Did you like Goldeneye Facility? I liked Goldeneye Facility...

Chrisy's got a girlfriend! heheheehhehehe *points and laughs*

im sorry im in a silly mood...kinda got one eh? i don't wanna know what that means! :rolleyes:
I just mean it's nothing official :)
Sorry Im not realising until Chris gives me feedback. :angry:
If you really wanted this map you would dump your girlfriend.


Chris_D said:
Sorry Jonny.

It is still coming, just been majorly busy. Often with writing, moderating, editing, real life work and getting drunk :E Also I sort of have a girlfriend now so it's a bit of a challenge :D

Got Thursday and Friday off work, along with most of the above, I shall be contacting you about Facility. It will all be positive, btw :)

By any chance is this girl's name " Alyx"? ;)
Not sure if I am exactly Jonny quality, although I do try (I am a perfectionist). It's my second map ever but I tried to keep it as original as possible. I plan on modding it a bit for a new version (New rooms, halls, and of course etities (more interaction with the map))

Anyways here is links: http://ca.f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/sgt_redneck1
mjrhzrd said:
By any chance is this girl's name " Alyx"? ;)
Lisa, actually :)
Right, time for some feedback!

The map is really fun to play and it is instantly recognisable as being our ol' favourite Facility. The whole geometry of the map matches the original and the new textures compliment the map nicely.

The props are placed around the map quite well but as the original these are mostly crates, but it wouldn't be right to have a Goldeneye map without any crates, right? :p

The only thing on the map I was remotely disappointed with is that the map only extends from the toilet area out through to the end of the middle corridor; missing out the science labs and the main tank room.

Apart from that, which you'll easily get over when playing the rest of the map anyway, the map is top-notch and definitely worth the download... and the wait :p

RATING: 9 / 10
I saw Jonny's server last night and I tried to stick around so that I could play the facility map, but the steamlabs map that the server was currently on was too laggy and I had to leave. Is the map released yet Jonny? Did you put the slams in yet?


That map wouldn't have been on. The map is only being privately tested so far.
Ya, we put steamlabs on for 999 just so me and my server owner could test the new update.

And, thanks soo mcuh for the feedback... I actually have those areas made in hammer but they arent detailed/textured...


Easter Egg?
Im hoping to release the final version this Monday.

I dont want to release it yet hearing some of the feedback I have gotten. I am going to work all weekend to add a BIG suprise to those who have tested and played it already, and to those who have been following it.

I am at work today, but tommorrow is my mapping day, so if all goes well tommorrow it will be finally done by Monday since I am off Monday as well.

So Monday I will release it. Most likely at 5-7PM PST. Maybe earlier if all things go well in Saturday's beta test. Im wondering what my testers will think when they see the suprise.


Trust me.. Im ready for this map to be in your hands, just as much as you guys are. Thanks again for support, help, and patience!


Email me at: [email protected] if you want to test it before I release it since I said I was going to release it this weekend but have pushed it back.
And the suprise isnt too big to figure out, but it will dramtically change the map... for the better me thinks. :)

And let me say Chris_D is a genious. :p
Indeed I am - I have no idea why you're saying that but I won't argue :p

PM with what the surprise is, I'm intrigued ;)
You've been having an affair with bliink and you're revealing it all on the release of the map!?!?!?!?! :O
OMG teh container room is gonna be included!!!!!!!111one :imu:
Noobulon said:
OMG teh container room is gonna be included!!!!!!!111one :imu:
i wonder if the conveyer belt will be there, too?

man i loved that part. i'd often kill 006 and try to see how many guards i could kill before the gas killed us all.
That room with added physics stuff flying around = win.

Someday Jonny will have to upgrade this level into 'Facility Ultimate'... including the whole of facility, the bottling room, and Runway in a single map :sniper:

It would be epic
That Is Most Excellent!

Dude, way to go!
Like really. I'm sorry I loved GoldenEye, has been my favorite FPS for the longest time until HL2 came to town.
I've been wanting to build a Stack/Library-like level, but unfortunately I just havent been able to find the time to learn the skills neccessary to make it or just time in general.
Do you think you'd make something like it sometime in the future?
SupaKoopa said:
i wonder if the conveyer belt will be there, too?

man i loved that part. i'd often kill 006 and try to see how many guards i could kill before the gas killed us all.

I used to run all the way back to the washroom at the beginning and hide in the stalls :D Guards would follow you all the way back there too.
loved goldeneye and perfect, some of the best FPS ever to grace the console.

i have not read all 29 pages of this thread and was wondering if anyone could give me a link to the newest update for the map or if the modder has a site where has pics/files etc. thanks and props to the map maker for bringing back some old school fun.
The anticipation is killing me! I haven't actually played half life 2 since completing it months ago, just waiting for this map.
A SP GE mod would be awesome, I would buy it as a stand-alone game even!

This thread is huge! I just finished reading it all. From the exitement at the begining to the horror of the computer crashing incident, it had me ont he edge of my seat!

I seriously can't wait for this map! Good Work!
[46] pushit [2] said:
loved goldeneye and perfect, some of the best FPS ever to grace the console.

i have not read all 29 pages of this thread and was wondering if anyone could give me a link to the newest update for the map or if the modder has a site where has pics/files etc. thanks and props to the map maker for bringing back some old school fun.
jonny is torturing us. he's not releasing it until its perfect, and/or the planets align and bring on the age of aquarius. :bounce:
SupaKoopa said:
jonny is torturing us. he's not releasing it until its perfect, and/or the planets align and bring on the age of aquarius. :bounce:

:O the planets align and the age of Aquarius starts on Monday?
zzymyn said:
A SP GE mod would be awesome, I would buy it as a stand-alone game even!

This thread is huge! I just finished reading it all. From the exitement at the begining to the horror of the computer crashing incident, it had me ont he edge of my seat!

I seriously can't wait for this map! Good Work!
It'd be illegal as various people own the Intellectual Property of that game.

Bare in mind as well, EA own the licence for making James Bond computer games, they're likely to find the team building the mod and anally rape them.
Then they'll have a good time, but they'll legally be able to get the project shut down which may hurt them more ;(
Chris_D said:
It'd be illegal as various people own the Intellectual Property of that game.

Bare in mind as well, EA own the licence for making James Bond computer games, they're likely to find the team building the mod and anally rape them.
I know it would be illegal to use "GoldenEye" and the trademarks etc. Call the guns by their real names, change the level names.

I thought "free hand" copies of artwork weren't breaches of copyright. Would making maps based on the GE levels be considered "free hand"?