difference between mentally retarded humans and animals

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Aug 6, 2004
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all the time i kept thinking what would people say if they used heavy retarded people instead of bulls. seriously, they're pretty much the same level of comprehension and intelligence.

i bet alot of them would quite enjoy it, actually.

edit: sorry i couldn't find one without the annoying music, but you know what a rodeo is. probably
So. I understand that people want to test themselves. It's a great feeling.
But do it in a manly way, like fighting a lion or a crocodile with your bare hands.

Groups of men bludgeoning animals to death is pathetic.
all the time i kept thinking what would people say if they used heavy retarded people instead of bulls. seriously, they're pretty much the same level of comprehension and intelligence.

i bet alot of them would quite enjoy it, actually.

It seems every thread you post proves yourself to be more and more of a ****.

So. I understand that people want to test themselves. It's a great feeling.
But do it in a manly way, like fighting a lion or a crocodile with your bare hands.

Groups of men bludgeoning animals to death is pathetic.

running full sprint, having a rope tied to your neck and halting dead stop must be pretty painful.

just last time i saw a bowhunter hunting lions but with two guys with rifles as backup. people these days don't have balls anymore. it isn't just coincidence people once feared predators, since without weapons you'd end up their supper.
i really don't understand people who kill for the thrill...somebody please explain to me where's the difference between torturing a jew in some nazi camp or torturing an animal for fun. i think it's like exercises...you start with easy, beginner exercises and continue with the harder ones...you're still doing exercises. (ok bad example, but you get the picture).

regarding with the lion stuff...one guy made a really good point about hunting such magnificent animals.
if you pay to go safari hunting you give the natives initiatives to preserve the species. if we outlawed hunting the natives would probably just illegally poach them. it's a stupid solution but it probably works. a native would probably think twice before shooting that lion if he knows he could get 10000$ from westerners.
It seems every thread you post proves yourself to be more and more of a ****.

you fail to see the point i'm making.

a heavily retarded person is probably at some animal level if we're talking in a purely rational sense. obviously i'd never like to do that. but when you think of it...animals do feel pain and try to avoid pain. i think if we put retards instead of them people would be reluctant to do threat them like that, don't you think?

i'm just pointing out the double standards and stupidity of humans. maybe i wasn't too clear in the OP, but if you think that what i wrote i meant literally, you have no ****ing clue about me.
you fail to see the point i'm making.

a heavily retarded person is probably at some animal level if we're talking in a purely rational sense. obviously i'd never like to do that. but when you think of it...animals do feel pain and try to avoid pain. i think if we put retards instead of them people would be reluctant to do threat them like that, don't you think?

i'm just pointing out the double standards and stupidity of humans. maybe i wasn't too clear in the OP, but if you think that what i wrote i meant literally, you have no ****ing clue about me.

I'm not talking about that at all, I'm talking about how you're a ****.
I have no idea why you would even make that comparison jverne. It's not like anyone here is for animal abuse. You don't have to prove anything to us.
I'm not talking about that at all, I'm talking about how you're a ****.

yes...that speaks volumes of you.

I have no idea why you would even make that comparison jverne. It's not like anyone here is for animal abuse. You don't have to prove anything to us.

yes that's true...i should probably be posting this on meateaters.com or something. but still, it's just a thought. but might be a good ad idea for the extremist animal rights groups.
That would backfire so much. Their credibility would be destroyed by suggesting that animals and people with mental difficulties are the same.
..somebody please explain to me where's the difference between torturing a jew in some nazi camp or torturing an animal for fun.
Maybe you are referring to the mental urges felt, and maybe there is little difference in those. But externally...

(and I am not as sure as I look in the stern text of a forum post about any of this...also I modified it from something I wrote ages ago)

Animal rights is one of the most difficult subjects for me, and I think it's one of the trickiest moral problems in the world today. On what basis do we accord rights, and on what basis do we revoke them from animals?

We certainly don't act like they have rights at all. We continually confine or kill them without their consent, and if they don't have the right to consent to their own treatment then how can they possibly have any of the broad spectrum of rights that balloon out of that simple principle? Nor can we posit 'intelligence' as the creterion for according rights. We have no certain way to quantify intelligence among humans, let alone among members of species who have no share in our culture and all our highly species-subjective measures of mentality. Even if we did have such a test, it could force us into a situation where our own logic demands that we imprison retards and give dolphins the vote.

