Did you guys forget what tomorrow is?

Who wouldn't notice what tomorrow is :D

I don't know. Would be neat if IT happened, but I'm going to be conservative in my estimates. Wonder if the php site will have anything new. . .
Wraithen said:
A year ago I was huddled up in a corner, rocking slightly while mutting the words, "it won't be delayed long, just a few days" repeatedly until the music stopped.

I'm fine now though :)

Yea I remember then as well. I think we were all like " ahh, just give a month then we will have it" LOL :burp:
She said:
1 year... lol

Dont you guys know?
Valve's doing a Diakatana..

after reading these forums for the past few months, one would think Valve might be pulling a DNF, nevermind Diakatana :p
Ofcourse I didn't. I am STEELHED, I got banned from here in sept 2003 fortelling you guys it wasn't going to be released... Chris-D had me re-instated 3 days ago... Wheres "Kyle2"? anyways, I remember for sure what tommorow is, and I can tell you, It wont be as long as you had to wait a year ago!!!
This Day, One Year Ago, I told you members it would be sept 30th 2004, I got flamed, banned etc, and what time is it?, Although Vaqlve did expect to release it sept 30th 2004, It didn't work out... anyway, we're in for the game/Mods of our lives!!!!
JaegerMaster said:
Ofcourse I didn't. I am STEELHED, I got banned from here in sept 2003 fortelling you guys it wasn't going to be released... Chris-D had me re-instated 3 days ago... Wheres "Kyle2"? anyways, I remember for sure what tommorow is, and I can tell you, It wont be as long as you had to wait a year ago!!!

a dude!
klown said:
September/30/2004 one exact year from the original date set...Will it be worth it or will the dissapointment of multiplayer be to much???

tomorrow is thursday :dozey: