Diablo 3 announced

Why is it that when watching the video on page 17 of Cain's journal that the end of the video appears 'Diablo II" and the 3?

Other than that, it was an awesome read, it gave you insights of the life going on now in the game.

//edit: I think its just story telling from the 'Diablo II', I might just be not thinking right now, because there's another video that says 'ACT II' and he explains how he traveled east with the wanderer, which if I remember was in 'Diablo II'
Why is it that when watching the video on page 17 of Cain's journal that the end of the video appears 'Diablo II" and the 3?

Other than that, it was an awesome read, it gave you insights of the life going on now in the game.

//edit: I think its just story telling from the 'Diablo II', I might just be not thinking right now, because there's another video that says 'ACT II' and he explains how he traveled east with the wanderer, which if I remember was in 'Diablo II'

It's all the movies from Diablo 2 and LoD put to Deckard's journal, it leads up to the events in D3
Alright I thought so, I haven't really played Diablo II in ages. I just might start getting into it playing again today.
Haha, holy shit @ the boss fight. Did he just literally tear that guy apart? :laugh:
Great to see that the high level of gore is still there.

EDIT: Wow, the cinematic trailer was just... wow. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANT.

Okay okay... I need to take a chill pill, WAY too over exicted atm. :D
I'm very excited right now. I really hope they keep the mature content of the series. Kiddifying it is the worst thing they could do. I am seeing blood and body parts though, and that's a good sign.

Gore != Mature

Example: Fallout 3

Looks pretty awesome. I've only played D1 where I used to own my own duped books store.

I thought the outdoor environment was a 2D painting or something until he started moving around and zooming in.
the visual style dont feel so cartonish

I hope they do the same whit starcraft2
Huh, this is a quite nice thing to wake up to in the morning.

edit : **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES

edit x2 : Site's running incredibly slow, but it's to be expected I guess.

edit x3 : **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES **** YES
Holy fucking shit, this looks soooo good, and I never cared much for Diablo II.
Be sure to check out the character classes right here, contains a few gameplay videos that showcases some of the skills that they can use.
I wholeheartedly agree.

Couple things I'm slightly disappointed at right now, though. For one, the enemy design is nowhere near horrific enough. Skeletons and zombies are good and all, but the larger enemies look like they belong in Warcraft. Hopefully not every boss monster is a giant bloated thing with a huge stomach.

Second, and more importantly, there was no mention of randomly-generated levels. If so, that'll really take away a big part of the game. :(

The lead designer mentioned that all levels in the game are randomized- that's multi-storied, 3d, destructible environments generated procedurally. Only key instances are individually mapped, like in Diablo 1 and 2.

I haven't seen enough of the beastiary to make an informed opinion on monsters- especially considering the game is still heavy in development.
........Dear god, I think I'm going to go out and rape every woman and pillage every town in the name of the Dark Wanderer...
HOLY SHIT YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some notes... nothing confirmed.

* 4-5 players per game.
* Secret levels hinted at.
* Potions taken out. Players now heal via red orbs dropped by monsters. One may speculate this applies to mana.
* Not a very mod-friendly game.
* Loot system based on HG:L. Separate loot drops for each individual, only you can see your own loot.
* Inventory grid being done away with. Different inventory system in the works.
* Female and male character models for each class
* Gems and socketing still in D3 (not confirmed, only saw a chipped topaz drop while watching the gameplay vid).
* Necromancer class not replaced, but not confirmed.
The art style of the dungeon and the music actually remind me a lot of Planescape: Torment. Even the narrator in the trailer sounds like the same woman who voiced Deionarra (Jennifer Hale, same woman who voiced the female Shepard in Mass Effect incidentally).

Anyway, I'm not a fan of action RPGs... I'll be holding out for something like Dragon Age, in the absence of a BG3 ;(
Someone's spamming up the Blizzard Diablo 3 forum. SO FUNNEH. :dozey:
I dunno... it's pretty close.

It's either Diablo 3 or Half-Life 2 at E3 that was the best day for me. I guess it depends on what your favourite games are. :naughty:
Accordng to the FAQ:

"Five character classes will be included in the game, two of which, the barbarian and witch doctor, were revealed when the game was announced at the 2008 Blizzard Entertainment Worldwide Invitational. The other classes will be announced at a later date."

Looks like the witchdoctor will be replacing one of the classes. Most likely the Necro. Also in the FAQ it's stated that there will be a male and female for each class, which may mean no Amazon.
Accordng to the FAQ:
Also in the FAQ it's stated that there will be a male and female for each class, which may mean no Amazon.

Or Sorcerer, or Assassin? No, it will just mean one of the classes will have a male counterpart.

If someone could find me a fast place to download the gameplay trailer in HD, I would be your best friend. :monkee:
Just when I thought I was out... they pulled me back in.
Boss battles are going to be so damn fun in Bnet.
Or Sorcerer, or Assasin? No, it will just mean one of the classes will have a male counterpart.

In Diablo lore, as well as many stories concerning Amazonians (Greek mythology), they are an all women tribe. Perhaps they'll bring back the rogue.
Any other links to the gameplay vid? Feel like I'm on 56k again atm.
In Diablo lore, as well as many stories concerning Amazonians (Greek mythology), they are an all women tribe. Perhaps they'll bring back the rogue.

True. I saw a post on the Diablo 3 forums that said the rogue is confirmed, but I'll take that with a grain of salt.
Awesomeness confirmed!


Woo! I haven't watched the trailers yet but I like what I've read so far, like the co-op gameplay, randomly generated 3d levels, new inventory system and gender choice for each class.
Second, and more importantly, there was no mention of randomly-generated levels. If so, that'll really take away a big part of the game. :(

The official FAQ:

Also, Diablo III builds on the random environments of the previous Diablo games by introducing a host of new ways to create random scripted events throughout the game.
I agree with this:


Less cartoon, more diablo! I'm actually kind of disappointed that Blizzard is sticking with their trend of overly vivid and smooth textures. Diablo is not supposed to look that way.
I don't see anything cartoony about the left side, just that some one felt like putting a lame grainy filter on the right half.
It's too hard to see anything in the right pic.

Also, whatcha guys think the minimum specs will be?
All I'm saying is that it looks too "clean" and vivid, and could use more grit and decay. Diablo wasn't a bright game at all, it had a very dark atmosphere, and really felt like you were in hell and what not. It looks more like Warcraft 3 than Diablo 2:


I'm sure it'll be awesome regardless, it's Diablo 3!
The images on the right look a lot more like the previous games. Needs to be less saturated.
What's with the cumfest? It's not like someone announced X-Com Alliance or anything.
the teaser gave me goosebumps

and, really, i don't see the big deal about the graphics
i do agree that it should look a little grittier, but it certainly looks better than the way they're doing SC2

D3 is coming!!!