with a few take downs, until he jumped through the window and did some retarded power surge thing and took out four guys.

Oh, and also, HATE 3rd person ladder climbing.
The phrase "pre-alpha" is an arbitrary trump card these days. When someone uses it, it means one of two things:

1) "We're saying this for the hype, because it's really easy to make people believe the final product will be ten times better"
2) "We're afraid of the community's response to this beta version, so we'll call it an pre-alpha to soften the blow"

The one thing it never actually means is "this is a pre-alpha build", because an actual pre-alpha wouldn't even have a functional gameplay model.
Same thoughts I had. He also mentioned it was an FPS with RPG elements, instead of something like Fallout 3 which is an RPG with FPS elements...

Fallout 3 is an RPG with FPS elements? Sorry, it's the other way around.
Just watched the video. Liked it for the most part, though takedowns were indeed too frequent.
Spoony said its pretty pre-alpha.

Yeah i seen that. It's actually quite funny i found watching spoony's e3 footage.

He basically thought everything was **** apart from shogun 2 total war, deus ex 3 (his game of the show he said), SWTOR and Civ 5.

Not that i care if he thinks everything is **** i appreciate having a voice free from hype and not calling every second game an absolute must have of that particular month of release *leers at ign*

Still thought more stuff would have stood out for him tho but hey :p
I have seen very little from Spoony but what I have seen I have generally liked/agreed with, so if he says he likes it, I think it's a decent indicator of the quality of the game for the time being.
Few things:

- Good god that environment is green. What is this, Diablo 3? :p

- [to bartender]: "Do you work here?" DUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR GEE I WONDER.

- DUDE STOP MOVING holy shit are these NPCs on ****ing speed? Compared to this the characters in Mass Effect look positively restrained.

- Okay those takedowns look game breakingly awful. Like, I ****ing hated Conviction's mark and execute, but at least they attempted to balance the game around it, this just looks lazy. The transition is so jarring, too, it really takes you out of the game. There's always the option to 'ignore' them of course, but I hate when games expect you to create your own challenge...

- Cover system looks pretty rigid. There's a noticeable pause between actions, like when he was zipping from cover to cover he'd turn around to face the other way every time, even though he was still moving forward. Small thing, but if you're going to introduce something like this, at least make it look more natural.

- If the guns can be augmented, why are the guns he picks up in the environment already upgraded? And if he already had the gun to augment it, why would he then need to collect it?

- Oh no a mech walker thing welp good thing this future society of hyper-advanced technology and cybernetics hasn't seen fit to equip it with anything more than a standard machine gun that can barely destroy a few crates. Guess all the R&D went into making it fold into a box lol. Seriously though, I can only think back to the closing scene from Ghost in the Shell and that tank mech punching holes in solid concrete with it's cannon. If you're gonna try and make an imposing enemy, at least make his bite match his bark... I mean, a single rocket blast and he's done? Wow.

- For a first person shooter there is almost no first person shooting in this demo. In fact, I'm pretty sure he fired one shot the entire time without resorting to takedowns or shooting from cover, and he was ****ing invisible. I can't help but be reminded of Rainbow Six: Vegas and how utterly sidelined the first person aspect of that was...

So yeah, not impressed. :|
I've only watched one Spoony review, but I can't believe how much he raved over the takedowns.
lol, "day yous ex"

The new Xcom looks pretty cool. I know nothing about XCom, but it seems like it will at least make for a (more) unique FPS.
I've only watched one Spoony review, but I can't believe how much he raved over the takedowns.

"Press K to kill enemies."

X-Com FPS is really going to suck. Spoony is completely right. It's being developed by 2K Marin, the creators of Biocock 2. It's nothing to do with original games. They want to use the title to sell the game, that's all.

Sell the game to who, exactly? Most of the people who were into the old X-Com games have dismissed it from day one, it seems.
Sell the game to who, exactly? Most of the people who were into the old X-Com games have dismissed it from day one, it seems.

Executives don't always make a lot of sense with their decisions.
"Press K to kill enemies."

X-Com FPS is really going to suck. Spoony is completely right. It's being developed by 2K Marin, the creators of Biocock 2. It's nothing to do with original games. They want to use the title to sell the game, that's all.


Whilst I'm skeptical, I don't agree with "that's all" with regards to X-COM, the FPS features research, base-management and squad-recruiting/management apparently.

So they certainly borrow some features from the older X-COMs.

But still, I too am very doubtful about how it will turn out, but I hope it turns out to be a good FPS.
Excellent. Despite some uncertainty about certain game mechanics, I may just buy this day one.
Regardless, it will be a first day purchase for me.

I however would like a tangible copy, and I'd also like to wait and see if there is a special edition with anything nice.
assuming the pc version isn't gimped in anyway (lack of dlc, draconian drm, bad porting etc.) i'll get that given deus ex's heritage and importance to me :)

but yeah a LE for this would be nice too, so i'll wait and see
I can't get myself to play through Deus Ex 2, seem to have a hard time playing games currently, but I hope I will find my passion for gaming in time for Dead Space 2 and Deus Ex 3(Since I loved Dead Space and Deus Ex!)
I won't deny myself a day one release for this game either. I may have doubts about how good its going to be, but when Invisible War came out I was all in a huff because of everything I heard about it, and I only managed to wait 3 days after release to get it. Sadly, I am most definitely a fanboy, and if you slap the words Deus Ex on something, I'll buy it.

That said, I still had lots of fun with IW, despite hating everything I knew I was going to hate. This looks like it will have much fewer things I'll hate, and I will hopefully enjoy it that much more on release.
Thought you guys were all seriously turned off by the e3 shakycam vid?

Yeah still wait-and-see for me.