Difficulty Defined

Based on the information below, what difficulty will you play on?

  • Easy

    Votes: 16 7.8%
  • Normal

    Votes: 160 77.7%
  • Hard

    Votes: 30 14.6%

  • Total voters
Autoaim? What the hell? Guess I'll have to play on Normal then...
Well I will enjoy playin on normal.

And about the auto aim, were you able to disable it from the advanced controls option. I'm will be surprised if they can't do it on the 2nd game
That sucks. It's OK with less ammo, but the damage should be the same. I mean it's just silly when things can take 2000 bullets. They should have made the AI dumber in easy...
Hard, though I imagine that it will be very easy regardless of the difficulty level.
Why are all new games making easy....really shitty easy.

I mean, Halo 2's easy is a joke. It seems hl2's easy will also be a joke.

Anyway, I'll play it on normal, then.
Bah... damage tweaking doesn't bode well for me. I like my games to have fairly realistic damage; i.e., even though the main character will be splattered by a burst of automatic fire, so will the enemies.

As for auto-aim, its presence will determine which difficulty I go for- if you can't turn it off for Normal, I'd have to live with Hard...
Ill be playing on hard. I want the game to last a long time, and to get the feeling of accomplishment when I finish. If ya just go beat it on normal, your doing something everybody does. Not as many people beat games on the most difficult setting.
I understand from this that the items will have fixed amount of ammo inside? I mean, it's annoying when you take a 100 ammo item when you have only 1 less than maximum, and the item disapears.

And pretty unrealistic when you realise that the enemy who has been shooting at you for 20 seconds is carrying the same amount of ammo as the other one you killed without any confrontation.

Concerning the difficulity levels, I think the best way to vary them is to give more enemys to blast at harder difficulity. Only the older FPSs did this. So the harder the difficulity, the more fun you have.
Hard sound a little ........... well hard i suppose. Normal for me then a second time through on hard thanks.
normal, but contemplating hard to get more play time out of it.
Normal for me, I cant stand Auto-Aim and i like the challenge of not having much ammo, but i also do not like to die LOTS of times , so normal for me
I think I'll first beat it on Normal, then, to go explore HL2 and try to find stuff, I'll play on Easy, enabling cheats here and there to set up funny ragdolls and such.
Yeah Normal straight away for me. I know I'll end up sucking at it and using cheats like I do with every other fibbing game I get. I suck at 1 player games, seriously.

Also, can someone chop my hands off so I don't read the strategy guide?
I'm probably gonna play it on Normal first then go on Hard. I'm trying to decide wether or not to play it on Hard the first time around.
I will definitely play through on Normal, then Hard, then easy with cheats, just to smash stuff, and have fun! And hopefully, by the time I am done with it, there will be some good mods ready (I am mostly interested in Single Player), or maybe even an expansion pack a la OpFor or Blue Shift.
MajorPayne said:
I will definitely play through on Normal, then Hard, then easy with cheats, just to smash stuff, and have fun! And hopefully, by the time I am done with it, there will be some good mods ready (I am mostly interested in Single Player), or maybe even an expansion pack a la OpFor or Blue Shift.

Yeah me too. Im always more interested in single player mods then multiplayer ones.
I'll try it on normal. Usually when I get a SP game I try it once on easy then move up. But considering how well I know HL and how long I've played it Im gonna give normal a spin. Dont wanna do hard and end up frustrating myself too much. I want to enjoy it while still having a challenge. You can bet after I beat it once though that I'll try it on hard.
Well since i'm all about realism, it may depend. Far Cry did a bad job on harder levels, by making the grunts able to take MANY shots to the torso at close range and other such unrealistic advantages. I agree that weapons should do a set amount of damage, and difficulty based on reaction times and numbers of enemy. (and with triggers this can be greatly expanded!)
Since I consider myself a seasoned FPS player, i'll start off on hard. (auto-aiming is like training wheels, certainly not good training for online play!)
Hard, me thinks. Just because when I play, I wanna make sure I get the whole "deal". Not sure what that means, but whatever.


jaguar_987 said:
Normal first without auto-aim of course and then move onto hard.

I agree about Auto-aim. It can help if you are not very good in a FPS, but anyone who is even mediocre will want to turn it off, because it fouls up headshots, etc.
Normal for me, hard if it's too easy. I hate games where you can pick up the biggest gun and just run into hords of enemies, I like to go slow and take it easy, take cover behind objects and fire when my enemy is realoading.
DoctorGordon3 said:

But this is so stupid....the AI should just get better with the diffculty level, no dang extra damage taken or whatever
yeah i was thinking that
alan8325 said:
Something always bothered me about increasing the difficulty of a game by increasing enemy health and damage dealt. It just seems kind of cheap and throws off the realism a lot. If an enemy is shooting at you with an mp5, and you kill him and pick up the mp5, why should it do a different amount of damage for you?

I think the only ways they should change difficulty are through A.I. tactics, their aiming skill, available health and ammo, and numbers of enemys vs. allies.

something that really bugged me about HL1 was the fact that on hard, marines could take 2 double-blast shotgun shots before going down. at close range, a double-blast would kill anyone...and don't even try to go 1-on-1 with a marine with an mp5. pure suicide.

however it seems that games nowadays all play this way. upping the difficulty just makes you take more damge and they take less. maybe the combine will just have better kevlar...? :LOL:
I voted hard, but il be playing on normal.. Bwahhaha
There's a skill .cfg file that can be tweaked. Other than that, a MOD will have access to all of the code to change these things.

The game ships with 3 skill settings built in.


Just got that email back from Yahn when i checked my hotmail this morning
lans said:
Why are all new games making easy....really shitty easy.

I mean, Halo 2's easy is a joke. It seems hl2's easy will also be a joke.

Anyway, I'll play it on normal, then.

because there are a multitude of "softcore" gamers. for example, my cousin comes to my house for the holidays alot (he's 19), you know family cheer etc etc. and most every holiday i have some new game that we play together (this year HL2, he will shit his pants!). anyway he always plays on easy cuz he plays games almost as if it is something to watch, not really play. since he is not very good at FPS games in general, he likes to be able to take a lot of damge and just have fun going through the game (any game really, whether it be HL or KOTOR).

my point is that i think "softcore" gamers outnumber the "hardcore" gamers (like myself) who enjoy a challenge and have to think things through and play somewhat "realistically" (crouching, taking cover, stealth etc). hardcore aren't any better or smarter, jsut a differnet playstyle. so if easy wasn't extremely easy you'd have A LOT of people pissed and bitching about it.

i am going to play on hard, i just hope they fix it to where a combine can't take all the friggin bullets it took to take down marines in HL1. i remember unloading friggin clips into people.

also, one question comes to mind. how are grenades going to be handled on hard? from videos (barricade comes to mind) nades seem to send people flying (pretty cool effect). so will one nade be sufficient to take down a baddy on hard? or will he get up from that blast, dust off and shooting again? what would be cool is if they made the AI dodge the grenade (on easy, tehy woudl just sit and die). but from teh sounds of everyone else, it seems tehy aren't any "smarter".