Direct X 8 shaders vs Direct X 9 shaders images

  • Thread starter Thread starter Franky4Fingers
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All I care about is the fact that I am able get nice looking water on my GF 3 Ti200...the slowest Nvidia card to have DX8 (woohooo :)).

I would enjoy seeing two videos that compare DX8 and 9 though...
I think it was stated, more than the image quality difference (which for hl2 will be minimal anyway cos they are doing their best to run on all systems), is that 9800/9700/9600 run at basically the same speed on 8 or 9 shaders, while fx cards cant handle el nino. :D Which will really matter on upcoming games where there aint a huge production cycle, so devs just slap in their fancy dx9 effects and whatnot, and you can like it or lump it.
The difference is not massive, but it's there and noticable by the people who have keen eyes.

The fact that the antlion guard won't have the same amount of bumpmapping isn't at all due to DX8/9 though, that's just a performance decision made by Valve I guess, it's not because DX8 can't run the bumpmapping, hehe.
All your R9800 are belong to us!

This just in: nVidia loses.

Even nVidia fan boys should drop this can't win.
i heard some people saying that they buy the card for many other games such as doom3, stalker, farcry, max payne 2, etc. All these games don't have much advance tech than hl2. Max payne2 is even lower tech. I think buying a highend card today will allow u run all those games fine(max detail, high res with playable framerate. btw, doom3 and far cry have quite impressive engines, but i don't see any shiny and reflective surface in these games(i can be wrong), is hl2 more advance than other games in making shiny reflective surface??? they can be on the ennemies' body or in the environment which is amazing.

From my experience, max detail with high resolution and decent speed will always enhance the playability of the game and make the gaming experience more enjoyable. Since Fx5900 fail to do that and it's still sold at a higher price than the ati 9800 pro 128MB, in my opinion, buying a nvidia card is definitly a wrong decision.

Someone said that microsoft and ati are trying to monopolize the videocard industry. Well, u could be right, but just let them monopolize whatever they want, cuz we, as tiny gamers(many of us still go to school), can't do anything to interfere in what they do. To see hl2 in its full glory, we are ready to pay the price. Maybe when we grow up we could nuke down microsoft and ati.

Some people who bought the wrong card (fx 5900) for hl2 said that next time they will upgrade to the next generation of videocards supporting dx10 when they come out, so, by the time, they can see hl2 in its full glory. Man, that's not the way to play. My last videocard is voodoo3 which sucks in running quake3, but no matter how good quake3 is, i won't upgrade to an ati 9800 for playing quake3 or a game that's couple years old. I only upgrade for playing the newest and the hottest upcoming games. By the time dx10 videocards come out, there will be other exciting games we are looking forward to. Don't stay in the past, go seek for the future.
i can only see the difference in the water reflections.
But a screenshot is not a good way to see the tech.
Maybe a video valve plz?
I wish everyone had dx 8 an 9 an ati an nvidia an delay vs 9/30 up your ass... Who cares how it runs on everybody elses computer as long as you know it'll run on yours...quit bickering you all sound like a bunch of 3 yr olds "mine's mine's better" Who cares who has what as long as it works...

damn i've been up too long....
a headcarb...being here to long. :)
sorry, found that entertaining!
you WANT ATi or NVIDIA to have a monopoly?

That would SUCK for us.
Competition drives the market forward.
Hey, I am just glad to know that with a ATI Dx9 card, this game will run at playable rates (be it the 9500, 9600, 9700 or 9800 series)...

For those with FX 5600 or less.. Well thats too bad.
For the TI 4600 which I also have, you will probably get acceptable FPS.. but barely.

That is all that counts in this whole topic. Most of the new DX 9 games will require even faster cards to function. So anyone with a Dx 8 card.. TI series.. is going to have to upgrade sometime to get playable rates at medium res (1024x768)...
The only difference I can see, is that there is more colour in the water reflections in the Dx9 pic. If there's something I've mist, please tell me.
Oh no... I won't be able to get a playable framerate with my Ti4600....... with every setting at max.

So many people look at those charts and rush to post that "Valve was lying about the HL2 being able to run on older computers!!!"

All those benchmarks show is what kind of computer you should have if you want to run HL2 at the absolute best visual quality.

If you want a playable framerate so badly... just sacrifice a couple of features at a time until you find a good compromise between speed and quality.
i own a 9800 and a 4200, i was thinking of upgrading my 4200 just a few days ago, but after reading this thread i decided against it. hell, it's not like i'm rich. Plus, the difference is minor.

Seems like these forums are grounds for people to prove that the $400+ they spent on their ATi's were well spent.

