Deus Ex Human Revolution

Anyone have any idea what specs we need to play the game?


Deus Ex: Human Revolution novel inbound
By Eddie Makuch, GameSpotPosted Jul 12, 2010 5:19 pm PT
Del Rey publishing Deus Ex: The Icarus Effect novel set for 2011 in Europe and North America; will be set in the universe of the upcoming action RPG.

Del Rey books today announced it will publish a novel set in the universe of the upcoming video game Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The Icarus Effect is currently pegged for a 2011 release, which is the same time window the Square Enix-published title is slated to arrive on the Xbox 360, PC, and PlayStation 3 at retail.

Read the book, or play the video game? Now you have a choice.
The book, which delves deep into the cyberpunk dystopia of the game, will be penned by James Swallow, whose previous science-fiction literary efforts include work in the Warhammer 40K, Star Trek, and Stargate franchises.

As for the novel, it is set in the not-too-distant future, a time when great innovation and technology mesh with chaos and conspiracy. The narrative will center around two "unlikely heroes"; Anna Kelso, a Secret Service agent, and Ben Saxon, a special-ops soldier. Additionally, some of the novel's characters and story elements will overlap both the novel and the video game. Neither Deus Ex: Human Revolution nor The Icarus Effect have a release date more specific than 2011.
penned by James Swallow, whose previous science-fiction literary efforts include work in the Warhammer 40K, Star Trek, and Stargate franchises.

Fantastic, a generic sci-fi writer doing a video game tie-in. Chances of it being good: 20%.

Chances of me buying it anyways: 80%

Also, I wish video game journalists would think before writing things like "Read the book, or play the video game? Now you have a choice."

Not really, they're both separate stories, as explained in his own god damn article. His statement implying you could do one or the other and get the same experience is nonsense and makes a poor article.
Almost nobody played SS2 when it came out. And for that, you should be thankful, because otherwise we'd be getting System Shock 3 from Activision.

Don't hold your breath for too long. Activision is on the verge of draining its last big franchise, and they'll be looking for something else to such dry once then run COD into the ground.
Almost nobody played SS2 when it came out. And for that, you should be thankful, because otherwise we'd be getting System Shock 3 from Activision.
Right, because the X-Com series was so much more popular and in need of a reboot. :P

(Was it? >_>)
X-COM was just stupid. They didn't have any reason to make that game. :laugh:
Almost nobody played SS2 when it came out. And for that, you should be thankful, because otherwise we'd be getting System Shock 3 from Activision.

Except Activision doesn't own anything to do with System Shock 2.

EA owns the rights to the System Shock name etc.

Fantastic, a generic sci-fi writer doing a video game tie-in. Chances of it being good: 20%.

Chances of me buying it anyways: 80%
Chances of me buying it anyways: 0%

Mostly because I'm an illiterate **** who hasn't read an entire novel for several years, and I know you all look down on me secretly for it!

Such as is the case with the Dead Space novel, I'm sure a Deus Ex wiki will very quickly get a very extensive and detailed plot summary for the novel.
I like how you can drag bodies when you clearly have both hands holding your gun.

Edit: I still don't like how this looks more futuristic than Deus Ex.

And in HL2 you could pickup objects with no hands at all.

Come on guys, this is the FIRST trailer of basically what the game looks like.

Deus Ex never had takedowns, they incorporated them because they're ***king badass, so they're showing it off as soon as they can.

Youre only mad because you want it to be similar to the first game. And look at the sequel to that one.

But it does look like the bastard child of Metal Gear Solid, Mass Effect and Splinter Cell.

Then again...all those games are some of the best around, so this should rock.
Okay, that's about all I need to write this one off for good. What game would you imagine this is a sequel to if you didn't see the title at the end? Sure as hell not Deus Ex.
I can't understand why people are giving this game so much grief when it hasn't even been released yet. I can understand how some people might be annoyed at how it has a cover system, takedowns etc. and the first one didn't blablabla, but at the end of the day, if it was near enough exactly the same as the first, it just wouldn't sell as much as they probably want it to.

I for one am looking forward to this.
if it was near enough exactly the same as the first, it just wouldn't sell as much as they probably want it to.

Isn't that the concern - making concessions to appeal to a wider audience?? Eidos choosing to show us take downs, a cover system, and switching between 1st and 3rd person (which is always shit btw), makes me question their focus. If they're going for a faithful sequel, why celebrate elements common to console action games? If I sneak up behind a bad guy in Deux Ex I don't want a canned, playstation generation approved kill animation - it takes out all the coldness and grit.

