Did you like Goldeneye Facility? I liked Goldeneye Facility...

that looks more like bunker than bloody facility. Temple wood be a good an easy conversion
Wow, not played the game in years but from what i can tell that's a pretty faithfull reproduction :)

And even if it's not, it looks like a pretty good map!
Wow, you've given it some seriously nice atmosphere. Very good work!
that looks more like bunker than bloody facility. Temple wood be a good an easy conversion

:\ I wasn't going for the exact look of the game. I used my own creativity... Lets put it this way -- I will call it dm_facility_reMIx!

What have you done to the screenshots? They look really bright and sharp.

GG. Release?
They look bright? Sorry it must be my monitor. It is on full brightness and it barely looks bright >_<

But ya I just shrunk em from 1280*1024 to 800*640
Those look amazing. Excellent work. Can't wait to download it. :eek:
No they look great, it looks really sharp and cool.
Nice one m8 :)

Facility is easily one of my fave maps.

(just need to model all the weapons now ;))
Looks awesome, and everybit of Facility that I remember, just a lot more atmospheric.

Lord, how grande would a complete Goldeneye makeover look on source?
I loved facility. Is a spawn still in the air ducts above the bathroom? You a quite a talented mapper?
Ya the map is more fleshed out... Since obviously the Goldeneye engine wasnt all that powerful it cant do what we can today. So I decided instead of remain strict to the game or what not that I add my own little touches. Not to mention that Facility was made for four players so this map demands more that the basic layout.

And yes there will be airducts, with more paths this time around. Think de_prodigy and dm_lockdown.

Wow, looks very good! I loved all of the Golden Eye maps. After you're done with this, would you consider converting Library? That would be sweet.
Wow, looks very good! I loved all of the Golden Eye maps. After you're done with this, would you consider converting Library? That would be sweet.

After I finish my other map I am submitting for the contest, I wanted to work on Library or Complex.. Perhaps both :p
How long do you think it'll take to complete? No rush though. :p
Looks good
Library will be sweet. At least if thats the map i used to play all the time, which i think was called library.......
You need to make it so wooden tables explode when you shoot them.. just like the original lol
And you also have to let the magnum shoot through doors. :LOL:

Man, it was fun in both Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, seeing a few enemies coming to the door and BAM! One shot takes all of 'em! :borg:
OH MAIN! This is an awesome looking map! :D I cant wait to play it.

I used to play facility with my best friend constantly, so it warms my heart to see it remade! I hope you kept the secret passage above the toilet!
No fair....i'm just in the middle of doing this map as well.......funny we are using similar textures for walls etc.....not much point in me doing my map nemore......sniff sniff. Well done, looking good
Awww that sucks man. Maybe you could talk to him and do a collaboration job or something. Or, better still, start doing another goldeneye map!!!

Map looks amazing by the way, looking forward to a release. How smooth does it run?
Brilliant map, plus added kudos for doing a project based on existing material - which is a good sight harder as folks usually pick out tiny variations.
That...looks...awesome. I love you. Now I demand you do the real goldeneye complex =)
Right now it runs great. 90+ FPS on most parts except for when you stand directly in heat waves...

To put that into perspective, I average 40-60 on lockdown and overwatch! ;)

Beta Testing starts Thursday. I will keep you guys posted!
Could you port it easily to CS:S?

Would LOVE to play!
that looks AMAZING...

goldeneye is what first got me into gaming...thanks for the nostalagia, i can't wait to play on this map!!
DUDE that looks AWESOME :afro: youve got some of the best mapping skills ive seen