Deus Ex: Invisible War


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Ok, this game looks fun, and is a few years old, so its cheap, I'm going out to buy a game tomarrow, and this one looks like its gonna be good, With my graphics card (See my sig) can I play it with good graphics?

P.S. I don't care what you all think of the game, I just wanna know if my computer can support it, with good graphics + sound
It will run , but like a three legged athritic semi-comatose alsatian.
You have an fx5600, when the game was released last year it was famous for running poorly on top-grade hardware.
Of course you can play it with good graphics... It will just run like a two legged dog.
I had a Ti4200 at the time I tried out the demo and it didn't perform very well with the settings on high.
You can see the difference between the two on Tom's Hardware's VGA chart.

Edit: SAJ beat me to the dog joke. :(
I'm not asking for the absolute highest graphics, just medium or higher, can it run medium or higher??!?!?!?
I didnt realise about the dog connection! I must have chosen that metaphor through subliminal influence, heh.

Will it run medium or higher? Hard to say, I wa srunning it on a 9800 pro, and it took alot of tweaking before I could get to run well at 800x600.
Of course......... you could try the demo.
I have dial-up, it'd take days to DL the demo, screw it, I'll look arund the store, and if I can't find a better game, I'll get it, thanks for all your guys' help.
It will run just fine, the actual game is more stable then the demo. Plus there is a patch for it, so rememebr to dl that.

Anyway, even you did not ask for it, I will still give my opinion.
Now I myself, like the game more then the first game, I like it alot.
But honestly speaking, 99.99% of the people absolutely hate it, so much that they will totally smash up their PC, because tehy are so frustrated with it, and hate it so much. So watch out, this game may cost you a monitor and keyboard, a lot more then you bargined for Just thought I'd warn you.

Also, if you see that you can run it at the highest settings, you might want to try and dl these texture packs, you have a lot of ram so you can probably easly handle it.;22988
The game will run ok on your hardware. I ran it at 1600x1200 with high-definition pack (get it if you feel your system can take it!) with a 9800pro.

The game itself is horribly underrated and probably one of the better games of that year. Many of the features that were implemented can be considered steps back from the original deus ex (one of the best games ever) so lots of people hate it because of that. One notable step backwards was the implementation of a "unified ammo system". Using the same ammo for all guns is pretty weak.

Since this will invariably turn into a debate on how good it is, I honestly think it's a really really good game in its own right.
(Teehee, I love these little arguments over DE2)

If it had...

-a decent plot that didn't sound like it was made up by a DE fanboy
-a world that wasn't so bland, small and restricting
-given us a reason to take a path that wasn't the easiest route through the game, since it meant very little what path you took (and has zero effect on the ending, which is only affected by choices you make right at the end)
-a more refined and sensitive control system
-some decent AI
-a physice engine that wasn't the very definition of over-the-top
-characters who wouldn't all act like manequins and talk in the same monotone, dull fashion
-not been shorter than MGS2

Then I would agree that it was a good game at the very least. :p About the only things I can say that I liked about it were the good music and pretty graphics (which are horribly unoptimised btw; expect low framerates in a lot of areas).
i bought it for £5 but haven't got round to playing it yet. My computer runs it too slowly (although runs hl2 fine).
Honestly, you're going to want to read through a tweak guide for that game before you play it. It's so horribly optimized.

Good enough game, I guess. But it absolutely pales in comparison to the original.
I bought it, and I havn't had a frame skip, freeze, or crash yet, this game kicks ass - it's a real cool RPG, I love this game, and the reason it has not excellent graphics its because the game was made in 2003, it may not seem like long ago but for games it is, the same reason is why thay move like mannequins, there is nothing wrong with the story line, and I like all the customization, the physics, and all the side "Quests", the only thing I found wrong with this game (Seriously, the only thing wrong) is the physics of when you run into something, and some things you can throw a bit too far, other than that, this game kicks ass, I love tossing all kinds of crap at people, I Have been playing thsi game for the last 3 hours (Since I got it), And I Love it, I'm Just Takin A Break Right now, So I don't need any more tips, this game runs perfectly and the game is awesome, thank you for all of your guys' help.
Dog-- said:
I bought it, and I havn't had a frame skip, freeze, or crash yet, this game kicks ass - it's a real cool RPG, I love this game, and the reason it has not excellent graphics its because the game was made in 2003, it may not seem like long ago but for games it is, the same reason is why thay move like mannequins, there is nothing wrong with the story line, and I like all the customization, the physics, and all the side "Quests", the only thing I found wrong with this game (Seriously, the only thing wrong) is the physics of when you run into something, and some things you can throw a bit too far, other than that, this game kicks ass, I love tossing all kinds of crap at people, I Have been playing thsi game for the last 3 hours (Since I got it), And I Love it, I'm Just Takin A Break Right now, So I don't need any more tips, this game runs perfectly and the game is awesome, thank you for all of your guys' help.
:cheers: :imu: :bounce: :farmer:
Dog-- said:
I love this game, and the reason it has not excellent graphics its because the game was made in 2003,

No, the graphics sucked back then as well. I bought it on release, okay? I know.
Let me rephrase.

