Did the Gman.............?!!? *SPOILER*

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When Valve said the Gman will be explained a little in Ep.2, i thought we were atleast going to know what he is.

But it turned out to be bits of dialogue from the main characters, that they all know about Gman. Atleast Eli does(did).
No? He not some kind of gay homo (Redundancy) artist (punctuation?) he froze time he may not of (have) saved alyx the vortigaunts did but Gman froze time and told Freeman its your time again (theory, not fact)

WEll if you look everything is still the same and You can think what you want d oyou have any proof of this ive shown mine now you show yours

lol! what are you 10? dude its just a game so he prolly can
Me to the rest of humanity: the word is probably!
THE G-man might help eli, ull never kno, he mite need his "info" and keep him, and it is possible that he killed him, heck he mite be after all of this combine vs resistance thing, the gman is FREAKY!!!
I find gman monologe
"ep_02.gman_har" "Ha ha..."
"ep_02.gman_mono01" "Doctor Freeman. "
"ep_02.gman_mono02" "I realize this moment may not be the most convenient for a heart-to-heart,"
"ep_02.gman_mono03" "but I had to wait until your friends were otherwise occupied. "
"ep_02.gman_mono04" "Hm. "
"ep_02.gman_mono05" "There was a time they cared nothing for Miss Vance..."
"ep_02.gman_mono06" "When their only experience of humanity was a crowbar coming at them down a steel corridor. "
"ep_02.gman_mono07" "It seems they've grown to share my estimation of her worth."
"ep_02.gman_mono08" "When I plucked her from Black Mesa, I acted in the face of objections that she was a mere child and of no practical use to anyone. "
"ep_02.gman_mono09" "I have learned to ignore such naysayers when quelling them was out of the question. "
"ep_02.gman_mono10" "[breathing]"
"ep_02.gman_mono11" "Still, I am not one to squander my investments..."
"ep_02.gman_mono12" "and I remain confident she was worth far more than the initial..."
"ep_02.gman_mono13" "appraisal. "
"ep_02.gman_mono14" "That's why I must now "
"ep_02.gman_mono15" "extract "
"ep_02.gman_mono16" "from you "
"ep_02.gman_mono17" "some small repayment owed for your own survival. "
"ep_02.gman_mono18" "I'm not asking for anything that goes against your nature."
"ep_02.gman_mono19" "Merely the favor of her continued protection,"
"ep_02.gman_mono20" "while she acts as"
"ep_02.gman_mono21" "medium for a message of some importance."
"ep_02.gman_mono22" "See her safely to White Forest, Doctor Freeman. "
"ep_02.gman_mono23" "She may require more care than was previously the case."
"ep_02.gman_mono24" "[breathing]"
"ep_02.gman_mono25" "I wish I could do more than keep an eye on you,"
"ep_02.gman_mono26" "but I have agreed to abide by certain... "
"ep_02.gman_mono27" "restrictions. "
"ep_02.gman_mono28" "Mmm."
"ep_02.gman_mono29" "Well..."
"ep_02.gman_mono30" "Now..."
"ep_02.gman_mono31" "Listen carefully, my dear."
"ep_02.gman_mono32" "When you see your father "
"ep_02.gman_mono33" "relay these words:"
"ep_02.gman_mono34" "Prepare for unforeseen consequences. "

Edit: 7,18,19,20,21,23 those aren't in-game
I think the consequences are nothing to do with eli's death and more to do with the closing of the portal. And the Gman is all mystical don't try to understand his powers for this will only end in your madnness!
Thanks for the monologue.

"ep_02.gman_mono06" "When their only experience of humanity was a crowbar coming at them down a steel corridor. "
Gordon killed alot of vortugants in HL1, still they treat him like a hero, even if they were just slaves back then.

"ep_02.gman_mono08" "When I plucked her from Black Mesa, I acted in the face of objections that she was a mere child and of no practical use to anyone. "
"ep_02.gman_mono11" "Still, I am not one to squander my investments..."
Does the G-Man actualy saved Alyx from BM??? And who's objecting the G-Man actions, his misterious employers?

"ep_02.gman_mono20" "while she acts as"
"ep_02.gman_mono21" "medium for a message of some importance."
"ep_02.gman_mono31" "Listen carefully, my dear."
"ep_02.gman_mono32" "When you see your father "
"ep_02.gman_mono33" "relay these words:"
"ep_02.gman_mono34" "Prepare for unforeseen consequences. "
Is that somehow connected to the imminent death of Eli, does the G-Man want to warn him, or he just threatens him? Ore maybe these 'unforeseen consequences' are met to happen somewhere in EP3. The later is doubtful as Eli would not be alive in EP3 to withness those, so it must be a warning for his incoming death.
Does the G-Man actualy saved Alyx from BM???

