Devil May Cry 3 IGN Review - Who's ready for a challenge?

Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score

IGN's review of DMC3 just came in. A few things that stand out to me from the review:

IGN said:
Of course, import gamers have already devoted several message board threads to talking about how challenging the Japanese version of Dante's Awakening really is, but I wonder how they'd react if they knew that the American release is even tougher? Remember the Resident Evil 4-style checkpoint system? That's now gone in favor of the original Devil May Cry's yellow orb continuance structure. Remember how tough the Hard Mode was from the moment Dante's adventure first began? Well that's been changed too -- now the Japanese Hard mode has been transformed into the American Normal setting. So if you thought you were good before, you have to be even better now. Are you scared yet? Because if not you should be.

IGN said:
the white-haired badass gets stabbed in the torso more times than Julius Caesar

IGN said:
Because unlike your typical action title, Devil May Cry 3 never eases you into the more challenging areas -- it just throws you in from the beginning and says "good luck."
Sounds like my kind of game

IGN said:
Gameplay 10
One of the best action games of the last decade. An extremely deep customization system, plenty of combos, massive challenges, and excellent physics can go a long way.

For those of you that care to compare big action titles. IGN gave Ninja Gaiden a 9.4.

Over a dozen bosses, 5 devil arms, 6 styles, 5 difficulty modes and unlockables...needless to say, I cannot wait for Tuesday to roll around.

EDIT: One more quote from the review - "it's the single best PS2 game that Capcom had made so far."
i really think i'll get it when out in europe as i love a good 3rd person action game,havent got one since prince of persia:ww,thats a great score too,i presume gs will give it about 8.4 considering their recent ps2 history

physics eh too,interesting
jimbo118 said:
i really think i'll get it when out in europe as i love a good 3rd person action game,havent got one since prince of persia:ww,thats a great score too,i presume gs will give it about 8.4 considering their recent ps2 history

physics eh too,interesting

I bet. I'd bet they'll complain about some kind of camera issue, the music, the difficulty and the graphics. Some people just don't like the rock music in the game, camera issues are something that most reviewers mention...but I never have problems with, and the graphics aren't the best in the world, but solid for a ps2 game.
AmishSlayer said:
I bet. I'd bet they'll complain about some kind of camera issue, the music, the difficulty and the graphics. Some people just don't like the rock music in the game, camera issues are something that most reviewers mention...but I never have problems with, and the graphics aren't the best in the world, but solid for a ps2 game.

do u have it man?also off topic but where is n.d in your location tab?sry im not american :farmer:
I don't have it yet :( North Dakota is the ND in my location field. It's in the midwest - bordering Canada. If you're looking at a map of the continental US, look at the very center, then go up to the top :P
i dont know about devil may cry 3, after the HUGE dissapointment in the second title
AmishSlayer said:
I don't have it yet :( North Dakota is the ND in my location field. It's in the midwest - bordering Canada. If you're looking at a map of the continental US, look at the very center, then go up to the top :P
interesting,sry 4 being nosy,just im goin to america this summer and have an interest you see,have my interview soon with the embassy,being a student and all :stare:
ktimekiller said:
i dont know about devil may cry 3, after the HUGE dissapointment in the second title

DMC2 was made by a separate team than DMC1. DMC3 was made by the best of both teams and goes back to what DMC1 was like from what I've been hearing. I have a friend back home that has the Japanese version and he says it's better than DMC1 in every way :)

jimbo118 said:
interesting,sry 4 being nosy,just im goin to america this summer and have an interest you see,have my interview soon with the embassy,being a student and all

That's cool. Do yourself a favor - If you ever go sightseeing, NEVER come up here. This is quite possibly the most boring, drab landscape I have ever seen. It's completely flat (the highest elevation is probably on the golf course - manmade of course - and it's about 5 feet higher than the rest of the ground) and the only trees are by the Red River, used for windbreaks, or planted in town.
AmishSlayer said:
That's cool. Do yourself a favor - If you ever go sightseeing, NEVER come up here. This is quite possibly the most boring, drab landscape I have ever seen. It's completely flat (the highest elevation is probably on the golf course - manmade of course - and it's about 5 feet higher than the rest of the ground) and the only trees are by the Red River, used for windbreaks, or planted in town.
not a big fan of where you are born or did you move there?im goin to california on a j1 visa so i'll be mostly working and sightseeing,adventuring on the w/ends,doubt i'll get to north dakota,whats the south like?
jimbo118 said:
not a big fan of where you are born or did you move there?im goin to california on a j1 visa so i'll be mostly working and sightseeing,adventuring on the w/ends,doubt i'll get to north dakota,whats the south like?

I go here for college - I'm originally from Bloomington, MN, the state just to the east. Close, but drastically different. I haven't been down south much....I've pretty much been everywhere in the US but the south :P California should prove worth for some sightseeing though.

On-topic - I just beat DMC1 again on Normal, Hard isn't too much harder, but I can see it getting tought later on. Just gearing myself up for the challenge of DMC3 :)
AmishSlayer said:
I go here for college - I'm originally from Bloomington, MN, the state just to the east. Close, but drastically different. I haven't been down south much....I've pretty much been everywhere in the US but the south :P California should prove worth for some sightseeing though.
i meant south dakota,that south.minnesota i presume,i hear thats really nice
Ah, I've been to South Dakota once :P Nothing special from what I saw. I think it's better than North Dakota though.
Damn, another game I need to save up for. Hopefully I'll have enough for GT4 and this.
ButtHoleMcGee said:
Damn, another game I need to save up for. Hopefully I'll have enough for GT4 and this.
tell me about it,mgs3 this friday,bia in a few weeks,sc:ct and maybe swat 4
DMC 3 is out March 24th in the U.K. according to

I hope we get the same version as America, if it really is harder.
the fact that people say that is so good as the 1 is enough reazon to buy it

I will waut for GS review too, I just see how hard is to a game to get 9 or above in GS
For those that were waiting for the GS review.

