Deus Ex: Invisible War Demo on the 20th

If they have any balls they will cancel the PC launch and redo the gameplay entirely.
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
yeah but how likely is that :(

Oh there is absolutely no chance.....

I'm registering at their forums to bitch their cockjockey asses out over this joke of a game. :dozey:
OK my review of the demo.

I really liked it. but it does need some work.


1. The AI need to be stepped up!
2. Shot damage and the blood need to be worked on.
3. Voice acting needs to be tweeked.

1. Runs smooth at 1280X1024 with 8Xaa 8Xaf :) (I love my geforcefx5900ultra)
2. The Hud is sweet once you get the hang of it.
3. The combat for the most part was cool.
4. Ive replayed thedemo about 6 times now and I have done it 6 differnt ways. :)

I know that it will never match the 1st dues ex but its a fun and enjoyable demo so far. I will be buying this game when it comes out.
Originally posted by Abom|nation
No way! I loved the Kingping demo, it was fantastic. Violence, swearing and gang wars... I really should have bought retail.

oh, i wasn't saying kingpin wasn't cool.. when it came out 20 years ago. but i certainly expected more of deus ex 2.
Any mirrors for this thing yet ? apart from 3dgamers, because none of thier mirrors have EVER worked for me...ever.
just sign up for free gamespy, just make a junk email address with hotmail or yahoo or some crap (if you don't already have one). you may want to check p2p networks.

I forgot about you DeusEx2!!!!!

I think it will be beter in the full version. Well I hope at least.
Lets give it a chance eh? :)
Originally posted by thehunter1320
did any1 have the nerve to finish trhe DX:IW demo?
i wouldn't mind finishing it.... but it's damn hard even on easy

it was easy as piss, dunno why so many people are complaining. i completed it without having to kill anyone/anything.

having praised myself for completing the demo i now have to go on a rant about how shoddy it seemed. all the buttons were stupidly huge, the interface was clunky, models were SHIT (but i suppose it's only a demo so can't expect too much), the character interaction was still at a late 1980s RPG level (ie. very very shit), the whole inventory system has been ripped and raped and i don't even know how much room i have in my inventory and it's difficult to organise everything and it's just doing my head in.

uninstalled it. will be writing a very strong worded email to Warren Spector.

Originally posted by Murray_H
It would make an interesting comparison for someone to play it on the Xbox, do you reckon all the shit things will still be present?

to an xbox player none of it will be shit. it'll be his sad little wet dream come true. but for PC gamers, it's just another piece of shit.

boo ****ing hoo..i'm gonna go play the original to remind me how good the sequel could have been.

i hate everything.

****ing ruined my day.
The interface was just abismal!

I mean they have that large font on console games because you sit a fair way away from the screen/TV. But on a PC game you are only a very short distance from the monitor. Haveing the font this big is annoying to read and ditracts from the rest of the game.
I also hate the way they got rid of all the little things that helped make Deus Ex great! Like the way if you hovered over even i small insignificant object it had a small description of it. The way the cross hairs showed accuracy. The feeling of a hude world with many thousands of people.

I might add more if I have the time later. But basically they have "Streemlined" this game FAR TOO MUCH. :(
So Ion Storm has made another dakitana, well looks like the first DX was just a fluke.
i'm afraid warren spector and his cohorts have been sullied by the vice that is MONEY. sad ****s. they've sold out i suppose. i can only see thief 3 going the same way.

this is such a damn travesty. i only hold HL2 won't be affected by the evil machinations of M$.


i have more flames to come, stay tuned.
Originally posted by MooCow
So Ion Storm has made another dakitana, well looks like the first DX was just a fluke.

i don't think the first DX was a fluke. warren spector knows how to make games, he's worked on Ultima a while back. the only reason DX2 seems so utterly SHIT is because ion storm have taken a large cheque from M$ so that their console kiddies can sample the delights of the world of Deus Ex. except it's not a delight anymore it's just another console game.
Oh dear god, I just played it and it was terrible...the movement sucks and you where right about the hud, oh and about the physics...try and shoot a dead body, it goes flyin everywhere! :|, what have ion storm done ?
I was disappointed with the demo also.

I found the interface slightly irresponsive - I don't want to a look at a silly pop-up that rotates and makes me loses 1 seconds, I just want you to do the command.

