Did you like Goldeneye Facility? I liked Goldeneye Facility...

Hey Johnny, any chance of this being released before 1am GMT?

j/k :p Is it still gonna be released today?
Im so looking forward to this map :). but the thread is turning into spam central, as Chris said a while ago.. its ready when its ready ;).
Updated 2/21/01

Well, here it is.

Sorry it has taken so long, as I have said before, I can only map on certain days.

Thank you for your patience, and support throughout this whole long adventure. I really really do appreciate it.

There have been points of wanting to quit, and not continue, and frustrating points like my dead computer, but I need to release something.

So here it is...

I started finishes on the extra lab rooms, but they just arent ready for the public. I dont want to delay any longer, so I will release this version as a facility classic.

The extra stuff will be done soon and any changes people see from this version will make it into dm_facilityii.

I hope you guys like it. If not, sorry to dissapoint. Tell me what you dont like and I'll improve it with dm_facilityii.

I think my biggest fear from you guys is dissapointment... I really want you to like this. As my first released map, who knows how this will go... :\

Oh well, have fun and maybe I will see you in game.


Coming in a few minutes... Uploading.


Mapping: Jon Hickenbottom
Testers: Crew at IGNPC General Board :), Chelmo_Evil, Kyle from NetRaid, Chris_D.
Version: Release Canidate 4 - Final version for Facility Clasic.

Thanks to the support of hl2.net, steam forums, ignpcgb!

Jon Michael Hickenbottom
[email protected]

Plans for the future: work on other projects including dm_facilityii which will include extra areas including the outside hopefully. Most of these areas are done and need to be tested. Also working on bunker and some orginal projects.

Email me to get into beta tests.
omg, it is finally here! :D

edit: cmon johnny, hurry up! :p
oh i meant to post that next month! :\

j/k... my connection to my server is just slow :(

still waiting..
Well, here it is.

Sorry it has taken so long, as I have said before, I can only map on certain days.

Thank you for your patience, and support throughout this whole long adventure. I really really do appreciate it.

There have been points of wanting to quit, and not continue, and frustrating points like my dead computer, but I need to release something.

So here it is...

I started finishes on the extra lab rooms, but they just arent ready for the public. I dont want to delay any longer, so I will release this version as a facility classic.

The extra stuff will be done soon and any changes people see from this version will make it into dm_facilityii.

I hope you guys like it. If not, sorry to dissapoint. Tell me what you dont like and I'll improve it with dm_facilityii.

I think my biggest fear from you guys is dissapointment... I really want you to like this. As my first released map, who knows how this will go... :\

Oh well, have fun and maybe I will see you in game.




Mapping: Jon Hickenbottom
Testers: Crew at IGNPC General Board , Chelmo_Evil, Kyle from NetRaid, Chris_D.
Version: Release Canidate 4 - Final version for Facility Clasic.

Thanks to the support of hl2.net, steam forums, ignpcgb!

Jon Michael Hickenbottom
[email protected]

Plans for the future: work on other projects including dm_facilityii which will include extra areas including the outside hopefully. Most of these areas are done and need to be tested. Also working on bunker and some orginal projects.

Email me to get into beta tests.

-- Jonny Phive :monkee:
Awesome, thanks a lot Johnny. Lot of hard work put into this map, you can tell and it most definitely paid off.

i had a blast at it :), its fun.. the harshest part is the S.L.A.M, its ultra effective on the map , tripping mines = very easy, I can see some mass killage. , and theres nowhere to hide muhaha, its full frontal no holdsbar, if you like that sort of thing :)... I know I do.
clarky003 said:
i had a blast at it :), its fun.. the harshest part is the S.L.A.M, its ultra effective on the map , tripping mines = very easy, I can see some mass killage. , and theres nowhere to hide muhaha, its full frontal no holdsbar, if you like that sort of thing :)... I know I do.
yeah, even with just 10 people its insane non-stop action. i loove it. like i said in the server, i'd recommend swinging lamp-lights like in steamlabs and prodigy...also, maybe put see-through-able windows on the side-rooms in the darkened corridors.
Good job Jonny, this is a fun map. There are a few things that I would change. The map feels cramped, and there are too many props. I love the boxes but get rid of the big blue barrels please.

