Deus Ex: Shockwave - wow!

Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score
2 :imu:

It's a shockwave version of Deus Ex made by someone from the Ionstorm forums. I didn't know Shockwave was so powerful, this is pretty awesome!

If Shockwave 10 asks to install, click yes then close all your browser windows then re-open at the site.

Quick start: Go forward from the start and down a manhole, get the key, then head back up to the playerstart and open the door there. That'll start you off...
WHOA :O, this thing is sweet

/me continues playing
Thanks, but I'll play the original ;). Interesting level choice, though; quite far into the game. Probably because it's the smallest.
I have a special place in my heart for Deus Ex.

interesting that this can be done with Shockwave, and an impressive amout of work, but why not just play Deus Ex?
Because it's just a bit of fun :)

Bieng brutally honest, when i saw the thread name, my hopes of deus ex 3 rocketed so high i almost jumped out my seat :P
oh yeh i remember that level :D great job they;ve done here
I guess I'm the only one like "wtf" ?

*Puts on flame retardant suit
Those are some pretty sweet shockwave conversions, i understand what you might feel but the real Deus Ex is much less dumbed down and a true masterpiece of gaming, try that instead.
Wow you made me think Deus Ex 3 was coming out you ASSA{WK{!O@}PO@JE{PAJS_)DJAOPSIDJPAD:K!~!!!!

Damnit, can't get Shockwave to install on damn crap arse Firefox.
yeah I was hoping a proper deus ex was coming out.
Not like IW was bad it just could not hold a candle to deus ex


No more DX or Thief games for a while! :(
Yes, I strategically named the thread this way to make more people view it.

Next on my list is to get it a Google PageRank of at least 3.
StardogChampion said:
Yes, I strategically named the thread this way to make more people view it.

Next on my list is to get it a Google PageRank of at least 3.
you certainly did a good job of it, you tricky bastard :)