Really, then, two alternatives are available: 1) all animals have rights. This is clearly impractical. We kill a lot of germs. And how do you determine whether a government has a right to kill germs? If the germs break the law by murdering someone? Germs live very fast, and it's not just to try the son for the sins of the father. And so on, and so on - the whole thing gets ridiculous very fast. 2) only humans have rights. After all, rights are at bottom an artificial cultural construct ('artificial'...pfft), not natural or inherent or magical at all. It makes sense that they would only apply within our domain. In this case, the difference is very clear: humans have a right not to be tortured, and doing so is a violation. Animals don't, and it isn't.

Here's where it's worth worth drawing a line between 'animal rights' and 'animal welfare'. It is perfectly possible to say: "animals don't have rights and the principle of consent doesn't apply to them" while still saying "we should never be unnecessarily cruel to animals". This variant of Option 2 is closest to my own opinion, which is to say that I do not believe in animal rights but do believe in animal welfare. This, however, has its own problems. The threshold of 'necessity' is debatable - what about economic necessity for the food corporation? How high is the limit? And there are serious logical loopholes: if the problem is animal suffering, then surely it's okay to arbitrarily kill animals as long as you do it quickly and painlessly. Plus, it means that bestiality is totally ethical and okay as long as you wear a condom and don't discomfort the beast while doing it. As it happens we've danced that dance before.

Of course, bestiality would need to be regulated, and this would probably mean establishing legal animal brothels. Large warehouses with hundreds of pigs and sheep in small pens, constantly cared for and kept alive by a team of workers so that they can be held in vices while customers approach them from behind. Not so different from the slaughterhouse. Then there would be the free range brothels, where a dedicated staff maintain the same standards of safety and hygiene while ensuring the animals are able to roam free over the hills and dales when they're not being fucked in the ass.
Man, I hope one day dolphins evolve politics and we learn to communicate with them. Humanity explores space, accompanied by its cetacean friends...

That would backfire so much. Their credibility would be destroyed by suggesting that animals and people with mental difficulties are the same.

that's why i explicitly said "extremist animal right groups". i'd never do something like that.

but if you think of it...can you really suggest a better method for installing logic into some half-assed redneck trough conversation. they probably only respond when you throw something disgusting right in their face. i.e. acting on their emotions rather than reason.
Maybe you are referring to the mental urges felt, and maybe there is little difference in those. But externally...

(and I am not as sure as I look in the stern text of a forum post about any of this...also I modified it from something I wrote ages ago)

Animal rights is one of the most difficult subjects for me, and I think it's one of the trickiest moral problems in the world today. On what basis do we accord rights, and on what basis do we revoke them from animals?

We certainly don't act like they have rights at all. We continually confine or kill them without their consent, and if they don't have the right to consent to their own treatment then how can they possibly have any of the broad spectrum of rights that balloon out of that simple principle? Nor can we posit 'intelligence' as the creterion for according rights. We have no certain way to quantify intelligence among humans, let alone among members of species who have no share in our culture and all our highly species-subjective measures of mentality. Even if we did have such a test, it could force us into a situation where our own logic demands that we imprison retards and give dolphins the vote.

Really, then, two alternatives are available: 1) all animals have rights. This is clearly impractical. We kill a lot of germs. And how do you determine whether a government has a right to kill germs? If the germs break the law by murdering someone? Germs live very fast, and it's not just to try the son for the sins of the father. And so on, and so on - the whole thing gets ridiculous very fast. 2) only humans have rights. After all, rights are at bottom an artificial cultural construct ('artificial'...pfft), not natural or inherent or magical at all. It makes sense that they would only apply within our domain.

Here's where it's worth worth drawing a line between 'animal rights' and 'animal welfare'. It is perfectly possible to say: "animals don't have rights and the principle of consent doesn't apply to them" while still saying "we should never be unnecessarily cruel to animals". This variant of Option 2 is closest to my own opinion, which is to say that I do not believe in animal rights but do believe in animal welfare. This, however, has its own problems. The threshold of 'necessity' is debatable - what about economic necessity for the food corporation? How high is the limit? And there are serious logical loopholes: if the problem is animal suffering, then surely it's okay to arbitrarily kill animals as long as you do it quickly and painlessly. Plus, it means that bestiality is totally ethical and okay as long as you wear a condom and don't discomfort the beast while doing it. As it happens we've danced that dance before.

