Deus Ex Human Revolution

Why would they show this same old shit again? It still has all the ugly problems the last one did. Tearing because apparently the game doesnt have vsync, god awful overactive idle animations when people are talking, etc. How do they still only have a pre-alpha build to market with?
yep, it's totally deus ex.
Intriguing, namely Adam using a rocket and the giant caisson in the ocean.

However, the hot goth chick was a little too cheesy.
I am actually looking forward to this title, gonna be playing it on PC instead of 360 too.

Also, lulz, Japanese Deus Ex.

I hope they include jpaanese voice-options in the English versions.:D

I wonder how the game will be received in Japan.
There's not much unseen material in this trailer, but a couple of the scenes we know from the previous one (like when Adam is killing guards with his arm-blade-thing) seem to be more clear and detailed.

Also I was about to make a joke about Rihanna making a cameo and then I saw the highest rated comment under the video: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE RIHANNA?" :laugh:
Also I was about to make a joke about Rihanna making a cameo and then I saw the highest rated comment under the video: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE RIHANNA?" :laugh:

Same. Had a good laugh over that one.

Anyone want to explain the big Earth "asshole" (YouTube comment deemed, if you will) that's at the end of the trailer? Also the chemical (some type of hydrogen?)?
whit the japanese voices it does looks more metal gearish,also voive actor is the same one as snake in the japanese version,well too similiar
Anyone want to explain the big Earth "asshole" (YouTube comment deemed, if you will) that's at the end of the trailer? Also the chemical (some type of hydrogen?)?
That hole in the ocean it's probably some sort of a caisson, geotechnical engineering thing, a sealed underwater structure.
[H+]3 have nothing to do with hydrogen at all, H+ is a symbol for transhumanism and "human enhancement".

Trailer in English.
I don't know how the game will be, but the trailers are fantastic. Atmosphere, setting and mood are spot on.
That hole in the ocean it's probably some sort of a caisson, geotechnical engineering thing, a sealed underwater structure.
[H+]3 have nothing to do with hydrogen at all, H+ is a symbol for transhumanism and "human enhancement".
H+ is transhumanism, H3 is the fuel hydrogen-3, which may be found deep in the oceans (and also on the Moon, but it takes an expletive amount of fuel to get there in the first place so...). [H+]3 is probably an artist's symbolic metaphor for how H3 supports the existence and development of transhumanist technology.
H3 is the fuel hydrogen-3.

Actually the fuel that's on the Moon is Helium 3, not Hydrogen 3...

And it looks like yet again transhumanism is portrayed as a bad thing, heh.

Looking forward to this game. Have they mentioned when it will be released?
This looks like a cross between Metal Gear Solid 4, Raiden and Bionic Commando.

Looks like a whole new game rather than Deus Ex. Didnt get a Deux Ex feel at all from any of the trailers so far, maybe thats just me.
H3 is the fuel hydrogen-3
No, that would be (superscript) 3H, in Human Revolution it clearly stands for transhumanism and third game Deus Ex in series.

And it looks like yet again transhumanism is portrayed as a bad thing, heh.

Looking forward to this game. Have they mentioned when it will be released?
I don't think that transhumanism is portrayed as a bad thing, developers promised that they will let decide players what right or wrong. And since the main protagonist is heavily augmented I think it's already little biased for transhumanism (which is a good thing IMO).
And it looks like yet again transhumanism is portrayed as a bad thing, heh.

Since you play a bionically modified individual, I think it more means to portray the risks of such technology in the hands of those who only wish to exploit it to gain as much power in the world as possible and subjugate others.

I myself am a supporter of the idea of using technology to further our own abilities as a race as much as we can do safely, but I won't deny that the technology to achieve the Transhumanist dreams could lead to terrible things in the wrong hands, as most technology can.

Like, if augmentation technology as dreamed off in Transhumanism only becomes available to people based off income it would be terrible in my opinion, leading only to even further divides in society.

Same as with for example genetic engineering on infants etc to make them stronger, smarter etc(When such technology becomes available.)

I can understand people are skeptical
Yeah, you would. I think it's embarrassingly bad.

I tried to like it, I really did. It's ****ing awful, it reeks of bad production and messy game design. It's a bad omen--a classic Eidos shitstorm peaking over the horizon waiting to shit all over their next promising franchise, I can smell it now.
wow. I'm going to have to say that this is the first time in a long time that I've been excited about an in-game trailer.
Most of it is better than what I expected, but the shooting looks like shit. Maybe its how the video was recorded and cut (looks like it was on a console, the way the aiming looked) and there weren't any cross hairs for the pistol or smg, nor did they use iron sights, which hopefully is just to make the video look flashier, and not omissions in the actual game.

It also looks like the game is going to be wicked easy.
Nice to see some gameplay and non-cinematic kills, but yes, the game looked too easy; like the character had stats maxed out. And I hope you are not invincible during takedowns.
It also looks like its going to have that bullshit slow mo effect like FO: New Vegas has where when you get a "critical" hit it slows down and has a mini-cutscene to show you the omg so kewl effects they have.
OK looks good but my two main complaints:
It looks more futuristic than Invisible War
Third person

Other than that it looks really good.
Re: Inappropriate futurism

Isn't Human Revolution supposed to be a reboot of the series?
Re: Inappropriate futurism

Isn't Human Revolution supposed to be a reboot of the series?
It was originally announced as a prequel. If they've changed it to a reboot I won't mind so much. Inconsistency just drives me mad.
Looking great and definitely more and more Deus Exy.

and there weren't any cross hairs for the pistol or smg, nor did they use iron sights, which hopefully is just to make the video look flashier, and not omissions in the actual game.

I am more concerned about the HUD on your current weapon. I was watching a recent gameplay video, and basically, whenever you fire a shot or reload, that little yellow rectangle pops up with the number of ammo left next to the trigger of the gun. It looked very annoying, like a little pop-up window.

like the character had stats maxed out. And I hope you are not invincible during takedowns.

Supposedly, you are only able to get one take-down per level. Supposedly.