Did you like Goldeneye Facility? I liked Goldeneye Facility...

Did you chooose the face (of the brush) with the cubemaps?
You can look on lockdown.vmf also if you wnat to see how they can be done

And, you have to restart the map after you run buildcubemaps
You can also assign a cubemap to a specific brush surface if it needs it's own reflection.
Pi Mu Rho said:
You can also assign a cubemap to a specific brush surface if it needs it's own reflection.
Thats what i mean't, but just couldn't word it right
Here is one of the problems. I have a room with two floor brushes. One has regular tiles and the other has the breaking tiles texture.

Thing is the light is fine on one but off on the other... Do I assign one cubemap selected to both brushes?

Since I have alot of lights and multiple colors at that, it is always messin' up with felections and such.

I looked at the sdk_cubemaps, and sd_lockdown but they do it differntly in both. One just places the cubemap entity but doesnt slect brushes while the other selects brushes.

Let me take some screens to illustrate my problem.

with that floor, dont assign any cubemaps, might not work but worth a shot
well server issues are resolved so im working to fix this cubemaps bug and get things ready for beta testing tonight!

we will see how things go!

thanks to to kyle from netraid for setting up my server! :)
New Shots?


Ill post the cubemaps problem picture soon. Here is the release info to my testers of what needs to still be done:

+ Bathroom Doors -- Working on solution that works but is not too problematic.
+ Scale - Always looking to balance authenticity with fun and usability. So scale changes are always looked into.
+ Vents - They are in but I spent very little time on them(less than an hour) ... In future builds they will be refined in placement, looks, etc...
+ Lab Room - I am looking to scale both lab rooms to accomodate more movement. Needing to spend some time on them to highten them graphically as well.
+ Cubemaps and Reflections - Notice the flickering lights or weird shadows? Dont worry it is an issue I am still trying to learn. However it will be fixed soon.
+ Music - If size is not too big I have some Goldeneye/007 loops I hope to implement
+ Graphics - More detail and refinements will be in later builds
+ Easter Eggs - this will be later once map is done! (Scientist, credits, etc...)

SHouldnt be too long now till its out in the public!

lol.. so any idea for a release date yet though jonny??
like a week? or month? :p
My, my that is looking nice. I really can't wait to start fragging on this map... going to be so nostalgic!

Thanks for the update... :)
damn, this map still isn't out yet? :LOL: still looking forward to it, as are a lot of people, this thread has 16,000 views :)
Its coming heh, as some other stuff as well...

I wont say more but just to say other maps are planned.

We are doing continuing testing this week to get it as good as we can.

I will update this week with another progress report on how things are coming and some updated screenies. Plus Chris_D is gonna help me with some of the Linux testing as well. I will say that after this last build the map was a point where I actually liked it and enjoyed playing it. Like I have said in earlier posts, I am a low self esteem guy.

So even though some improvements and changes need to be addressed I think it will ready soon.

"Plus Chris_D is gonna help me with some of the Linux testing as well."

Hahaha, I pwn you all!!! :p
Aww, and he's got the toilet-to-the-head avatar as well. I can't compete with that.
i want it now please please man please release it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris_D said:
"Plus Chris_D is gonna help me with some of the Linux testing as well."

Hahaha, I pwn you all!!! :p

I hate you. I really, really hate you. :flame:
well, my pc is dead, completley friggin dead, so its family pc time.......grrr. Meh the family pc has a 9800 pro and stuff tho, so it's actually a giant step up, but i gotta share. It died right be4 your map looked like it would release too, damn.....but I'll test it out neway wen it's done, hell I'd find a way to see it w/o a pc at all if I had too! BTW, the bathroom looks better, looks like you took my advise and gotten rid of the toilet in the 'island', but still no stall doors (oh well). I hope Insurgency gives you a mapping job, great mappers deserve recognition, and that mod would make you invincible.....good luck.
why dont you just let out the map allready? i mean ****, ive seen better maps this this POS...
and this ****ing post is allready about 25 pages long!
can someone explaine why this post is so big?
is the map maker making you beg him for the map? or wtf
deecrypt said:
why dont you just let out the map allready? i mean f.u.c.k, ive seen better maps this this POS...
and this f.u.c.ken post is allready about 25 pages long!
can someone explaine why this post is so big?
is the map maker making you beg him for the map? or wtf
Have some respect and don't be so rude. Firstly, it's actually 21 pages long and secondly, the map isn't finished yet. Thirdly, there aren't many maps that look better than this so I think you're wrong on all counts there.

Please try and be more respectful in your posts and don't try to bipass the swear filter. It's there for a reason and the next time I see a post like this you're going to get a pretty big warning.
deecrypt said:
why dont you just let out the map allready? i mean ****, ive seen better maps this this POS...
and this ****ing post is allready about 25 pages long!
can someone explaine why this post is so big?
is the map maker making you beg him for the map? or wtf

Because maybe it isnt my sole focus. I have a life outside of mapping my friend. I work full time, taking 18 units in college, volunteer my Sundays all day(set up, clean up) at the church I goto, and in a theater production in community theater.

I map when I can.

These people arent begging. They are pushing me and giving me a reason to get it done. Why is this thread so long? I have no clue. Ask the people who have posted. This thread is 300+ posts long. I have probably only posted in this thread 40+ times. Most of those are updates and answers to questions. I havent bumped this or what not. They have. And I appreciate that.

What I dont appreciate is someone who thinks they know all. A map takes longer than a week, and sometimes a longer than a few months. This is my first map I have ever released. I am not going to release it until i think its done and until people who have tested it are having fun with no bugs. If you read the thread you will see people who have posted are encouraging me to finish. So I work when I can to get it done for these fine peeps. Will it reach their expectations? Who knows. That is why it takes so long. It needs to be the best it can be. Any and every map should try to be the best it can be.