Greg Kasavin = GS said:
Ultimately, what's so great about the combat system is that it's all extremely fluid, responsive, and precise.

Greg Kasavin - GS said:
On the contrary, many game players these days seem nostalgic for "old-school" games in which having to play through tough levels over and over again was to be expected before yielding the sorts of hard-fought thrills you don't get from breezing through most of today's relatively forgiving games.
You cut striaght to the core of me Greg...

Ratiing - 8.6 - Only bad comments seem to be the difficulty - The reason I'm even more excited for it :cheers:
because the Gamespot members suck and found it too difficult ! ;)
I think it's because Gamespot review games based on your casual gamer thus rating it lower because yes, it may be too difficult for your average gamer. However if you're determined and you love games then you'll probably find the difficulty as a challange in a world of easy games.
mortiz said:
I think it's because Gamespot review games based on your casual gamer thus rating it lower because yes, it may be too difficult for your average gamer. However if you're determined and you love games then you'll probably find the difficulty as a challange in a world of easy games.
well I dont cosider myself a expert gamer so sure will be hard

also it was a bit hard to me to beat the game in normal mode,and in hard worst
[NinjaGaidenFanboy] Yup....Ninja Gaiden got 9.4 from Greg......i knew it wouldn't be better[/NinjaGaidenFanboy]

I still want to play it though, i like tough games.
Sparta said:
[NinjaGaidenFanboy] Yup....Ninja Gaiden got 9.4 from Greg......i knew it wouldn't be better[/NinjaGaidenFanboy]

I still want to play it though, i like tough games.

IGN gave Ninja Gaiden a lower score so :P Ninja Gaiden got a higher score because it was easy for Greg to play :rolleyes: even though he allegedly calls it a "Hard" game. I found it to be pretty simple when I played through it. I liked DMC1 better because of the difficulty and simple because Dante is way cooler than Hayabusa (spelling?).
This is one of those few games that make me say, "Damn, I wish I had a PS2."
Sparta said:
[NinjaGaidenFanboy] Yup....Ninja Gaiden got 9.4 from Greg......i knew it wouldn't be better[/NinjaGaidenFanboy]

I still want to play it though, i like tough games.

hm, If Devil May Cry III was a bit easier I'm sure it would have got the same rating as Ninja Gaiden, since the only thing in the review Greg complains about is the difficulty. He even says that once he learned the ropes DMC 3 turned out to be one of the best action games he has ever played and it made him feel "special" upon completion.
I'm pissed. I hate Grand Forks. We get everything one day after release because trucks from distributors deliver to the Minneapolis/St. Paul area first, then the leftovers come up here on a truck 1 day later :( Tomorrow.
OMG... this game is amazing... ninja gaiden wasn't a big challenge... this is... and i'm damn glad
thehunter1320 said:
OMG... this game is amazing... ninja gaiden wasn't a big challenge... this is... and i'm damn glad

What style are you starting with?

Can you switch styles mid-level or is it strictly one style per level?

I plan to go with Gunslinger and Royal Guard. Gunslinger just seems cool and Royal Guard seems like it would be hard to use but very good.
thehunter1320 said:
OMG... this game is amazing... ninja gaiden wasn't a big challenge... this is... and i'm damn glad
Yeah Ninja Gaiden wasn't that challenging after you learnt how everything works. That was the thing though, it was fair, when you die, its your fault, not because the A.I is cheating or anything like that.

Anyway after reading the review of DMC 3 it sounds really good, and i've seen the gameplay movies so it looks like Ninja Gaiden on Speed. But i dont have a PS2 so i'll never be able to play it :(.

And if its harder then The Master Ninja Tournaments, that'll be awesome.
Picked the game up an hour ago and all I can say is:

Sweeet :)

It's the challenge I've been looking for. The first level was a breeze. I got hit once. I'm starting out with Gunslinger style. So far it's pretty plain but cool nonetheless (it's only at lvl 1 :P). I like the two-way shooting - it totally makes me think if Equilibrium. The hail of bullets you can do from the air is tight too. Charge shots can be handy in boss battles.

Anyways, level two is the first time I died. For a little while I was wondering where the challenge was that I had heard so much about, then a witch sorta demon with a big scythe came out cackling like it sounded in DMC1. I figure, 'Ok...this is the same type of enemy so I'll treat it like one' <---Big mistake. A health bar came up at the bottom - oops, boss. She may look and sound like her enemy cousin from DMC1, but she certainly got some new moves. She warped around and killed me in a matter of 20 seconds. I was completely careless. Second time around I beat her, but just barely.

I beat a second boss as well - he was even harder.
He's Cerebrus - a big 3-headed dog covered in ice. All his attacks are ice-based and he can be pretty brutal. Once you beat him you get Cerebrus the weapon - 3 pronged nunchaku

After that boss you get to the 4th level which is where I'm at now - I died in a big fight and decided to post here then goto class :P. I played for a little over an hour and I'm only done with 3 levels :P So far...much longer than DMC1.
someone can post pics?

not to spoiling please?