Deus Ex Human Revolution

Wow did everyone just suddenly forget all of the previews people have made saying this could potentially be game of the year hands down? It's a ****ing cinematic... when has a cinematic ever *ever* correlated to actual gameplay?

I don't think you're using the term "cinematic" correctly. It's a trailer, but it did contain actual non-cinematic gameplay. Actually, I thought that Deus Ex trailer did an alright job at showing off the game's features, the only problem with it is that it's ****ing terrible on a production level.
I don't remember the last you were happy about a videogame/movie that wasn't
t Nolan related :P

....aaaaaaaaaand I'm going to bed 5:03am damn
I don't think you're using the term "cinematic" correctly. It's a trailer, but it did contain actual non-cinematic gameplay. Actually, I thought that Deus Ex trailer did an alright job at showing off the game's features, the only problem with it is that it's ****ing terrible on a production level.

I think you that my use of "cinematic" doesn't match your perceived definition of "cinematic" as it is often used colloquially. The handful of gameplay shots are scripted events. There's nothing in the trailer that is condusive of what the gameplay would actually be like. In fact, in every preview I've read, they mention specifically that you cannot easily achieve the whole 'run and gun' type gameplay that they are showing in the trailer... and reiterated it later on stating that on higher difficulties, standing in the line of fire for more than a second would result in your death. The weird thing is, it's like everyone completely forgot that all of these previews took place and are basing their complete opinion on a trailer... which is akin to reading a praising book review then deciding you don't like the book becuase of the cover art. Oh well. I know better than to do that. I've seen enough game and movie trailers completely unrelated to the appeal of the game or movie itself to even bother passing judgement.

As for the leak... what did they expect with all the people previewing it? I doubt a lot of these organizations have a lot of security to begin with... and it's not like some random intern or something wouldn't just grab it. At least it's only the preview chunk and not the whole game... so there won't be a sea of spoilers.
The weird thing is, it's like everyone completely forgot that all of these previews took place and are basing their complete opinion on a trailer... which is akin to reading a praising book review then deciding you don't like the book becuase of the cover art. Oh well. I know better than to do that. I've seen enough game and movie trailers completely unrelated to the appeal of the game or movie itself to even bother passing judgement.

I remember how disappointed I was with the gameplay trailers for Fallout 3 (and New Vegas too, actually). They often showed the player charging at multiple enemies firing at them, without bothering with cover. It turned out that the game doesn't really play like that; perhaps only a high level character could pull that off, but still.

I imagine this is the case with Deus Ex: HR - combat will most likely mainly consist of taking cover and leaning out of it to take a few shots. That is if you decide to fight your way through.

Highlighting doesn't bother me that much, especially since you can turn it off. It's just a way of pointing out places of interest, like in, for example, Hitman:BM where you could achieve the mission goals in multiple ways and you had indicators in certain places on your map, telling you that a special action can be performed there.

As for the graphics, I'm not complaining either. They are perhaps not top-of-the-line, but they are decent. For me, the visuals can really contribute to the atmosphere of the game and the immersion, but DX: HR graphics are on a level that is IMHO sufficient to represent the game world and make it feel 'real'. Facial animations could use some more work though.
Explosive rounds are used in some weapons, and sure, it makes sense that they may become more prolific in other weapons and on the black market, but in a world where people turn their hands into guns, why would someone A) Use a revolver at all? B) put explosives into the EXPOSED CHAMBERS?

And for people's information, as dumb as explosive shooting revolvers is, I'm pretending this is a bigger deal than I really feel like it is. One might say I'm exaggerating.

Still feel the game is going to be pretty crappy though. Perhaps worse than IW.
Explosive rounds are used in some weapons, and sure, it makes sense that they may become more prolific in other weapons and on the black market, but in a world where people turn their hands into guns, why would someone A) Use a revolver at all? B) put explosives into the EXPOSED CHAMBERS?

And for people's information, as dumb as explosive shooting revolvers is, I'm pretending this is a bigger deal than I really feel like it is. One might say I'm exaggerating.

Still feel the game is going to be pretty crappy though. Perhaps worse than IW.

Did you read my post about how revolvers are extremely reliable in terms of self chambering mechanisms and adjust to varieties of caliber much better than most other chambering mechanisms? Also, bullets are themselves an explosive. Whether it is exposed or not really wouldn't make any difference.... not to mention I'm assuming the explosive used post-firing would be something much more stable than the black powder in the shells themselves... assuming that's even what the shells use to fire. I don't see how it would be any more complicated than anything else in the game.
Did you read my post about how revolvers are extremely reliable in terms of self chambering mechanisms and adjust to varieties of caliber much better than most other chambering mechanisms? Also, bullets are themselves an explosive. Whether it is exposed or not really wouldn't make any difference.... not to mention I'm assuming the explosive used post-firing would be something much more stable than the black powder in the shells themselves... assuming that's even what the shells use to fire. I don't see how it would be any more complicated than anything else in the game.

Uh, theres a slight difference between the explosion used to propel a small projectile, and an explosion that creates a four foot fireball.
I figured since it was Kotaku that it was fair game - shitty of them to release footage of the leak, sorries.
Uh, theres a slight difference between the explosion used to propel a small projectile, and an explosion that creates a four foot fireball.
I think he's saying that the explosive would be extremely hard to just detonate from random happenstance, since it has to resist exploding when the bullet itself is fired. In a futuristic setting the bullets could for example be tipped with plastic explosives which can only be activated by a small electronic or nanotechnological detonator that is triggered when the gun fires.