Saying it is POS is your own opinion. Perhaps try it before passing any judgement.

And no I am not sure when it will be out. I dont have every waking hour to work on this stuff. Days like today(Saturday) where I am off is usually my best time to get work in.

You should try mapping. It isnt the easiest thing in the world. Well atleast it isnt as easy as talking out of your a** and acting like a disrespectful 13 year old.


Oh well, back on topic. I am working towards another beta tonight.

EDIT: Also, if this thread is too long and needs to be closed, be my guest. I will just start one when it is released. Fine by me. :dozey:
Jonny Phive said:
Because maybe it isnt my sole focus. I have a life outside of mapping my friend. I work full time, taking 18 units in college, volunteer my Sundays all day(set up, clean up) at the church I goto, and in a theater production in community theater.

I map when I can.

These people arent begging. They are pushing me and giving me a reason to get it done. Why is this thread so long? I have no clue. Ask the people who have posted. This thread is 300+ posts long. I have probably only posted in this thread 40+ times. Most of those are updates and answers to questions. I havent bumped this or what not. They have. And I appreciate that.

What I dont appreciate is someone who thinks they know all. A map takes longer than a week, and sometimes a longer than a few months. This is my first map I have ever released. I am not going to release it until i think its done and until people who have tested it are having fun with no bugs. If you read the thread you will see people who have posted are encouraging me to finish. So I work when I can to get it done for these fine peeps. Will it reach their expectations? Who knows. That is why it takes so long. It needs to be the best it can be. Any and every map should try to be the best it can be.

Saying it is POS is your own opinion. Perhaps try it before passing any judgement.

And no I am not sure when it will be out. I dont have every waking hour to work on this stuff. Days like today(Saturday) where I am off is usually my best time to get work in.

You should try mapping. It isnt the easiest thing in the world. Well atleast it isnt as easy as talking out of your a** and acting like a disrespectful 13 year old.


Oh well, back on topic. I am working towards another beta tonight.

EDIT: Also, if this thread is too long and needs to be closed, be my guest. I will just start one when it is released. Fine by me. :dozey:
Quoted for emphasis!

Go, Jonny, go!! :E

If we wanted to close this thread we would have done by now. But we haven't and we won't. Keep up the good work.
deecrypt said:
why dont you just let out the map allready? i mean ****, ive seen better maps this this POS...
and this ****ing post is allready about 25 pages long!
can someone explaine why this post is so big?
is the map maker making you beg him for the map? or wtf

Shut up! Don't be an ass. Be glad that this guy is even concerned with the quality of his map. I've seen other maps that just look like they've been thrown together. Try making your own map.
Just registered to wish you the best. Thank you in advance for taking the time out of your busy squedual to make us a quality map. I can't imagine what it would be like to be as busy as you are.

Jonny Phive said:
Because maybe it isnt my sole focus. I have a life outside of mapping my friend. I work full time, taking 18 units in college, volunteer my Sundays all day(set up, clean up) at the church I goto, and in a theater production in community theater.

I map when I can.

These people arent begging. They are pushing me and giving me a reason to get it done. Why is this thread so long? I have no clue. Ask the people who have posted. This thread is 300+ posts long. I have probably only posted in this thread 40+ times. Most of those are updates and answers to questions. I havent bumped this or what not. They have. And I appreciate that.

What I dont appreciate is someone who thinks they know all. A map takes longer than a week, and sometimes a longer than a few months. This is my first map I have ever released. I am not going to release it until i think its done and until people who have tested it are having fun with no bugs. If you read the thread you will see people who have posted are encouraging me to finish. So I work when I can to get it done for these fine peeps. Will it reach their expectations? Who knows. That is why it takes so long. It needs to be the best it can be. Any and every map should try to be the best it can be.

Saying it is POS is your own opinion. Perhaps try it before passing any judgement.

And no I am not sure when it will be out. I dont have every waking hour to work on this stuff. Days like today(Saturday) where I am off is usually my best time to get work in.

You should try mapping. It isnt the easiest thing in the world. Well atleast it isnt as easy as talking out of your a** and acting like a disrespectful 13 year old.


Oh well, back on topic. I am working towards another beta tonight.

EDIT: Also, if this thread is too long and needs to be closed, be my guest. I will just start one when it is released. Fine by me. :dozey:

My god you are sexy!

I will be sad when this thread ends.

It is a growing breathing part of this forum.
It's a long time since we had a thread as active as this :)
Chris_D said:
It's a long time since we had a thread as active as this :)
We're all suffering from hype-withdrawal. We need something to drool over, and this fits the bill. :)
deecrypt said:
why dont you just let out the map allready? i mean ****, ive seen better maps this this POS...
and this ****ing post is allready about 25 pages long!
can someone explaine why this post is so big?
is the map maker making you beg him for the map? or wtf

this guy should be banned no questions asked...if he can't see the beauty in this map, than bye bye you tard...
We don't want to ban him. It is more fun to insult him for being so mean to such a nice guy.
The original screen shots on page 1 are not working, and I would love to see them! From all the talk (i havent read the whole thread, no time) the map looks awesome, but I would love to see for myself. I was a huge goldeneye and perfect dark fan in the day, and facility would just be friggin awesome to play.

so if anyone can give me a link to the screens that would fantastic.

props to the map maker.

EDIT: wouldn't it just be friggin sweet for a goldeneye/perfect multiplayer in source. Kind of like a Goldeneye: Source...for singleplayer of course. seems like a ton of work though.
Awesome job on remaking one helluva a classic map! I would LOVE to see a remake of Complex. I tried remaking it myself at one time for UT2003 but just forgot about it so I never finished it. I bet you could make a very imressive complex map (considering it was such a
bland looking map)