Deus Ex


Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
I cant belive I missed this game when it came out. Its like my ideal FPS. Definatly one of the best games I have ever played. One of the very few games where your choices dosent matter and you do not have to succed perfectly at every mission to progress the game!
Aye, Deus Ex was a milestone in gaming. I just played through it again earlier this year.

It was geat, because I picked it up without knowing anything about it. 'Twas a real treat.
One of the most overrated games ever, IMO. I should probably start from scratch and give it another try, though.
I played the demo more times through than I've played any other game, oh god how I loved it.
i loved it. i found it at my uncles house, played it a bit, and was hooked.
I got Deus Ex 2 first, and everyone was like "omG Tat game Suxx0Rz!!Loll!!"

So I "got" the first one and I was like "Omg GreaTESt Game eVur!!1"
I'm trying to reinstall it, and it won't work :(. Darn pirated games!
Mine works fine, it's pirated..
I think Deus Ex is overrated, but nonetheless it is a great game.

Deus Ex 2 is underrated. Just play the game and don't compare it... Its an awesome game
Deus Ex is teh sex!

Daudelus is watching, so is icarus, and maybe bob paige.
Can Alcohol mount .cue files?

Oh your mounting it on virtual drive, don't do that, it causes way to much problems, change the file.bin to file.iso, and open the iso, and burn it.. way less probs...
Best game of all time.

Cant beat the story and gameplay.

Must have beat it well over 10 times always finding new things.

The people who pirated the game need to get banned exp. talking about it on this forum.
It works, yea, but make sure you copy the bin first (file.bin and file1.bin).. sometimes it doesn't work and screws up.. I had to download doom 3 disk 3 again because I messed it..
DT > Alcohol 120%

Back on topic, I never got far enough in Deus Ex to judge it properly, lost a save during reformat so I never bothered again.
They both suck, Burning > any mounting program..

The same thing happened to me with Darwinia (the save thing) so I'm like F*** THAT, I AINT DOING ALL THAT OVER, havn't touched it since.. I just started the recycler level, where all teh souls of Darwinians go to get recycled.. then it's all lost... for no reason at all.. my new save works perfectly fine..
One of the best games ever
I'd go so far as to say that it's the best game ever. To this day, there hasn't been a game so immersive and engrossing to the player. Yes, that includes HL/2.

For those talking about pirating it, do yourselves a favour and buy a copy. I've seen it for as low as a fiver, you sodding cheapskates.
Actually when I heard about how good a game it was, I went out to buy it, I said "Do you have Deus Ex?" they said "Sorry, we only have Deus Ex 2" since it's a sequel, I figure it'll be better (Graphics, gameplay, ect..), got home, it was alright.. then I went to a friends house, played Deus Ex 1, and it was way better. So, since they didn't sell it anywhere, I really wanted the game.. only way I knew how - Pirate!

So, sinced they jipped me off of Deus Ex 1 with Deus Ex 2, I payed $15 for a peice of crap that is worth 5, so if anything, they owe me $5!!
Actually when I heard about how good a game it was, I went out to buy it, I said "Do you have Deus Ex?" they said "Sorry, we only have Deus Ex 2" since it's a sequel, I figure it'll be better (Graphics, gameplay, ect..), got home, it was alright.. then I went to a friends house, played Deus Ex 1, and it was way better. So, since they didn't sell it anywhere, I really wanted the game.. only way I knew how - Pirate!

So, sinced they jipped me off of Deus Ex 1 with Deus Ex 2, I payed $15 for a peice of crap that is worth 5, so if anything, they owe me $5!!
Yeah, but in my (and most other fans of DXs') mind, there never was a sequel. You paid for thin air.
Deus ex is one of my favourite games of all time. It's so good that I can simply forget about the piss-poor combat and enjoy everything else. Deus ex 2 was great as well, and whilst it obviously isn't as good, you can't deny that its a cut above the rest of the tosh on the market. Stop pretending there wasn't a sequel and just play it for what it is...consider it as just an expansion of some kind. :p
My game crashes at the end of the ship section ;(
I love this game so much that my first name here was DeusEx2. Well I changed it after DE:IW came out tbh.
I was hoping that Warren Spector held on to the license, so we could of seen Deus Ex: Source pop up
Funny this thread should pop up, just installed it yesterday. Gotta say it looks a hell of a lot better than I expected it to after all these years. Annoyingly though my sound seems to keep going mental, occasionaly completely disappearing. :(
I dont really think the combat is bad, but oh well. There are some NPC responses that should be there however, one time I had to crawl through an airfield to get to a helicopter due to severe leg injuries. Non of the friendlies that occupied the airfield thought of helping me.

Oh well.
I was hoping that Warren Spector held on to the license, so we could of seen Deus Ex: Source pop up

He said if he got the chance to buy the rights he would love to work on Deus Ex again.

It was in the recent interview on shacknews.
Deus Ex: Invisible War I'm guessing is the first game? I really have no clue. I got it about 2 Christmas' ago but never opened it. Never even heard about the game. Finally opened it up last week and didn't really play much, I don't know... it just didn't catch me quite into the game just yet. I might just try to play it again alittle later to see if I can actually get into the game.

But is Deus Ex: Invisible War the first game or the second?
It's the second. It wasn't as horrifically bad as it was made out to be, but it's definitely a disgrace of a sequel. :hmph:
Hmm alright, I might just go out later and get the first one then, and see whats all the talk about :rolleyes: I'm also guessing its a cheapy by now? (Price-wise)
Yeah, I'm sure you can pick it up for next to nothing nowadays, probably just a few quid/dollars. Mind you, it came out six years ago now. :p Still worth every penny I reckon.
it's pretty good looking for a game that old.
I think Deus Ex is overrated, but nonetheless it is a great game.

Deus Ex 2 is underrated. Just play the game and don't compare it... Its an awesome game

It's hard not to compare those 2 if you have played the first game. I do play DX1 about once or twice a year, but I only played DX2 once and wouldn't touch it again ...