Sir Dingo
Was the Sept 30 release even close to reality ? It seems like the game was not quite ready for prime time, and now they are pointing towards next April, that is a LONG way off from now 
In that time games like Doom]l[, DuesEx2, Breed, etc.. will have been released, and maybe even Duke Nukem Forver, now that would be F'd up, if 3DRealms got Duke out before HL2
If Gabe knew the 9/30/03 was never going to happen, why string tons of people along for so long, and how many spent hard earned money on upgrades, expecting the game to be out this fall ?
I say, release the single player now, like this month, if it really is finished, if it dosnt come out soon, then Valve were truly never close to a complete game yet, but use the hacker as an excuse for them
sorry, I'll stop my rant
In that time games like Doom]l[, DuesEx2, Breed, etc.. will have been released, and maybe even Duke Nukem Forver, now that would be F'd up, if 3DRealms got Duke out before HL2
If Gabe knew the 9/30/03 was never going to happen, why string tons of people along for so long, and how many spent hard earned money on upgrades, expecting the game to be out this fall ?
I say, release the single player now, like this month, if it really is finished, if it dosnt come out soon, then Valve were truly never close to a complete game yet, but use the hacker as an excuse for them
sorry, I'll stop my rant