What would make me hard is a screenshot of an inventory full of gadgets and weapons. Maybe some footage showing how indepth and customisable the augmentations are. Maybe that stuff is all there, but my spider sense says it isn't.
Isn't that the concern - making concessions to appeal to a wider audience?? Eidos choosing to show us take downs, a cover system, and switching between 1st and 3rd person (which is always shit btw), makes me question their focus. If they're going for a faithful sequel, why celebrate elements common to console action games?

That, I can agree with, but unfortunately it seems to be the case with most developers these days. They know that the console market is where the money currently is and so games are produced more in the favour of the casual gamer.

What gets me, is the way that some people are quick to judge it and write it off, before giving it a proper chance.
I honestly believe that soon enough we'll get a major developer who makes an FPS and makes the player invincible from the get-go with the explanation "Our surveys indicated that 75% of all gamers hated dying and having to restart at a checkpoint or reload a save, so we've just taken the whole dying part out of the equation to make the game more fun!"

Now, I'm gonna be honest though, I will most likely get Deus Ex: Human Revolution, because there are so few new cyberpunk(-esque) titles coming out, and I'm getting desperate.
I honestly believe that soon enough we'll get a major developer who makes an FPS and makes the player invincible from the get-go with the explanation "Our surveys indicated that 75% of all gamers hated dying and having to restart at a checkpoint or reload a save, so we've just taken the whole dying part out of the equation to make the game more fun!"

Now, I'm gonna be honest though, I will most likely get Deus Ex: Human Revolution, because there are so few new cyberpunk(-esque) titles coming out, and I'm getting desperate.

Like Bioshock? :P .. though, you still die in that, just don't really have to restart anything unless you turn vita chambers off.
Well, I recall in System Shock 1 you on the first level could find and use the cyborg transformer-thingymajigy to make it into essentially a vitachamber(you respawned there if you 'died', every enemy you killed still dead etc), haven't played 2 yet I'm afraid to admit so I don't know if there's something similar in that.
Never, ever played a System Shock game, so wouldn't know! :(
Deus Ex never had takedowns, they incorporated them because they're ***king badass, so they're showing it off as soon as they can.
Badass aaaaand...?

Seriously, what do they contribute besides looking cool? And how many times until the canned animations stop being badass and start being an annoyance?

I know people are bound to say "well just don't use them," so I'll elaborate on this more below...

Youre only mad because you want it to be similar to the first game. And look at the sequel to that one.
I don't think it's fair to say people want a rehash of the original just because we're dissatisfied with something this different. What a true fan of the first game would want is an evolution of form, something that takes it's existing strengths and builds upon them while updating it to modern conventions. There's very little indication that we're actually getting a deeper or more advanced game here, everything seems to be shifting in favour of a more homogenized product meant for people who've either never played the original or are satisfied with mostly aesthetic throwbacks to it (which, by all indications, it doesn't seem to handle that well either).

But it does look like the bastard child of Metal Gear Solid, Mass Effect and Splinter Cell.

Then again...all those games are some of the best around, so this should rock.
Kind of an awkward conclusion to come to, but okay. :P

Actually, I would love for a Deus Ex game with stronger stealth elements, however the Splinter Cell comparison is an interesting one because I made the same connection, but to a specific game - Conviction. Namely in relation to that ****ing mark and execute... thing. Hated that. But hey, a lot of people seemed to enjoy it, and it didn't really break the game or anything, it was just something I personally couldn't get behind. The thing to take away from this comparison, though, is what impact this mechanic had on the game. Conviction was clearly balanced around the use of mark and execute, to the point where each individual encounter would be tailored to it's use. A small room would always have about 5 guys, 1 to manually take down to trigger M&E, 3-4 to execute with it, and maybe a straggler or two to pick off with regular shots. Sure, it was probably possible to take them all out without using M&E, but this wasn't the intent. It was very apparent that the game had been designed and balanced around the assumption that you'd use it.

This is something I think a lot of people overlook when new games show off a flashy gimmick like this that would appear at first glance to be "optional" - what larger effect it has on balance. The takedowns in DE3 seem to be confined to melee encounters, sure, but we've seen him take out up to five (or was it six?) guys at once with the press of a button. That is some game breaking shit. The only way to account for something so overpowered is to balance it out in other areas to retain the challenge (or just leave it as is and completely trivialize a good portion of combat). I mean, the simplest question you can ask at this point is what's the payoff for this mechanic? Does it drain some kind of power gauge we haven't seen yet, or is it really just free kills? Moving into place to execute it seems like a non-issue with that optic camo, so where's the consequence? Where's the challenge?

That's not even going into the nature of these takedowns, which seem to be decided entirely by situational cues, and probably randomized to a degree. What happened to the choice in Deus Ex? Let us pick our own goddamn method of slaughter, or hell, if you're going to show off these awesome mechanical augments, at least let us use them instead of just being shown how cool they are in what are essentially glorified cutscenes. A freakin' turn-based RPG has more player input than this shit...