Yep, Eli confirms it.

And who's objecting the G-Man actions, his misterious employers?

The mysteroius third party mentioned by Valve. G-Mans employers? Maybe. I don't think he ever had any - he was just trying to decieve Gordon into thinking he was human.

Is that somehow connected to the imminent death of Eli, does the G-Man want to warn him, or he just threatens him?

Seems so to me - Eli thought it was to do with the Borealis though, but then that might what the Gman wanted him too think, when it turned out to be consequences of the rocket launch.
In BME, if you E key Eli's photo, he says "that photo and Alyx were all I managed to carry out of Black Mesa". I suppose he was lying then, maybe he didn't think it was time for Gordon to know.

The mysteroius third party mentioned by Valve. G-Mans employers? Maybe. I don't think he ever had any - he was just trying to decieve Gordon into thinking he was human.

Wait, Valve mentioned that? Suppose I should check the Marc Laidlaw vault.

I'm with kupoartist about the unforseen consequenses. Why would G-man even want to warn Eli about his approaching death, if Eli means nothing to him anyway? Also, it's clear that the words do have the effect on Eli of getting him riled up, like when he says "I can't let it happen again" or something. I wouldn't be supprised if the G-man wants something from that ship, or wants it destroyed for some reason.
I'm pretty sure Unforseen Consequences had nothing to do with his death.
Yes, but if the G-Man was meaning something about/on the Borealis ship, why would he send such a message to Eli, who would die eventualy. It doesn't make any sense. Looks more like a warning or threat to me.

Of corse, this could be a warning to no other but us, as we withnessed how the G-Man says those words to Alyx, so he want us to know about this. This may be no warning to Eli, but us, to prepare for another 'unforeseen consequence', aka another possible catastrophe.

Or even maybe the message was sent to both of us with Eli, as only he until now have been found to know about the G-Man (along with us). His death may have no connection with it.
How would he know Eli was going to die? He wouldn't, and the Advisor attack was an act of desperation. It's sort of obvious he wants the Borealis destroyed. His message has a double meaning, and he's counting on Eli to want to right his wrongs for what happened at Black Mesa.
^ A double bluff you mean? Yes, I think you've hit the nail on the head there. Looking at G-man's dialogue it's obvious now. Geez is he a manipulative bastard or what! Our mutual fiend indeed.
Okay, if the G-Man doesn't control time...how did Gordon not age in the time between HL1 and HL2? Because it seems to me that at the very least he stopped a pocket of time
Gman has access to an area outside of normal time and space; at the end of HL2 he doesn't stop time, he simply extracts Gordon the very moment the reactor explodes. As soon as the explosion freezes, you are no longer at the top of the Citadel.
That seems a lot more complicated than it needs to be.

And I don't really go with the idea that if he could stop time he wouldn't need anyone. He strikes me as more of a non-interference type, to some degree. Kinda like a kid with an ant farm. He introduces some variable, and then lets things take their course...only interfering if something that threatens the whole system happens.

So I personally am of the opinion that he does indeed stop time....or at least stops everything besides what he's interacting with...

Even with your idea that he has access to an area outside time and space, that is, for all intents and purposes, stopping time. Because, outside that area or "bubble", time is effectively stopped. And since he can pluck things out of the normal "time-stream" and bring them to this stopped time place, and even interact with things in the normal stream....I would say that is really just a different way of thinking about time stopping mechanics.
Maybe I'm of a minority, but I'd rather think of Gman's tricks as only being local to the individuals he's dealing with at the time. Anything more and it's giving him a kind of silly 'Star Trek' godlike-being quality that takes away from the character's intrigue and cool.
That seems a lot more complicated than it needs to be.

And I don't really go with the idea that if he could stop time he wouldn't need anyone. He strikes me as more of a non-interference type, to some degree. Kinda like a kid with an ant farm. He introduces some variable, and then lets things take their course...only interfering if something that threatens the whole system happens.

So I personally am of the opinion that he does indeed stop time....or at least stops everything besides what he's interacting with...

Even with your idea that he has access to an area outside time and space, that is, for all intents and purposes, stopping time. Because, outside that area or "bubble", time is effectively stopped. And since he can pluck things out of the normal "time-stream" and bring them to this stopped time place, and even interact with things in the normal stream....I would say that is really just a different way of thinking about time stopping mechanics.

