Deus Ex: Invisible War Demo on the 20th

Originally posted by Styloid
Honestly I thought the demo was pretty good. I played it at 640X480 with everything else high and it looked fine and played fine on my dated computer (radeon 8500).
It really reminded me of the first Deus Ex. Compared to other games, graphics weren't great, physics weren't great, etc.. But it really seemed like there was a lot of substance in the game. The books and stuff you could read were interesting. The few characters introduced made me want to know more about them. The tiny piece of plot was cool. The gameplay didn't feel contrived.
It isn't the most polished game you can find but just the bit of content that I've seen really makes me want to get the game.

how many intoxicating substances did you consume before firing up the demo???
Heres some tweeks for the demo.

Tip 1 Keybindings and Resolution
Go to My Documents/Deus Ex Invisble War/user.ini right click it and uncheck read-only. This will make it so your keybindings get saved.
Also, if you load a saved game it will still have your resolution saved. So make a save game right at the start of the demo so you don't have to keep changing it.
Tip 2 Turn on some grahical effects (Some people believe this doesn't work others say it does. I can't be sure, but it can't hurt to turn them on right?)
Go to Program Files/Deus Ex Invisible War Demo/System/Default.ini and open it. Press Ctrl+F to seach for "D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice below you will see stuff like "VolumetricLighting=False" simply change the word False to True to turn any of the effects you see on. You can make sure all these settings are true:
Quite a few are Flase by default
Next search "Engine.GameEngine" and directly below it you will see CacheSizeMegs=1 change this value to something higher like 16.
Tip 3: Smoother Movement:
Go back to the My Documents/Deus Ex Invisble War Demo/user.ini and open it. Find:
W=MoveForwardBackward 1.000000 and change it to W=MoveForwardBackward 0.800000
Do the same with A,S,D directions.
Now got to the Program Files/Deus Ex Invisble War Demo/System/default.ini and open it.
Search for "MouseLag" and you will get a line saying "MouseLagThreshold=75" lower this lag to smooth things out.
Tip 4: HUD Moved out
In the default.ini search for FOV__d and find a line that looks like this:
;this FOV is for the HUD only. On the XBox, we need to keep all HUD elements within 10% of the edges. ;FOV__d=68 ;68 is good for the PC version FOV__d=61
Now change the bottom line where it says FOV_d=61 to FOV_d=70.
Tip 5: More damage to enemies
Open up the default.ini and search for Difficulty. You will see this:
; AI Damage multiplier - damage AIs take from player
; Player Damage multiplier - damage player takes from AIs
Change the damage enemies take to a value around 3-5 and if you want to even it up, change the value of the damge you take to around the same.

There is a tweek utill too. Link
Hope this helps you guys.
Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
*Stares at Ninja behemoth under his desk

Unless you're overclocking, I gaurantee your rig isn't as fast as mine and I get mouse lag at anything over 1024x768. I don't wanna have to whip out the e-penis on you, but my rig is clocked well above top of the line stock.

The mouse lag is most likely from the dynamic shadowing, like I said before. Doom 3 Alpha has the same problem at resolutions over 1024x768, though not as noticable because the mouse input is probably given higher priority than in Deus Ex 2. The dynamic shadowing used in both these games is done using 3D models to outline the light, whose vertices must be calculated and manipulated just like any other 3D model. Having multiple dynamic light sources is similar to having multiple character models on screen. All these calculations are done in the CPU as opposed to conventional lighting techniques that can be done in the VPU. When your VPU is being strained, you get frame lag. When your CPU is being strained, you get a combination of frame lag and input lag. I expect that alot of upcomming games with lighting effects like these will run similar to D3 and DE2.
I didn't get any mouse lag on the doom 3 alpha even on really high rez's. The FPS went to shit but no mouse lag.
Originally posted by mrchimp
I didn't get any mouse lag on the doom 3 alpha even on really high rez's. The FPS went to shit but no mouse lag.

Which probably means your VPU shit the bed before your CPU.
so dissapointing...i didn't want to you guys but after playing that demo....that was it for me....that sucked

shot the mother ****ers amiilion times, graphics are horrible for performance, and ai sucks....

they shouldn't of released trhat and rather of had screwed over many anticipated gamers...
Decided to pull this thread back up as opposed to making a new one.

After tweaking my config, I gave DE:IW a second chance and wow, I've changed my opinion, alotta fun.

The lighting and shadows are beautiful, the physics are so unrealistic that they're fun, the lighting is awesome and so are the shadows and.. did I mention the lighting? lol, sure, it doesn't feel like the original Deus Ex, but it's definitely worth a second look if you disliked the demo (especially if you never got to adjust the config properly)
Im downloading it and im gonna be playing it on a GeForce 4 Ti 4200.............and 2.5ghz and a gig of ram...........