Most people love DX 1 so much because of the memories they have of the game, they haven't had that chance with this game.

I don't think it will be the same however, with quicktime events it makes it looks like there's only one good way of going through the game.
Youre only mad because you want it to be similar to the first game. And look at the sequel to that one.

Yeah, how unreasonable for anybody to expect a game's sequel to actually resemble its original predecessor.

IW ****ed a lot of things up. EM was insistent that they learned from that game's mistakes, but they seem intent on creating a whole new batch of their own.
I do smell a hint of ''this should only be for the PC, ***k consoles they ruin the PC experience for us as its all dumbed down a bit''. Multi-platform releases = more money. I doubt they're really that worried about how PC players will react when the majority will probably buy it on the consoles.

Yeah, I agree, its insane and insulting to PC gamers, but you have to be realistic. Yes they're game developers, and their reputation makes or breaks a game SOMETIMES with regards to sales, but they're a business at the end of the day, they're in it to make money so they will choose whatever line takes them to the biggest wad of cash, ala Activision.
For example, I see Universities as a business providing a service more than a place of higher education. Why else would they accept more students that dont have the required grades listed? The students may be worse and their grades will suffer for it, but the Uni gets more money. They dont REALLY care how well you do.

And again, we're throwing our arms in the air about a game we've seen about 2 minutes of.
EM was insistent that they learned from that game's mistakes

I wonder if they realized what the root of their problem was, or if they just recognized specific cases of what was wrong with the game. I mean, unified ammo, tiny maps, overlarge interface, bad AI, no skills, etc. These were all things that were wrong with the game, but that stem from just one flawed design philosophy. They tried to make it appeal to the console market, and by doing so they removed tons of DX's features, and simplified the rest to a ridiculous level. It's poor sales numbers showed that their assumptions about what console gamers want were way off base. They don't need to simplify or cut down the game. Console gamers can do with more depth than EM gives them credit for I think.

I don't think EM really learned what the problem was with IW. Judging by what little we've seen of the gameplay so far though, I think instead of figuring it out and making a better game, they're just going to do what most companies do these days. Make flashy gimmicks and then capitalize on those gimmicks in their marketing campaign. Unfortunately that seems to offset the downside of making a lame game in terms of sales figures.
On an off note, the face model for that black Merc is ridiculous.
I do smell a hint of ''this should only be for the PC, ***k consoles they ruin the PC experience for us as its all dumbed down a bit''. Multi-platform releases = more money. I doubt they're really that worried about how PC players will react when the majority will probably buy it on the consoles.
I don't care if it's on consoles. BC2 was on consoles and it was great. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory was on consoles and it was great too. What matters here is the DESIGN, not the PLATFORM. And the DESIGN of this game looks shallow and lazy.

And again, we're throwing our arms in the air about a game we've seen about 2 minutes of.
How many games with trailers like this have somehow massively exceeded our low expectations? Not many. It's not out yet, but every trailer so far has given us very few reasons to think this game will be anything but lowest-common-denominator pandering in innovative-games clothing.
Exactly, just try and convince that to these guys.
I'm actually arguing against you :p Nobody's saying it WILL be generic or shit, just that it is extremely likely that it will be.
I do smell a hint of ''this should only be for the PC, ***k consoles they ruin the PC experience for us as its all dumbed down a bit''. Multi-platform releases = more money. I doubt they're really that worried about how PC players will react when the majority will probably buy it on the consoles.
Stig already took this one, but consoles aren't the problem here, just poor game design. I'm completely willing to be proven wrong, and I'm still itching to see more of what's 'under the hood' in terms of augments and whatnot, but from where I'm sitting the prognosis doesn't look too positive so far.

Yeah, I agree, its insane and insulting to PC gamers, but you have to be realistic. Yes they're game developers, and their reputation makes or breaks a game SOMETIMES with regards to sales, but they're a business at the end of the day, they're in it to make money so they will choose whatever line takes them to the biggest wad of cash, ala Activision.
Are you trying to suggest... businesses like to make money? My, what a novel thought!

And again, we're throwing our arms in the air about a game we've seen about 2 minutes of.
Actually, everything in this trailer was cut from the much longer E3 demo, which was leaked and posted in another thread. Besides seeing things shinier and in high res (and without some doofus' head blocking half the screen), there's nothing really new here. It looked dumb then, it looks dumb now.
NECA may be producing a Deus Ex: Human Revolution figure. Ya wat up that excites me.
I see average rating of 89 on meta critic in the future....
Man that's pretty average on the 80-100 scale gotta be honest. :v
Why do idiots seem to think anything below a 90 is average?

Also, the "consoles are the problem herp derp" card has run out. People need to find a valid argument.
I collect them, although I'm a proud nerd so it doesn't bother me :P