Deus Ex Human Revolution

I just find it difficult to believe that all mechanical locks are going to be replaced with hackable electronic ones in the next few decades, then by 2050 we'll reintroduce them again because we're idiots.
You know what bugged me more in the E3 demo? Mechanized vent cover.

Mechanized. ****ing. Vent cover.

Seriously, when you're tweaking details so minute to be omg futuristic, you're probably trying too hard.
You know what bugged me more in the E3 demo? Mechanized vent cover.

Mechanized. ****ing. Vent cover.

Seriously, when you're tweaking details so minute to be omg futuristic, you're probably trying too hard.

Mechanical knife - Is it really so hard to move your hand back and forth?

Same with electric toothbrush.

Automatic air fresheners... for when you're too lazy to push a button.

Automatic headlights on cars...

There are a million frivolous things that have been invented that in the past people were like "wow why do we need that?" and today are like "wow how could we live without that?" I mean why can my phone take a picture of a business card and store the information? The time it takes to make it work effectively I could have typed it all in three times... but it sure as hell is futuristic.
You know what bugged me more in the E3 demo? Mechanized vent cover.

Mechanized. ****ing. Vent cover.

Seriously, when you're tweaking details so minute to be omg futuristic, you're probably trying too hard.

Eh? It simply looked like the vent opening animation; just like in other games it swings open on a hinge
It sure as hell looked automated, what with his hands never moving out of place. :|
Vents in DX1 were mechanical too. They slid up on invisible rollers usually.
I wish the game had a blue tinge instead of yellow. but oh well.

City stacking? suspend disbelief. Robot vent covers? ridiculous but feasible. Rocket proof cardboard boxes? win.
Yeah it's funny, you see a pallet being blasted apart yet the cardboard boxes remain in perfect condition.
It sure as hell looked automated, what with his hands never moving out of place. :|

Yeah, whats with that, we know most games have character vent opening animations. It's all the rage these days.
Whatevs. Still looked more advanced than Deus Ex 1 vents.
That's because it's really a sequel. In the very, very distant future. Did no-one tell you the universe is doughnut shaped?
**** I'll bet that's the twist.

So they should take it out of the story world just because of some "historical innacuracies" in a make-believe universe? I guess they really dont' care about longtime fans. I mean if I had to please everyone expecting perfection, I wouldn't care either... lol

Agreed. Watch some old Star Trek TOS episode and you will know that, in 2250, magnetic tapes, CRT monitors and big retro plastic buttons will be reintroduced. Electronic devices will have a strong vintage feeling and computers will talk like old 1980 speech synthesizers.
Sometimes, disbelief must be suspended :)
Agreed. Watch some old Star Trek TOS episode and you will know that, in 2250, magnetic tapes, CRT monitors and big retro plastic buttons will be reintroduced. Electronic devices will have a strong vintage feeling and computers will talk like old 1980 speech synthesizers.
Sometimes, disbelief must be suspended :)

This is the argument the devs are using, but I don't buy a bit of it. They say bullshit like "Deus Ex had 4:3 monitors and TV screens, but they don't exist today! So we're updating the setting to keep it modern." That apparently excuses everything.

Really, there's not much if anything in the first Deus Ex that's outdated or really on the verge being such. They trot out that that argument to loosely justify their artistic liberties, not because there's an actual danger of their game feeling antiquated by keeping it in line with DX's setting and timeline.

If they want to inject their own style into it, fine. But their explained reasoning (as well as any and all dialogue they actually have with their fan community) is pretty piss.
Isn't it awesome that people like to make their decisions over whether a game is awesome or shitty before it's even out and then keep that same opinion after the game comes out even if the game was shitty or awesome?
"Before the game is even out."

Stop ****ing saying this please. No one's saying it will be bad (well, we're supposing why it might be), we're picking apart things that, overwhelming odds are, will not be changed in the full game, like stylistic choices. These are opinions, deal with them.

But hey, sorry for ruining your unfettered hype.
Although there is some sort of inconsistency with the technologies between games, it really doesnt bother me to use the reason that the amount of detail in video games is increasing, and that things will look more advanced anyways.