I really did have fun with the map, I just could not get people to stay on the server with me for to long .. **caugh**pwnd!***hehm

Thanks again Jonny :cheers:

2 cookies :imu: :imu:
this map is very good johnny, the texture and quality of the map is oustanding. The only criticism that I have and should be put on facility 2 is that you should extend the map like the single player map. That way it will allow better gameplay for 10+ people on facility.On the goldeneye 64 multiplayer facility,the map was meant to be played with 2-4 players not 16 or 20.

dont give up johnny, keep going.
Wow, what a fun map! Outstanding work, this really brings me back.

I noticed one bug: a part in the vents where I could stand up where I wasn't supposed to (without noclip on). Also, you might want to change the name of the map, I'm sure there's others with the same name.

Is there any way you'd be able to include background music? That would really be super! (although it might be pushing the IP)

Again, great job.
Yes i found the same no clip issue. When you are crouching the in vents, that looks over the stairs, if you reverse or go towards the stairs and you auto stand then crouch again, you will slightly noclip the environment.

Fantastic map! I wont bother repeating all the positive statements here. I just wish the whole of Goldeneye looked like this.

I especially like the feeling of rolling grenades under the toilet doors :p

Feedback? I know it seems unappreciative to be suggesting changes straight away ... but there's a few things I'd change. The toilet doors, when they open inwards, almost graze the back of the wall. They even clip through the toilet seat as they open. When they're open like this, it means you can't shut the door again from inside the cubicle.

I guess deepening the toilet cubicles would make the system more flexible. Or easier than that, make it so the doors only ever swing outwards. It's a tiny thing, really, but I thought I'd point it out.

Also, is anyone else getting neon trippy textures in the two bottling rooms, or is the just my naffy PC?

Keep up the mapmaking jonny and I look forward to your next release
FIrst: GREAT JOB :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

  • I also get some "neon trippy textures" in the two bottling rooms
  • there is no explosion (when i throw a grenade) or is that just my PC
  • an env_sprite is missing at one light.

What i think, would be better:
  • in whole level should be more light
  • it would be nice to close the doors like in the original
1Luc1 said:
  • there is no explosion (when i throw a grenade) or is that just my PC

Oh yeah. I really did think that was my pc. How does a map affect explosion sprites? :O
If anyone has a server running this map, let me know the IP ASAP! I've been looking around for some good, fun games on the map but I'm not finding any.

[edit]-disregard my message about windows, they are see-thru-able, i must not have been paying attention or something
Its great I love it, I still think it would be so much better with those extra rooms because theres not a lot of space on the map as of now.

Also it wasnt my comp im sure but explosions do not appear on your map. Im positive.

Also make the upper level a little more explorable. I was just on the map for 5 mins but I dont think i could find a way into the vents, i could be wrong though.
EpicZeRo said:

Bah, guess I'm too late. :(
Sorry about that man. I saw a games with like 6-8 people just had to join. If you want to play some other time just tell me. its 11:33 right now so i am going to play some more tonight.
It's a tad on the small side, to be honest. Like everything is minimum sized. Even the original was larger.

That said, it's fun so long as very few people are playing.
Yeh, I agree, it does feel smaller than it did on the N64. Like the rooms feel somewhat cramped. And I don't understand what the things falling from the lightbulbs are supposed to be (dust? sparks?).. other than that, very nice map.
-there are too many active sprites in the map(probably all those lightbulb fairy things), because as others have noticed too, sometimes none of the explosion effects from grenades, RPGs etc will draw at all. its an easy bug to fix.

-theres one room where when you are outside the wall is black, but it flashes to orange when you go inside.

-framerate is subpar given the confined spaces. did you hint or areaportal? then again, it could be all the special effects you have going and specular. but im pulling 40-50fps in many areas on a x800xt.

thats after a 1 min run-through in part of the map. other than its a nice map, but fire whoever you had beta testing it.
Jonny should use env_lightglow instead of the sprites on the lightbulbs, they can be viewed at 360 degrees aswell, sprites only seem to show up on one side of the light. , other than that,.. for me it runs great.