Dexter - Season 5

3 more episodes left for this season. You know, I always start the season off by saying "meh, this storyline wasn't as good as the last season" but it always grows on me. The Lumen storyline isn't any different for me.

Thought this episode was great, a lot of good tension and I'm starting to really like the whole Quin and his personal detective side story. His relationship with Deb is also getting a bit spicier after this episode.

Looking forward to the next one :)

I like the way their making Quin likable and more fleshed out, it makes it more tragic when he might fall.
yeah, i definitely finished the episode thinking ''i'm starting to like quinn more and more as this season goes on'', and on a similar note regarding characters, my loathing for laguerta is starting to reach breaking point now. i really, really hope she gets toppled at the end of all this. i keep saying to myself all of her career-caring brass brown-nosing is gonna be worth it if she gets cast out at the end of it all.
Latest ep was great.
Apart from them bringing Astor back, even though she was somewhat likable at the end of the episode.
I also like how Quinn seems to be changing... what with fessing up to Deb(for the most part) and I'm sure we haven't seen the last of Liddy yet.
we almost certainly haven't seen the last of liddy yet for sure. he has photos of dexter and his woman friend (who we know as lumen) on a boat with bags - even if quinn has given him the boot from being a private detective, it would sure as hell peak my curiosity.
Who cares?

Lots of people. Probably even Knut himself, since now he knows the right word, or is reminded of it, so he can use it correctly in the future and not look like that fool we used to have called HotNumbers.

I hope Liddy dies. Peter Weller is such an over-actor. He was alright in Odyssey 5, probably because that whole show was meh, but in anything else he really cheeses up the place.
actually i don't really care that much about it

y'all can continue talking about it if you want though, i'll pop back in around monday/tuesday-ish with some more hate to type about regarding laquerta, or maybe even praise if the next episode has something bad planned for her. see you then!
Finally caught up.

Astor is hot, I'm saying it.

Anyway, I've always sort of liked Quinn, I knew he was a good guy deep down so I am pleased with the way things are turning out. I'm very scared of Liddy.

And I'm also scared of Chase, but at least Dexter will know he is coming thanks to that call.
Yeah Tav, a lot has happened since you've been gone.
Astor looked like a gorram whore in the last episode.
How can you possibly think that's hot?

Shallow, very shallow.
I usually use 'hot' in the shallow sense.

And what isn't hot about a punk whore little girl.
And what isn't hot about a punk whore little girl.

The little girl part. Add a decade to her age and I might be interested.

Also, Lumen and Dex wind up in the sack together, how predictable. I knew they would go this rout from the moment they became "partners in crime".

And Vegeta, yeah, I like Quinn too. Hopefully he wont have an unfortunate ending like Doakes did.
Quinn is great. Liddy, however, is total shit and a terrible actor. I'll be glad when he dies. (which is sure to happen)
calling it as quinn or lumen to remove, in some sense or the other, liddy. i hate 'calling' things like this from simple gut feelings as it's pretty awkward if it doesn't happen, but whatever.
I suspect Deb to remove Liddy. Possibly after discovering Dexter.
****ing great episode.
What exactly was Jordan's reason for sending Deb and Quinn to the wrong house though?
Or was Jordan the one that was tricked?
****ing great episode.
What exactly was Jordan's reason for sending Deb and Quinn to the wrong house though?
Or was Jordan the one that was tricked?

Jordan was tricked. He assumed the killing would take place in Alex's house, they brought him next door instead.
Makes sense.
I can't wait to see what happens to Liddy.

He's either going to succeed in getting those tapes and videos to someone or he's going to die by season's end.
Liddy, however, is total shit and a terrible actor. I'll be glad when he dies. (which is sure to happen)

LIES! You can't comprehend Peter Weler's awesomeness!
He's not that bad of an actor, really.
He plays the smug cocksucker role pretty well, imo.
I didn't get the impression of bad actor. He's definitely 'different', but I don't think it's bad acting.

I also hate his guts, but again that is non-indicative.
Yeah, I wouldn't say hes bad. Just an over-actor sometimes. I don't think he really fits the role too well, because he really just is awkward when he cusses. The emphasis he puts on curses makes it all sound unnatural. Really, thats all that really sticks out to me ass bad about his character. That and he says "gal-pal."

Latest episode was really good. Really interested in seeing what Liddy does. No doubt hes going to Quinn again, but I bet Quinn's not going to listen. Considering Dexter doesn't even know who Liddy is, let alone that hes been watching him, I don't think Dexter is going to be the one to solve that problem. Unless he finds the hidden surveillance equipment. But thinking about that now... hes probably going to suspect Quinn of spying on him. Man, Quinn involving Liddy really ****s Dexter.
I don't think anyone here doubted that Dexter will get another season.

But I think they should make Season 6 AWESOME and finish the series with it. Like really polish that season and make sure it's as perfect as it can be. Like Valve makes us think it's doing with Episode 3, except actually release it.
People were getting final season vibe from the S5 trailer, which was admittedly very strong, but renewal is always imminent when it comes to Dexter. It's the network's best show, a critic's favorite, Emmy nominations every year, and just last week it recorded it's second highest ratings ever. I'm sure it's not ending any time soon as it should.

Note the mention that Season 6 is not being billed as the final season. It may as well be, but that's quite unlikely at this point. It's most likely ending when Michael C. Hall and the others (executive producers) are tired of it, because the network is going to renew it forever.
I don't mind the show continuing indefinitely, as long as they don't run out of good script ideas.
Season 6 has to be the final season.
I want him to get caught already, god damn.
Well to be honest, I think that's what they're setting up this season, with Deb's whole "damn them evil men, I think I'd kill them, too".
I hope so.
She'll probably end up sort of backing Dexter.
I hope so.
She'll probably end up sort of backing Dexter.

That would be cool, but I doubt it. Especially if she learned good ol' Dex is actually the "Bay Harbor Butcher".
Oh yeah, totally forgot about that.
Yeah, he'd be ****ed.
No, she's just going to know he and Lumen are the vigilante people she's been speculating about. They've been setting up Deb's acceptance to that all season.
I can't wait for tonight's episode! I'm heading to a friend's house to watch it and it should be very fun.
I know everything is pointing towards Deb being "ok" with what Dexter does, but I really don't think thats going to happen. First off, with tonight's episode, I'm almost positive she isn't going to find out about him. But even if she did, I really don't think she'd be ok with it. Dexter is the only "wholesome" person shes ever really known. Everyone else in her life has backstabbed her or lied to her about who they really were at least once. Literally the only person to ever not reveal themselves as a shit person has been Dexter. Her world would ****ing collapse. I mean, maybe she'd not feel as awful about it if he just killed these last three dudes related to the Barrel Girls, but she'd still be a wreck. But if she did find out about him now, she'd eventually find out that hes been doing it since he was a damn kid. No way she could handle that sort of breach of trust.

I'm curious as to how Liddy is going to be handled here. Unless Dex can get back to the van in time, hes definitely going to be discovered, and Quinn will have his suspicions in Dexter renewed, since Quinn knows Liddy's only job was Dexter. I'm assuming the blood on the pavement, and probably the bit on Quinn's shoe will only complicate the matter.