Deus Ex crashes on splash screen


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
I just installed Deus Ex GOTY, and when I tried playing it, this is what I got.


I tried googling it, and found an Eidos FAQ that listed a similar problem, but the only solutions were the usuall drivers update, get dx7 or higher, or something to do with it loading a corrupted map, which doesnt make sense in my case since its crashing on the splash screen.

Anyone know what the dealio is? Oh, and I tried running it in win98 compatibility, but in vain.

EDIT: Got it. I had to copy all the CD's files onto my desktop, install from there, change some of the .ini contents, and now it works perfect.
EDIT > deleted Nevermind. I didn't read the EDIT stating that you've fixed it. Silly me. :o BTW: Do you have to use any multi-core compatibility tweaks for you older games being that you have a quad-core and all? I heard that older games have trouble with the "multi-core" thing. :P The main reason why I've decided to stick with a single core for a while longer in fact. Just too lazy to be arsed with compatibility tweaks.
Sigh. There should be a sticky about the ImageCfg.exe tool. It modifies your program (permanently) to use only one core, thus eliminating any problems.
Sigh. There should be a sticky about the ImageCfg.exe tool. It modifies your program (permanently) to use only one core, thus eliminating any problems.
Read again. Krynn fixed it. :laugh: I agree though. There really should be a sticky about multi-core compatibility for older games. Though, nobody ever reads the stickies anyways. :P
I dont think it was a problem with having a multiple core processor, since I just had to install it off of my hard disk.

Also, how did you know i have a quad core? Thats creepy.
Also, how did you know i have a quad core? Thats creepy.
I work for MJ12, so I have memory enhanced bio-modifications that helps me remember every single post. That, and I have direct access to the Aquinas neural network hub. Oops, that was supposed to be top secret. Mr. Simons is gonna kill me. :O
Pfft, Simons cant do shit. I watched his interrigation and all he did was cry to his other MiB.