Well one good reason for the whole "other world"-idea is that it fits with the HL-theme, the whole first game is about a world that does not exist on the same plane as ours, and not even on the same plane as the parallel universes we later learn exist (Combine Empire stretches across several dimensions but Xen is outside their reach due ot its existance being on a totally different level).
We already know for a fact he exists outside of normal time and space. Really, he can't stop time. The whole idea behind the ending being abrupt was that you, Gordon, are still within his control. I thought it was amazing the first time I played simply because of the three game days I'd been in this new world, there was just enough time for me to get caught up in the idea of fighting back against the Combine and building a relationship with all of these characters. And then suddenly Gman just 'extracts' you and you're gone from that world, and back in his influence.
We already know for a fact he exists outside of normal time and space. Really, he can't stop time. The whole idea behind the ending being abrupt was that you, Gordon, are still within his control. I thought it was amazing the first time I played simply because of the three game days I'd been in this new world, there was just enough time for me to get caught up in the idea of fighting back against the Combine and building a relationship with all of these characters. And then suddenly Gman just 'extracts' you and you're gone from that world, and back in his influence.

That's twice now that VALVe has managed to pull out the g-man when I absolutely least expected it.
I think you guys are seriously over-interpreting this.

Unforeseen consequences? 99% sure that means his death. Eli is visibly shaken by this; I have a feeling he knows something bad is coming, but he doesn't know what.

I think that for whatever reason, Gman wanted Eli to die, and was saying "Well, I saved your daughter, but here's the consequence."

Or maybe he's psychic and knew that Eli would die. Who knows. I just think that it's going to be a simple explanation, to the point where it can be explained in a short Gman monologue in Episode 3.

GMan didn't stop time the peeps he works for did he has limited powers he is a pawn u...u are a f**king servant for the pawn thats right ur a F**KING NOBODY!!!:sniper:
Take a chill pill, loverboy.
When you're dreaming, you could feel that you're in that specific dream for several hours, when you only have slept for about 3 minutes, i believe that G-Man's method of putting Gordon into statis is the same, with addition that a good clue bout it was more or less given when Gordon and Alyx teleported out of Nova Prospekt, took them 1 week to arrive a Kliener's lab.

Once again, G-Man does not stop time
I'm also fairly certain that "unforeseen consequences" is a double-bluff to convince Eli to destroy the Borealis.

Why? Well, lets try to infer what would have happened if the G-Man had simply not shown up at all.
Well... almost nothing would change. G-Man himself says that he is under restrictions to only observe. Had he never shown up, Alyx and Gordon would have gotten to White Forest, given Kleiner the data packet, discovered the Borealis, closed the super-portal, and goaded the Advisers to kill Eli. That's right, G-Man or not, the closing of the portal is likely what goads the fat slugs into risking their hides over Eli. So is that mysterious phrase a warning? I doubt it. Anyone could have guessed the Combine would be forced to new levels of desperation, and Eli, smart guy that he is, hardly requires a pasty guy in a blue suit to tell him that.

So, with the inclusion of G-Man, only one thing changes. Alyx goes into a trance and says "Dad, prepare for unforeseen consequences." So what does this change? We see that Eli, upon discovering the Borealis, is immediately concerned with destroying it. However, Kleiner or Magnusson could probably convince him otherwise, had G-Man not intervened. Also, the sequence of events all but assures that Eli would get killed, and in the aftermath, Kleiner or Maggy could similarly convince Gordon and Alyx to save the Borealis.

However, with "unforeseen consequences" Eli becomes even more certain that the Borealis should be destroyed. He becomes so certain that, as he is about to be killed, he tells Gordon and Alyx to "destroy that ship!". In fact, G-mans message to Eli isn't as much for his benefit, but appears to be a subtle manipulation of Alyx and Gordon themselves.

Damn sneaky b*stard.
I think that with the whole "GMANDONTSTOPTIMEEEE" thing, you guys are forgetting that time isn't a constant. Its relative to the viewer.

I think that all Gman does is change Gordon's perception of time. ie he slows it down, from Gordon's POV. For everyone else its "normal".

And when he throws him into stasis, he sticks him into a slow-time warp(like what happens in HL2 after Nova Prospekt).

And I agree with da mastapenguin. I think that the message was more for Alyx's and Gordons benefit, than Eli's.
Ive read to many "ZOMG GMAN KILLED ELI"! threads to keep quiet so this is how i see it...

In teh G-man bit in EP2 he says somthing like "i wish i could do more than keep an eye on just you, but i have certain... restrictions" Then he talk about how alex can be of alot of use to him... just like like freeman.


After the rocket gos up alex relays the warning to Eli. Eli thinkgs its somthing to do with the borealis and forgets about it.

