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Guys something terrible has happened. i dont want to jump to any conclusions but --- i think my graphics card died :\

the monitor isnt getting any signal anymore...

i havent had time to play with it this morning since i had to goto work.. but ya... i dont know whats wrong... hopefully its a cable thing or somethin... because the card cost me 400.00 :\

Radeon X800 Pro :(
Jonny Phive said:
Guys something terrible has happened. i dont want to jump to any conclusions but --- i think my graphics card died :\

the monitor isnt getting any signal anymore...

i havent had time to play with it this morning since i had to goto work.. but ya... i dont know whats wrong... hopefully its a cable thing or somethin... because the card cost me 400.00 :\

Radeon X800 Pro :(

Aww. Not cool at all. ;( Good luck.
Jonny Phive said:
Guys something terrible has happened. i dont want to jump to any conclusions but --- i think my graphics card died :\

the monitor isnt getting any signal anymore...

i havent had time to play with it this morning since i had to goto work.. but ya... i dont know whats wrong... hopefully its a cable thing or somethin... because the card cost me 400.00 :\

Radeon X800 Pro :(
For a minute there I thought you were gonna say your map files were corrupted :O

Please, back them up! Back them up!!
well, I DO know how you feel, like I said, my WHOLE pc is dead, just like that, sigh......
Ya Im not sure whats going on. I ll check it when I get home...

Im hoping my computer was just messing with me...

Ill update on whats going on when I look at it tonight... I have a new version almost ready with fixes and additions :)

Im slow :p
Where's that beta test you promised me? ;(

Don't make me cry!!
haha i havent had a new test since that one i emailed you too late about... When this next version is finsihed(hopefully today if my comp works) I will send you test info(IP, etc) and we can also do the Linux test. :)
Woohoo, tonight would be perfect to be honest.
I dont know what to do...

Here is the problem.

No signal is being sent to the monitors. Im not sure if maybe the HD is broken or perhaps my graphics card. The computer turns on and everything but I cant hear any noise and I cant see anything on the monitors. I opened the case to clean for dust so everything is nice and clean now but it still doesnt work.

What should I do :\

Anyone have this problem before? What things can I tell you to help diagnose the problem?

you have a x800pro? and when you turn on the computer you say you cant hear anything?

dunno but you should check your PSU.
Jonny Phive said:
I dont know what to do...

Here is the problem.

No signal is being sent to the monitors. Im not sure if maybe the HD is broken or perhaps my graphics card. The computer turns on and everything but I cant hear any noise and I cant see anything on the monitors. I opened the case to clean for dust so everything is nice and clean now but it still doesnt work.

What should I do :\

Anyone have this problem before? What things can I tell you to help diagnose the problem?


First thing you want to do is make sure that the video cable is properly secured in your video-card. Hopefully its your cable that just came loose.

What do you mean your computer turns on but you hear no sound? You have Led's but no fans?
im sorry. I meant I get no startup sound. Because the computer sounds(the working parts of the fans, drives, etc) exactly like it used to, but it never makes the startup windows sound.

The video cable is secured. I have dual monitor set up and tried both monitors and still isnt workin'...

The power is flowing to the fans and I removed some extra fans in case I was using too much power but that didnt help either...

Im scared its my HD :(
actually chances are your mobo/processor are dead. if you arent getting any signal at all thats probably the case.

the video card would not affect the sound, so you should hear startup sounds

if the hdd was bad you would still see the computer try to boot, and not find a boot device

my guess is its the mobo because the vid card is probably not getting any signal. have you had any power surges lately?

if you can remove the hdd and back up all files onto a different computer, then test different components diagnose the problem.

if you have one try putting in an old pci vid card.
So what does that mean? I need a new mobo? A battery for the mobo? New processor? Or all three?

I unpluged the extra power cable from my video card and the fan on the card still worked so there is still power going to the mobo.

And the green LED on the mobo is on...

I dunno.. I have put many pieces of a computer together but have never touched the mobo/processor... So I am new to all this.

If I need a new one what is best way to go about doing that?

Although I will most likely I get the "Alienwares Suxors" comments, I have an Alienware... I have the newer cases but I was one of first people to get them as I got mine over two years ago.

A new mobo from newegg.com or what not would fit fin it it right?

I would also need new RAM as well if that is the case :\

I dunno.. Thoughts?
Let's start simple. Try an ATX reset on the machine. Remove every cable from the back of the base unit, so basically you have just the tower standing their on its own.

While it's all unplugged press and hold in the power button for one minute.

When that's over, let go of the power button and reconnect all the cables to the rear of the tower (monitor cable, power, mouse, keyboard etc.) and then try to turn it on. Does anything different happen?

Do you normally hear a beep during the POST of the computer? During the initial start up of the system you would normally hear one short beep. This is signalling that the motherboard has powered on and self tested. If there is more than one beep then it is normally signalling an error. When you turn it back on, listen for some beeps eminating from the computer. This would require the motherboard's speaker to be attached. Make a note, if there is any beeps, how many there is and if they're long/short/continuous etc.

