Did they say how many disks the game is?

craigweb said:
argh, anyone remember the floppy version of windows 95?! so many disks. and you'd get half way through and the middle disk would be corrupted... argh!1!1!!!

Haha, those were the days. :x
LOL! the floppy box with 10+ floppies in it! Good (well kinda) old days!
And the first Microsoft Flight simulator! Yellow blocky aiplane on a blue background.
hahah i remeber when i first got win. 95 on the floppys , i'd get that stupid corrupt crap, finally after a week of trying i had my techy uncle come over and do it, than i installed my first game "lode runner" btw which was 7 floppys. sure was good times when it took 30 min. to install something made u anticipate them even more.
Impulse147 said:
Well baldurs gate has 4 possibly 5 disks.

the worst part about baldurs gate's 5 discs was the fact that you had to constantly switch back and forth between them everytime you switched main areas. never had to work so freakin hard just to play an rpg.
Big Fat Duck said:
holy crap how long will hl2 take to download off steam then!?

depends on your conection but you have to remember. Steam will stream the game to you downloading content as you go along.
I just hope they fix steam before another release, geez took me an hour too get on after the dod 1.3 release.
isnt it gonna be like for example : cd1, cd2, cd3 = installation. cd1 = playing . So no need to switch from cd's
isnt it gonna be like for example : cd1, cd2, cd3 = installation. cd1 = playing . So no need to switch from cd's


Striker said:
F*** DVD!! why get a dvd player when my cd-rom can do the job???

because DVD drives are only 35$, and are ALOT FASTER, and you don't need 8 disc for a game...
As long as its a one time installation 8 cd's really doesn't bother me.
I'll be getting the DVD version that probably comes with the collectors edition!

A2597 said:
because DVD drives are only 35$, and are ALOT FASTER, and you don't need 8 disc for a game...

I bought a CD-RW/DVD combo for $50. DVD drives are so cheap now.
Impulse147 said:
yea most games with multiple discs are one time installations.

so the discs self-destruct after you install it once? :borg:
poseyjmac said:
so the discs self-destruct after you install it once? :borg:

No, lol, he means that you only need to install in once with the disks...and then just use one.
I don't mind CDs at all. I have a DVD drive but I still wouldn't mind getting the CD rom version. I'll probably get the DVD version, but the CDs don't bother me. You get a much bigger and nicer jewel case. ;)
i'd rather do the CDs instead of dl from steam............ :burp:
I would much rather download from steam than install with CDs, hell the download is probably faster then the install.
why not release an DVD and an CD box? i´m sure as hell am gonna buy the DVD edition. Why move backwords in time?

(sry for my speling, from sweden :P)
If its going to come on a DVD disc then Valve would be making a mistake... a mistake that would loose them money. :\
i am really looking forward to a DVD version of HL2 (im getting the Collectors Edition :P ) don't want 3-4-5 CD's.. or whatever the hell it is.. :x

tommie said:
Yeh well most of us don't even have DVD drives :afro:

well DVD drives aren't too expensive anymore.. they don't cost an arm and a leg.
chances are, there will be a CD and DVD version.. at least i hope so :)
I figured once it was installed it wouldn't need a cd since its on steam.
I am positive all the comps that are able to play HL2 have a DVD-driver. :)
I'm beginning to see why Far Cry was only released on DVD in Europe...
KagePrototype said:
Haha, did you ever get the floppy disk version of Theme Park? It was on like 24 floppies. Took just over an hour to install. :D

dont wish to make you look stupid... :dozey:
but it was actually 6 floppies it did take an age to install though but you had the cool handiman mowing progress bar! :afro:
thats veryt odd because remember them very clearly... black with blue writing numbered 1 / 6 : / they came in a little ring of cardboard and had the aforementioned handyman progress bar. I assume we are not thinking of different formats - mine was windows 3.1/95 if I remember correctly
Andy018 said:
depends on your conection but you have to remember. Steam will stream the game to you downloading content as you go along.

That sucks. It was like 5 seconds when you walked through each level in HL1, waiting for the game to download each section would be awful.
I don't get it.... most of you are running around with hardware ala 9800/x800, gigs of ram and cpus >3000mhz and you're crying about dvd-drives? ._.

Thats like tuned up pussy cars without a cd-reciever.
Well we actually USE our good cards.

The only thing id use a computer dvd player for is games. I dont want to watch movies on my shitty 19" screen.
It will be on DVDs and CDs, it would be a mistake for them to put it on DVD only.
As for not having a dvd, well, come on, programs are getting bigger and bigger. Soon enough people will be saying "cd, huh?, oh, year i remember those old things, how quaint". DVD drives cost less than a game now anyway :\ even in NZ and hardware is expencive here.
ne-waller said:
dont wish to make you look stupid... :dozey:
but it was actually 6 floppies it did take an age to install though but you had the cool handiman mowing progress bar! :afro:

Wow wth, when was this?
God created the hard drive, and the dos prompt....
Silent_night said:
title sais it all , i like games that come with more than one disk althouhg i hate switching them durning installation

At least 5-6 discs given that the compressed build is 2-3 gigs. :eek:

Hopefully, as others have said, it will be on one nice DVD disc.

Here's hoping... :smoking: :sniper:
zitbug said:
At least 5-6 discs given that the compressed build is 2-3 gigs. :eek:

Hopefully, as others have said, it will be on one nice DVD disc.

Here's hoping... :smoking: :sniper:

Ya Gabe said there WILL be a dvd.