Anyway, after playing the demo I finally understood what bugged me about the first one. I always thought the openess felt manufactured, but I never could properly explain it. Now I can.

To me, openess is : Here is a problem, there is no clear path, but you can solve it the way you want to. GTA 3 and vice city for example do this well.

But with Deus Ex, it is here is the problem, and here are 5 solutions, pick the one you like.

I am not sure how you call that, but I don't consider that openess.
yeah, what they do is create large 'sandpit' type areas. these sandpits are relatively freeform and give you the impression that you have freedom. but they string these sandpits together in a linear fashion, so ultimately you're still playing a linear game. poo.

i can't find any sort of evolutionary or revolutionary steps in DX2, it's just gone backwards. like a successful human being de-evolving into a millwall supporter.

EDIT: spelt 'type' wrong.
Originally posted by simmo
Oh dear god, I just played it and it was terrible...the movement sucks and you where right about the hud, oh and about the physics...try and shoot a dead body, it goes flyin everywhere! :|, what have ion storm done ?

did u use my BT link?
I think the thing that threw it off for me was for some reason, all the player models were freaking out.. they were like, flashing, I probably just messed my visual options up, but, it seemed boring anyhow, so I quit and uninstalled and didn't look back :)
OH MY ****ING GOD!!!

i just had a thought...if they've fecked up Deus Ex 2, that means they'll most probably feck up Thief III......and if they feck up Thief III, that means....oh no....oh god please no.....they'll probably feck up System Shock 3 as well.


EDIT: had too many parts starred * out...didn't make sense
hmm.. are they working on System Shock 3? what was System Shock like, anyhow? I just started playing SS2 :)
well they've been recruiting artists for a 'secret sci-fi FPS/RPG' for some time now.

system shock was awesome, system shock 2 is the scariest game ever. naturally we were hoping SS3 to be the best of the bunch, but now there's more chance of HL2 coming out before christmas 2003.
let me cast my vote too:
this game is ass.
four years ago it might have been decent, but it's intolerable today. i unloaded it after five minutes. try the max payne demo instead.
I "unloaded it" and uninstalled in under 3 minutes, I win :)

me = sooo disapointed in case you havent noticed :(

I seriously can not believe they turned on their own fans like this!
Believe it or not, Its still on my system!

I havn't been playing mind.

I am desperately hopeing they release a patch that makes everything all beter like it should be.......

Do you think thats silly? :P
Originally posted by simmo
Damn...5 mins for me ;)

I was hyped from the main menu.. thought it was gonna be cool, once I got into the game.. wow, the hud was awful and my controls which I rebound got reset to default..

Came to the first enemy, tried to "sneak up" to him, got pretty close, he started shooting me, I started stunning him, was nothing like DX1's, so I quit and uninstalled

the end :)
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
Believe it or not, Its still on my system!

I havn't been playing mind.

I am desperately hopeing they release a patch that makes everything all beter like it should be.......

Do you think thats silly? :P

Pretty silly.. won't happen, especially not for a demo

Anyhow, DX2 was a big let down, reminds me of Trespasser.. such potential turning out to be crappy =(

Hopefully the full game will be better.. I'll wait for the reviews
NFS:U had a demo patch. I was thinking about uninstalling it and I realised I spent 2 hours downloading it so I better play it. I played it again and I loved it. I want cheats though I want to mess around with the amazing physics. Though this demo just comes to show you, never judge a book by its cover.
I kept the DX2 demo, and I played through it a few times hoping I'd get to like it. No joy :( It still sucks.
Dissapointed too, if this wasn't Deus Ex 2 it would go completely unnoticed.

Average at times, below par for the rest. Even as a big fan of the original there's nothing here that excites :/

(no localised damage wtf!!)
I'll be the first to admit that after playing it several more times I like it alot more than I did before. But I still wont buy it unless urgent changes are made such as unfied ammo and the locational dammage system + UI. And others.......

I can't understand why they released that level as the demo either. That level sucks because we don't have a clue what to do when we start it. Why are we looking for a pilot. Where are we going and why. What for
I didn't even hear who I was working for!!! and against!!!!
Its madness sheer madness!!!
I agree with marksman, after playing it through a couple times, first gunning my way through, then taking the pacifist route, I've started to appreciate it a bit more. I actually think taking the pacifist route is more fun, you have to use your noggin a bit more. Especially since firefights are abysmal in this game.