Case in point, Halo: Reach compared to Halo.
But the amount of detail the engine is able to produce has nothing at all to do with the art style and setting of the game. They could just as easily be rendering high-detail CRT monitors and cities that only have one level.
But nit picking things like a grate? I can understand with a two layered city, but of course a higher detail grate is going to look "more advanced" than a grate with simple geometry and muddy textures, if anyone understands what I'm saying.
I see what you're saying but I disagree. The mind fills in a lot of missing information that the textures and models only communicate symbolically. You recognise that a muddy mess is supposed to be a concrete divider, and then your mind sees it as such. It doesn't matter if it's five polygons and a 32x32 texture or if it's 5000 polygons and parallax maps. The "advancedness" of the grate comes about 95% from thematic and artistic choice, determining *what* it is that you're communicating symbolically. The other 5% being the quantifiable differences (polycount and such); it has an effect but it's really nothing compared to your brain's ability to recognise patterns and symbols.
I think people are freaking out over nothing like with any big title. People freaked out over L4D2 not being a big enough jump from L4D and then everyone bought it and loved it. People freaked out that Starcraft 2 has billion game-breaking issues, but everyone bought it and loved it. I don't know anything more than anyone else about Human Revolution, but I have a feeling it's going to be the same way.
I see what you're saying but I disagree. The mind fills in a lot of missing information that the textures and models only communicate symbolically. You recognise that a muddy mess is supposed to be a concrete divider, and then your mind sees it as such. It doesn't matter if it's five polygons and a 32x32 texture or if it's 5000 polygons and parallax maps. The "advancedness" of the grate comes about 95% from thematic and artistic choice, determining *what* it is that you're communicating symbolically. The other 5% being the quantifiable differences (polycount and such); it has an effect but it's really nothing compared to your brain's ability to recognise patterns and symbols.

In this case the artistic style is simply more technologically advanced, so I personally think its impossible to increase the detail in simple models like that without getting that implication.

But, I can agree to disagree. Of course with larger things there will be inconsistencies in the timeline, but then its a matter of whether you can suspend disbelief. Such things have never bothered me.
"Before the game is even out."

Stop ****ing saying this please. No one's saying it will be bad (well, we're supposing why it might be), we're picking apart things that, overwhelming odds are, will not be changed in the full game, like stylistic choices. These are opinions, deal with them.

But hey, sorry for ruining your unfettered hype.

My unfettered hype?
I guess we can all agree that Deus Ex needs to be remade with the source engine.
I guess we can all agree that Deus Ex needs to be remade with the source engine.

I would love that. tbh i'd be hapy with another 3 or 4 years of fps made on source - would be nice to have a focus on gameplay rather than tech.
I actually liked that a bit more, even though it's practically identical to the E3 demo. Vital information: most of the takedowns he performed were through the use of an augmentation. The arm blade, the wall punch, the "human claymore" thing - none of these are technically free kills as I believed since they require an investment to use. In that light, the contexual activation is actually pretty neat, although I still can't imagine myself using the takedowns overly much.

I wonder if there's a separate button for non-lethals or something? Cool to hear knocked out enemies can be woken up if you don't hide them properly, too.
It's the old leaked trailer.
Cool to hear knocked out enemies can be woken up if you don't hide them properly, too.

Indeed, just like the Metal Gear Solid, Splinter Cell games and.. Thief series?(If I remember right)
Looks interesting. Glad to hear that you can play however you want, I can't stand games that force you to be stealthy. I'm not sure I like the constant shifting from first to third person views though. has a guy with cool shades, and trenchcoat. it must be deus ex.
Warren Spector pitched a spiritual successor of Deus Ex to Disney.

Industry legend Warren Spector has revealed that he originally met with Disney to pitch a new sci-fi game - a title he felt would be considered the spiritual successor to Deus Ex.

However, as he suspected, the House that Mickey built had no interest in his potentially revolutionary new title.

"I remember telling my agent before the Disney meeting that I knew they're not going to be interested in this stuff," he told Develop.

"I went into the meeting room, pitched them my stuff, and sure enough I was right. The guys started texting in the middle of the meeting. I was convinced they were not interested."

Fortunately, the Disney execs eventually turned the tables by pitching Epic Mickey - a title featuring long-forgotten Disney characters - to Spector. He loved it.

"So they said to me, 'we have a concept' - and they were kind of embarrassed - 'we have a concept for Mickey, we want to show you our idea'. And they gave me this pitch."

"...they came to me with the idea; 'hey, how about a world of old rejected Disney stuff?'" said Spector.

According to Spector, Disney "Disney now owns the IP" for his original Deus Ex successor idea.

But if his comments regarding the possibility of an Epic Mickey 2 are any indication, Spector isn't thinking about that title much.