Of course, bestiality would need to be regulated, and this would probably mean establishing legal animal brothels. Large warehouses with hundreds of pigs and sheep in small pens, constantly cared for and kept alive by a team of workers so that they can be held in vices while customers approach them from behind. Not so different from the slaughterhouse. Then there would be the free range brothels, where a dedicated staff maintain the same standards of safety and hygiene while ensuring the animals are able to roam free over the hills and dales when they're not being fucked in the ass.
Man, I hope one day dolphins evolve politics and we learn to communicate with them. Humanity explores space, accompanied by its cetacean friends...


agree with your post, but what i was saying with that sentence was.
that someone who tortures animals for fun in different circumstances would have little to no restraint to do the same on a human. you just need to give them a reason.
if you put me in a concentration camp as a warden you can bet i'd be thrown out the same day. although i agree that all people can become psychopaths, but some come preconditioned.
which of course means nothing until they are caught in the act. innocent until proven guilty.
when they catch someone abusing animals for fun...i think they'd need to asses the broader implications not just that specific case. if they don't already, of course.
if there were any rodeos around here, i'd wear complete black clothes, a hat, and once the rodeo started pull the fire alarms in the place. every time i'd do that. every time everyone would exit the place and demand their money back. its breaking the law and at the same time so should hurting animals of any size.
I want to see a thread titled "difference between mentally retarded humans and androids"
i would pull the fire alarm, it would totally ruin the fun, and imagine if just one person did this at each rodeo
agree with your post, but what i was saying with that sentence was.
that someone who tortures animals for fun in different circumstances would have little to no restraint to do the same on a human. you just need to give them a reason.
if you put me in a concentration camp as a warden you can bet i'd be thrown out the same day. although i agree that all people can become psychopaths, but some come preconditioned.
which of course means nothing until they are caught in the act. innocent until proven guilty.
when they catch someone abusing animals for fun...i think they'd need to asses the broader implications not just that specific case. if they don't already, of course.
You don't know what you are talking about! You are theorizing and making wild guesses and you don't have a shred of any kind of evidence, not even any!

Also, you write like your brain just took a shit. Clean this [strike]shit[/strike] mess up next time if you want us to read it!

And now, it's time for - Albino Dolphin Power, activate!

OP is a retarded animal.

PS - I think I guy with Downs would have a higher comprehension level than a ****ing bull.
Y'all 'tards
God bless America :angel:

That video really made me hungry for stake :(
This is one of the most retarded threads I've seen in a while. Are you secretly a bull jverne?
You're just pulling nonsensical comparisons out of your ass and then putting them up for debate as if a)the premise isn't flawed b)we disagree with the point you're presumably trying and failing to make.

Man, I hope one day dolphins evolve politics and we learn to communicate with them. Humanity explores space, accompanied by its cetacean friends...

Dolphins would surely make great spaceship pilots. Chimps not so much.
running full sprint, having a rope tied to your neck and halting dead stop must be pretty painful.

just last time i saw a bowhunter hunting lions but with two guys with rifles as backup. people these days don't have balls anymore. it isn't just coincidence people once feared predators, since without weapons you'd end up their supper.
i really don't understand people who kill for the thrill...somebody please explain to me where's the difference between torturing a jew in some nazi camp or torturing an animal for fun. i think it's like exercises...you start with easy, beginner exercises and continue with the harder ones...you're still doing exercises. (ok bad example, but you get the picture).

regarding with the lion stuff...one guy made a really good point about hunting such magnificent animals.
if you pay to go safari hunting you give the natives initiatives to preserve the species. if we outlawed hunting the natives would probably just illegally poach them. it's a stupid solution but it probably works. a native would probably think twice before shooting that lion if he knows he could get 10000$ from westerners.


grats your an idiot you think human suffering equals animal suffering.
Go suck on petas tit some more.
Why are people having trouble understanding what he is ACTUALLY saying. All this "You're a terrible person for even thinking that" shit is annoying...it's not hard to follow his logic. If an animal had the exact same intelligence as a retarded person (their understanding of their existence, their ability to comprehend what is going on around them, etc.) then why is it ok to treat animals this way and not humans?

We can justify treating animals like shit because they are stupid and have no way of defending themselves anyway...so what's the difference if it's a retarded person? The only difference is the fact that it is a person. We are a race of people who at one time justified the slavery of another human race, don't think for a second that people are understanding of another individuals suffering, whether it be another human or an animal.

Obviously I don't want to see retarded people being exploited but that's what I got from his post.
I just wanted to call him a **** was all, geez.
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