did Gabe Newell write the Source/ physics engine of this game?


Nov 25, 2004
Reaction score
I understand he is the big cheese over at Valve... Is he the creator of the engine or only of the game?
hes actualy a member of the combine discuised in a fat suit.
hes in charge of sucking the brains out of the youth through subliminal brain washing in his games!
No he didn't, to do so singlehandedly would have been an amazing feat :D - what i do know is that he was the founder of valve.

Edit: or co-founder.
Source was a collaborative development of the entire Valve technology staff.

The physics engine wasn't developed by Valve - it's called Havok and is developed by these people:

YtseJam said:
Gabe is not John Carmack.

You're right - he builds games that are more than mere demonstrations of new game engines with decade-old gameplay. :LOL:
Oh so that means Source and Havok are two different animals. I thought it was all part of the same thing.
Oh no Source and Havok are two very different things.

Source is the game engine that integrates all of the elements: graphics, sound, physics, etc.

Havok is the 3rd party physics engine that Valve licensed for the game.
The physics engine wasn't developed by Valve - it's called Havok and is developed by these people:

Actually, the Source engine uses a heavily modified version of Havok. Essentially, Valve did with Havok what they did with the original Quake engine.
Are the characters also part of the Havok physics engine? The combine soldiers inside the citadel, being manipulated by the gravity gun is what comes to mind...
Gabe probably did some coding, I'm sure he'd find just managing VALVe pretty boring!
Well Havok governs the way the physics on the characters work. You need to think of it all as one big integrated package in which each part comes together to make the whole.
indy said:
hes actualy a member of the combine discuised in a fat suit.
hes in charge of sucking the brains out of the youth through subliminal brain washing in his games!

Gabe is supposed to have been involved in the programming of Steam, I think. And the Steam project was his idea, that much is for sure.