I honestly don't see anything wrong with the notion.
I think he's saying that the explosive would be extremely hard to just detonate from random happenstance, since it has to resist exploding when the bullet itself is fired. In a futuristic setting the bullets could for example be tipped with plastic explosives which can only be activated by a small electronic or nanotechnological detonator that is triggered when the gun fires.

I honestly don't see anything wrong with the notion.

Still doesn't explain why they're using revolvers.
Still doesn't explain why they're using revolvers.

Ok I'll break it down to one word then. Reliability.

If you need more re-read the last posts I made about revolvers.

Plus Revolver Ocelot.
it's leaked, watch out for spoilers on the net.
Some people on a Steam chat i'm in said it was a purposely cut short version for journos use. So it may not be the full game
More specifically, it's an Alpha build version that only contains 12 hours of game in it. But I heard the AI is still pretty good in Alpha.
More specifically, it's an Alpha build version that only contains 12 hours of game in it. But I heard the AI is still pretty good in Alpha.


Also, if a revolver is so reliable, how come no military issues them as sidearms anymore?
I've seen some screenshots of the leak, and it does look really bad. You see, that's how faithful to Deus Ex is.

Game is amazing, confirmed.

Also, if a revolver is so reliable, how come no military issues them as sidearms anymore?

Because the round count is significantly less than a clip with semi-automatic gas or recoil chambering gun... and caliber is less significant when you need to fire hundreds or thousands of rounds.

I've heard that the leak was locked in at the lowest settings or something... though I'm not sure since the previews all had nice looking screenshots... however it could be some sort of fail safe in the case of a leak?
Prove it other wise.


Escapist said:
A lengthy 10-12 hour preview build of Human Revolution, sparingly sent out to press, leaked onto torrent sites this week. It opens with an introductory cinematic and carries the player through a lengthy portion of the game's story. The build is stable but far from finished.

There you go. It was a slice of the game that was intended for journalists to use for previews - nothing more, nothing less. There's been no statement as to how up to date the "preview" build is, but it's certainly not being labeled an alpha. Discussion of the build is unrestricted on the official boards, developers are even encouraging users to comment and leave their thoughts on it's quality.

Hence no removal of all the youtube videos and journalist websites posting videos/screenshots of the build. Eidos is being very laissez faire about it, might I say even moreso than KA. :smug:.
Whoop-dee doo, you should definitely be :SMUG: about me erring on the side of caution and removing a link that may have contained footage of a leaked/stolen build and that was posted before any official confirmation of what it was/wasn't

I'm not upset, duder - when did I ever indicate that I was upset? It was more a comment of how enigmatic the response has been from Eidos.

edit: hahaha

Also, if a revolver is so reliable, how come no military issues them as sidearms anymore?

When has a military ever issued a reliable weapon?
Austria and NZ have the aug variants which always seemed p. cool


...but what the hell do I know about guns? :o
When has a military that actually gets into wars issued a reliable weapon?
Also, revolvers can use larger types of ammo because they have less tendency to jam

and wouldn't require massive mechanisms to chamber additional rounds.

The reason revolvers don't dominate pistols today is capacity...
And weight, and firing speed, and difficulty of reload, and difficulty of carrying numerous speed loaders, and ammunition cost, and lack of field strip capability, and lack of easily replaceable parts.

but the revolver mechanism is as good as it gets for reliability across caliber...
That's the exception, the Soviet Union was unreliable in everything except guns.
Soviets were also good at Vodka!

Speaking of spirits, to re-rail, this is my favorite piece of concept art thus far for HR.


augments = drinking, cigs, and drugs all day with no bodily harm! Thanks, Sarif Industries
I think you that my use of "cinematic" doesn't match your perceived definition of "cinematic" as it is often used colloquially. The handful of gameplay shots are scripted events. There's nothing in the trailer that is condusive of what the gameplay would actually be like. In fact, in every preview I've read, they mention specifically that you cannot easily achieve the whole 'run and gun' type gameplay that they are showing in the trailer... and reiterated it later on stating that on higher difficulties, standing in the line of fire for more than a second would result in your death. The weird thing is, it's like everyone completely forgot that all of these previews took place and are basing their complete opinion on a trailer... which is akin to reading a praising book review then deciding you don't like the book becuase of the cover art. Oh well. I know better than to do that. I've seen enough game and movie trailers completely unrelated to the appeal of the game or movie itself to even bother passing judgement.

Nah, I get your drift. Just usually when someone mentions cinematics in a gaming context, they're talking about cutscenes.

I'm still pretty ambivalent about what I've seen of the game, but I'll wait for the verdict to come in before I form a proper opinion. The only issue I have with that latest trailer is the way it highlights the wall in a way that suggests it's designed to be broken through in one very specific way. I don't really care about full destructibility, but the way it sticks out so blatantly like "PLEASE BREAK HERE" puts me off a bit.

I figured since it was Kotaku that it was fair game

Here are my impressions after playing the leaked demo:

Graphic is meh, although I'm betting the graphic is only locked in low-medium setting for the demo

AI is pretty smart, they know how to take cover and flank positions

Combat is interesting

Interactivity with the environment is rather poor.

The game is NOTHING like previous Deus Ex

Too much yellow

Stealth is way too easy

Hacking is fun