The graphics weren't horrible, really. They were just extremely uneven. The lighting was fancy, but was never made full use of, so it only served to bog down my machine. The physics were fun, but felt sluggish and unwieldly. Throughout the entire game I felt like I was moving through molasses, and stacking objects or climbing them was a pain in the ass. Characters and environments were spruced up with lighting, bumpmapping, and all that jazz, but they couldn't cover up the noticeable blandness. Environments were sometimes pretty detailed, but almost always cramp and small.
In the end, it just seemed like Ion Storm had tossed a bunch of pretty bells and whistles onto average visuals in an attempt to spice it up, but in the end it jost looked inconsistent and worse.

I don't even need to go into detail about the severe optimization issues. All I can say is that when the game was released, people were already posting up simple cache tweaks, mouse tweaks, rendering tweaks, and other things that were so beneficial and simple that you had to wonder why Ion Storm had not included them already. Not to mention that people snooping around the files found mounds of X-Box code that served... no purpose at all.
I think the graphics are fine. They're 100x better than the first, so there's not much use in complaining. I still think they should have used the basic UT2003 engine to make it, rather than building in the dynamic lighting which just killed performance. It would've saved them a hell of a lot of time which could've been spent on deciding not to put in stupid UI's that take up half the screen.
Well, I would hope that a sequel would look better than the original, or something's not right. Of course, I could actually play the original when it came out, as opposed to its sequel. ;)

Aye, they should have just stuck with the normal Unreal Tech. And the UI made no practical sense. Maybe if I had a circle-shaped monitor it would be nice... but I don't.
Well, Regardless of what you all say, I like it.
Hm, I'm considering buying it now.
I semi-liked the demo...
It will play it but if you loved the original you'll want to kill youself by the end of the game.
I can't see WHY PEOPLE SAY THIS GAME IS GOOD. If you played Deus Ex and even if you didn't this game is horrible. The story is shit, I didn't even remember what it was after the ending credits. The end was boring. None of the choices you made troughout the game made any difference. You could kill Nicolette's boyfriend just like that and then she'd say: "why'd you kill him, I liked him. Oh well, here, have a mission!". The inventory sucked. The augmentation system was poor compared to the original. The shooting was miserable. It took like a clip of the pistol to kill a man. It didn't matter if you shot them in the head or leg. The bloom effect made the game look boring. In overall, there was nothing good that comes to mind. You can throw things and bodies for 50 meters. Just horrible. If you tried to sneak, the enemy would hear you no matter what.

I recall the game running rather poorly also. Maybe graphics were the strongest part of the game, and the nice sounding Deus Ex theme in the menu. In every other aspect, Deus Ex beats this game 100-0. Nothing felt like it meant something. I try only try to refer to this game as "Invisible War" and in my mind it isn't a sequel to Deus Ex. It's one of those things that are so bad you just have to forget they even exist. I wish they never made the game.

Deus Ex was about three times as long as this one too.
They removed so much of what made the original great.
augmentations were stupified
they axed the skill system(I mean come on! THE F*CKING SKILL SYSTEM. You are the exact same shot at the end as the start. Very un-Deus Ex)
don't even get me f*cking well started on the 'universal ammo clip'. My rocket launcher uses the same ammo as my f*cking pistol for Christ's sake
they removed location damage for you
the animations are so blockly
the story...OMG, just OMG
enimies invariably droped less ammo than it took to kill them(and so little ammo around else where) making you having to resort to sneaking even though it's supposed to be open-ended. And then the enemies near the end needed more ammo to kill and they exploded when you kill them so they dropped no ammo(OK this did happen in 1 but it worked in that)
"just killed 20 soldiers! OK, we forgive you here's your mission"
I could go on and on...

Edit: and anyone who says "it may not be as good as the original but it's still a decent game in it's own right"
IMO it shouldn't be a game in it's own right. Every game in a series reflects the series. The cut so much of the good stuff it's unreal. I cannot fathom how they could have possibly made some of the decisions they did.