I think teh message was a warning from the g-man about the combine hitting back at him after he launched the rocket. He didnt understand and died.
I think he understood completely. He seemed... less than surprised by the advisors. Most people would be too busy screaming to tell their loved ones goodbye, etc. You see how he was suddenly drained when Alyx told him about that.

Oh, and as for motive? He was about to tell Gordon a ton about G-Man. So that.
I think he understood completely. He seemed... less than surprised by the advisors. Most people would be too busy screaming to tell their loved ones goodbye, etc. You see how he was suddenly drained when Alyx told him about that.

Oh, and as for motive? He was about to tell Gordon a ton about G-Man. So that.

Heh... TOTALLY knew Eli was about to bite the big one when he all of a sudden promised to tell Gordon about what was going on. Can't let that happen.

It's like the character in a movie that talks about their sweetheart back home, how they can't wait to see them again. They always die shortly thereafter.
How many times do I have to post this picture?
just a thought
maybe in ep 3 you start with aylx(really mad) chasing down the advisor in the helicopter and then killing it with the helicopter
How many times do I have to post this picture?

I think I actually rolled my eyes on that one..

I really hope not to be insulting but where is it stated that the G-man does not have the ability to at least in a minor way, slow or distort time in much the way he does space? Since many modern day scientists think that the two are related.

I really think that there is evidence to the contrary, It is stated that Gordon was put in a slow time warp. Only emerging in the begging of HL2. And more convincingly the speech about time and the "timespan" at the end of Halflife 2. I never thought the Gman had the ability to go back in time, but I'm willing to at least entertain the idea with his vast multidimensional powers that he can manipulate time at least in a small way. Of course this is just a suggestion.. How could anyone tell another person that they are wrong without having all the facts themselves.
Good chance Alyx is going to be all emo in Ep3, and will go along in silence. ;(
I'm probably the minority here, but I think we've seen enough of Alyx. For at least three or four chapters.

I don't hate her, but I just want the old "go-alone and explore everything" gameplay from HL1. One of the main reasons why I loved the Lost coast

I know it won't happen though :(
I'm also fairly certain that "unforeseen consequences" is a double-bluff to convince Eli to destroy the Borealis.

Why? Well, lets try to infer what would have happened if the G-Man had simply not shown up at all.
Well... almost nothing would change. G-Man himself says that he is under restrictions to only observe. Had he never shown up, Alyx and Gordon would have gotten to White Forest, given Kleiner the data packet, discovered the Borealis, closed the super-portal, and goaded the Advisers to kill Eli. That's right, G-Man or not, the closing of the portal is likely what goads the fat slugs into risking their hides over Eli. So is that mysterious phrase a warning? I doubt it. Anyone could have guessed the Combine would be forced to new levels of desperation, and Eli, smart guy that he is, hardly requires a pasty guy in a blue suit to tell him that.

So, with the inclusion of G-Man, only one thing changes. Alyx goes into a trance and says "Dad, prepare for unforeseen consequences." So what does this change? We see that Eli, upon discovering the Borealis, is immediately concerned with destroying it. However, Kleiner or Magnusson could probably convince him otherwise, had G-Man not intervened. Also, the sequence of events all but assures that Eli would get killed, and in the aftermath, Kleiner or Maggy could similarly convince Gordon and Alyx to save the Borealis.

However, with "unforeseen consequences" Eli becomes even more certain that the Borealis should be destroyed. He becomes so certain that, as he is about to be killed, he tells Gordon and Alyx to "destroy that ship!". In fact, G-mans message to Eli isn't as much for his benefit, but appears to be a subtle manipulation of Alyx and Gordon themselves.

Damn sneaky b*stard.

Looking back on these comments about G-Man "stopping time" and what transpired at the top of the Citadel...

Some fans believe he left Alyx for dead. I doubt he did. It seems more plausible she was in stasis (slow-time, or whatever) right alongside Gordon, and the Vorts rescued the two of them.
I have no theory for you.
I just want to say that maybe the surroundings of the GMAN during his little speech in Ep2 are more signifigant than you think. The main surroundings being.

. The Hallway Mossmans message was situated in.
. A peculiar room with a huge screen a desk and a chair. Almost as if he is the boss.
. The silo of the Missile

Is it just me or if these places were not signifigant would they not have just done a single background?

I'm probably wrong but these things really caught my eye.
^The "peculiar room with huge screen a desk and chair" is most likely the entrance lobby to Anomalous Materials in Black Mesa, so that gives you a bit more to think about. I don't really think the areas shown have some major significance, except maybe the hallway and silo forshadowing what may come ( you visiting the hallway in ep3, silo later in ep2).
That 'particular hallway' has Kleiners notice board at the back :D, use noclip and go check it out