Also, if you currently have an AGP or PCI-Express graphics card in there then the chances are you have an onboard video adapter where you can plug the VGA cable of the monitor into it. If you do this does it make a difference? Do you get any signal come through? Do you hear any beeps or sounds?
Ok tried that(reset) and didnt work...

Oh but wait now that I read it I need the motherboards speaker attached? One didnt come with my set up. What type of speaker and how to install it?

Ill seee if there is onboard graphics card.

But good news, I can here the harddrive spinning ever so slightly.. So it works, now I am just thinking my mobo/chip.
This has happened to me kinder, i just turned off the computer took out the graphics card and put it back in again. You could try if you havent already..
lets make a Get-Jonny-Phive-a-New-Computer-so-he-can-Finish-dm_Facility fundraiser!
I just went through this exact same problem. In the end it was the motherboard.

The first thing I did was take my power supply to compusa and have them test it. My power supply was bad so I replaced that. My machine still wouldn't boot so I sent the mobo back to Gigabyte and sure enough the mobo had gone bad.

Video card, processor, power supply or mobo are the most common things to cause your machine to not 'post'.
Yep, I fried my Mobo and my powersupply at the same time and was having the same symptoms. Chances are, that's the problem which does mean you'd obviously have to buy a new mobo and powersupply (if that's fried too).
ok Ill try backing up my files from my HD on my parents comp for now...

If all the drives, fans, LED's, etc are working, my PSU should be fine right? Most likely my Mobo?
If I can back up onto this comp(parents), I can try finish my map on it for now
Well yay... I got the maps saved... The map will be finished.

However I need to backup My Documents. However there is a catch. Access is Denied because I have a password for my user profile. However since the OS isnt running off that HD I cant access it. Does that make sense? Sorry if it doesnt. Basically, now I need to boot up the OS off this HD instead of my parents, so I can access my documents and back them up. How do I make it boot up from the appropraite HD?
unplug the computers regular hdd and plug in yours, there may be some driver installs for software but you should be fine
splinter_cell said:
unplug the computers regular hdd and plug in yours, there may be some driver installs for software but you should be fine

But then how do I backup onto the HD I unplugged? Plug it back in?
Jonny Phive said:
But then how do I backup onto the HD I unplugged? Plug it back in?
I've never been able to boot with my hd in another computer ... Windows refuses to start up becasue of the different hardware it suddenly encounters. But if it can work, you should be able to make your HD the primary and your parents' HD the secondary. You might have to unplug a CD-ROM or something though. This is what you're talking about, right?
Ya, it didnt work for me either. Tried changing boot sequences and all but no luck.. Well oh well. I got the maps saved. Only thing that isnt backup is all my documents, images, music, etc...

Sure I would love that stuff backed up, but I think the HD is perfectly fine for now.

I think its my mobo/chip. Im looking now into soultions on replacing it.
Do you have an onboard VGA card? Who manufactures the motherboard? I'm still doubting it's the mobo to be honest.

What kinda video card is in your parents' computer? AGP/PCI/on-board?
My mobo is ASUS 478 Compatible... And the Chip is P4 2.8 478 Pin. It has no built in graphics card. I got it with the Radeon 9700 AIW Pro, and upgraded recently to the X800.

In my parents they have a PCI Express 6800.

Well I know for sure that the following works:

- HD
- ROM Drives
- Sound Card


- Chip / Mobo
- Video Card
- PSU -- Everything is powered so I think this is fine.

Thing is, I touched nothing to make anything go wrong. The other night I was mapping and listening to iTunes and fell asleep. The next morning the screen was frozen. Nothing moved, but I could see iTunes, etc, but it was all frozen. So I restarted. Nothing came up. My monitor went from a green light to the idle yellow/orange light. Since then nothing has come up since.
you should really check your psu, i would put money on that.
I'd put money on it not.

Try the simple things first. You must have a spare card lying around, install it in your computer and see if you get any signal come through.

If you don't get that then I'd say it's the mobo.

I'm not trying to start anything...I think the map you're working on is absolutely amazing...probably the best map I've seen from the community...

however, is this mobo/psu/gpu problem for real?

I feel like after reading your previous posts, that you may be overly nervous about finishing the map and releasing it...this map, from what I've seen, trumps anything I've seen, other than valve's own work...

I'm not trying to dissect anything...it's just that if you were to release that map as is, it's probably better than 90% of the work out there...
ya its for real. but its fine for now. i got the map on my parents comp backed up so i am working it on here. so work continues.

i dont have the luxury of my x800, but this comp will suffice.
this map still not out?
omg i have seen so many better maps then this one...
common you can do it... keep begging its almost at page 25!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
deecrypt said:
this map still not out?
omg i have seen so many better maps then this one...
common you can do it... keep begging its almost at page 25!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

OMG... This guy should be banned from ever playing this map :imu: :imu: :imu:
deecrypt said:
this map still not out?
omg i have seen so many better maps then this one...
common you can do it... keep begging its almost at page 25!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

This guy does kinda have a point.