One thing that made me want to throw the controller at the screen was the plot
"You're real name isn't Alex D, it's Alex Denton"
I was there. o_O NO F*CKING SHIT SHERLIOCK!!! most obvious and idiotic plot twist ever
they axed the skill system(I mean come on! THE F*CKING SKILL SYSTEM. You are the exact same shot at the end as the start. Very un-Deus Ex)

A multi-million dollar superagent can't hit a barn door?

don't even get me f*cking well started on the 'universal ammo clip'. My rocket launcher uses the same ammo as my f*cking pistol for Christ's sake

they removed location damage for you

These aren't bad things. These are just changes that annoy you because they're different. I mean what's the actual problem here?

the story...OMG, just OMG

If you say so. Personal opinion this one. :dozey:

enimies invariably droped less ammo than it took to kill them(and so little ammo around else where) making you having to resort to sneaking even though it's supposed to be open-ended.

I played on realisitc. It's not like 'uber hard difficulty' it's like 'enemies don't take much to kill but neither do you'.

"just killed 20 soldiers! OK, we forgive you here's your mission"

When I tried that they just shot at me. :(
The story was just...ok. They really did throw in some lames ideas. Chad Dumier? Nicollete? Half of the characters ruined...gah!
Seems it's a love or hate game. o_O...
These aren't bad things. These are just changes that annoy you because they're different. I mean what's the actual problem here?
The location damage was a very bright and well implemented gameplay mechanic that was axed for no good reason while IMO the UAC(accidental Doom reference) was simply an act of pure idiocy. I see what they were going for with it, to make ammo more precious but they could have just lowered the amount you can carry and I simply found itunbearably frustrating

If you say so. Personal opinion this one. :dozey:
Valid point

I played on realisitc. It's not like 'uber hard difficulty' it's like 'enemies don't take much to kill but neither do you'.
But you're not just always low on ammo. You're always desperate for ammo to the point of frustration and I killed people with quite low ammo spendage.

Overall I found the game unbearably frustrating and I only bothered to finish it from my love of the original.
I'm pretty sure headshots did more damage than normal body shots. Maybe it was added in one of the patches, or maybe I'm remembering wrongly.
Does anyone know where i can buy a NOT used boxed copy of the the original Game of the Year edition.
Hello. Have some of this universal ammo that doesn't kill people! I can only give you 2 bullets. Hope you will do well with this against the few enemies you'll encounter. Hey, did you notice that my speech is played from a very hi quality sound file? Why don't you go change your keyboard binds. You get to change them every time you play this fine looking game, because they won't save. Hello, I'm a chinese guy with an american voice-actor.

Here, let's pretend you're playing Deus Ex: there's the apartment of Maggie Chow and the Dragon sword. Wait, that was only a 2second sequence in the Deus Ex world.

A shame the game ends, I wish it would've lasted forever. It is that good. Invisible War I mean.
Omg, You people whine a god damn lot, Just because it's different from the original, you gotta bitch over every little change, If you say this game is soooooo horrible, lets see you make a better one, Whats that? You can't?

Then Shut up.

And it's not like the game is new and costs $60, It cost me $15 for a new copy, oooooooooooo $15 I'm so poor now, I wasted all my money...... god

(And you CAN sneak without them noticing you, Just push the sneak button [Shift])
Dog-- said:
If you say this game is soooooo horrible, lets see you make a better one, Whats that? You can't?

Unfair arguement right there.
Always a cheapshot when someone brings that up.

Can YOU make games?
No I Can't make a game, But I'm not saying the game sucks, It's better than anything You or I Can make tho...

P.S. I can and have made games before, but there little games, Little Cruddy Flash games, they are still fun for a few minutes though....
Dog-- said:
No I Can't make a game, But I'm not saying the game sucks, It's better than anything You or I Can make tho...

P.S. I can and have made games before, but there little games, Little Cruddy Flash games, they are still fun for a few minutes though....

As have I, just with Games Factory and Click N Play though... and with stock graphics... was too much of a pain in the ass to do anymore.
Dog-- said:
Omg, You people whine a god damn lot, Just because it's different from the original, you gotta bitch over every little change, If you say this game is soooooo horrible, lets see you make a better one, Whats that? You can't?

Then Shut up.

Neither can you. :p It's such a childish argument, it has nothing to do with whether the game is bad or not. It's no better than saying "takes one to know one". If you personally like it then great, you can enjoy something we can't. No need to get so overly defensive.
xlucidx said:
As have I, just with Games Factory and Click N Play though... and with stock graphics... was too much of a pain in the ass to do anymore.

Hey! same here, I got a thing called "Game maker 6.0" to much work to put together one little space invaders clone, thats why I quit it.