It's really pathetic, makes me want to buy nVidia products JUST cuz so many morons buy ATi (even though ATi is better, now)
Originally posted by Tlaloc
It's really pathetic, makes me want to buy nVidia products JUST cuz so many morons buy ATi (even though ATi is better, now)

Ah, so we can establish that
ATi = better

People who buy ATi = morons

So buying the better stuff makes you a moron... logic is a funny thing
bring up both pics in full screen, and keep looking at one then the other fast....and you will see that the DX9 water is LIGHTER then then DX8.1 water.

i think the DX8.1 water is better, cause abit darker
who spent 400$ on a card?

sheesh...I spent less then 200$ for my 9800np..
Originally posted by commando
bring up both pics in full screen, and keep looking at one then the other fast....and you will see that the DX9 water is LIGHTER then then DX8.1 water.

i think the DX8.1 water is better, cause abit darker
People still comment on the original picture? It is NOT represantative of DX9!!! Everything shown on it can easily be done in DX8. Which is why it looks the same.
Just look at the HDR movie. There you will see what the difference is :)
Everyone talking about dx10 plz go read some older news... m$ announced that they won't be developing dx10 for some time, they are going to spend all their time on the next os and improving the game performance on we could wait for dx10 even till 2005, and by then they can think of some other technique for rendering eventually we might never see dx10.

The next thing we all are gonna buy is cards with pci express...
NPRs will look alot better with DX9 I believe, Cause of some kind of new fangled video doohicky. I bought a 9600Pro to replace my Ti4200 because honestly cool effects are more important to me then raw performace/resolution etc. I like to see shiny glowy awesome things.
From what I have seen... if I upgrade the rest of my computer and keep my Ti4600 for now I should get an average around 40fps (maybe a bit more if I drop a few DX8 features).

That should be enough to keep me from going insane while waiting for the R420... which will hopefully either be released late this year (it's doubtful but I can hope) or early next year.

Then we'll see how many frames per second that beast can pump out with max settings in HL2... considering that they said it doubles the speed of the 9800Pro.
Originally posted by theGreenBunny
Ah, so we can establish that
ATi = better

People who buy ATi = morons

So buying the better stuff makes you a moron... logic is a funny thing

I guess this is too complicated....

ATi = obviously better...

that being said

people who buy ATi and come in here to boast about it and put down the people who own FX's = moronic

Logic might be funny but taking things out of context is even better.
you never specified that people who boast about their cards are morons.. you made it sound like all ppl who bought Ati cards are morons. You moron :)
i own a 9800 and a 4200, i was thinking of upgrading my 4200 just a few days ago, but after reading this thread i decided against it. hell, it's not like i'm rich. Plus, the difference is minor.

Seems like these forums are grounds for people to prove that the $400+ they spent on their ATi's were well spent.

It's really pathetic, makes me want to buy nVidia products JUST cuz so many morons buy ATi (even though ATi is better, now)

I think that's pretty clear.

not even close to saying: all people who buy ATi are morons...

"so many" != "all"
I've noticed something...
the people with DX 8.1 cards see a HUGE difference
the people with 9.0 cards see a minor differance, OR brag about how cool its gunna look because they have a DX9 card...
would work better as a "Nvidia is to tired as ATI isto wired*
Hey, just a question. I have a Ti4200 128MB. I of course know that it is DX8, but is it 8.1 or 8.0?

Thanks in advance.
Toi my knowledge any DX8 card is DX8.1 too....can anyone confirm?
Originally posted by Direwolf
Toi my knowledge any DX8 card is DX8.1 too....can anyone confirm?

Yes your right.

Ati Vs. Nividia reminds me of AMD vs. Intel =P
You guys are all forgetting the fact that ATI has Direct x 8.0 and 8.1 cards too. =P Not just nividia.

(Ex. 128MB Radeon 8500)
i don't see any shiny and reflective surface in games like doom3, far cry etc(i can be wrong), is hl2 more advance than other games in making shiny reflective surface???

look at the upcoming video that shows the difference between dx8 and dx9, i heard gabe saying that they are going to release one. don't pass ur judgement based on two screenshots. if u know what exactly dx9 is capabable of, u will definitly think that buying the fx5900 for running dx9 games is wrong. With better visual effect, the game will always be more enjoyable. I would buy the radeon 9600 for least than 200 dollar to archieve the enjoyable experience rather than waste twice more money on the fx5900 for the dx8.1 mode.
Originally posted by mortiz
except most of those games arn't even coming out till next year, When the DX10 cards will be released, whether some of those games are even using full DX9 capabilities has yet to be told, so you are all rushing out and spending money on cards for games you don't even know will be using DX9, the only one of which is confirmed and has had detailed info released about how it will use DX 9 is HL2.

just stop throwing a shitstorm on our parade, of course something will be out of date over time. but doom3 sucks, and i'm going to focus on enjoying hl2. **** dx10, i don't care.
i think far cry will be released before 2004, max payne 2 this Octorber, doom3 is playable already with today's highend computer(some people have already tried its multiplay), stalker is not far away. And many other already announced titles are all coming soon. All of the aboves titles will be playable with today's high end computer with max res and detail and decent speed. Why do u want to wait for upgrading to a dx10 card in order to see hl2 in its full glory??? That's just not the way we play games. Hl2 is the first dx9 game, it definitly won't be the last. By the time dx10 tech is available, there will be other games we are looking forward to.
Originally posted by Direwolf
Toi my knowledge any DX8 card is DX8.1 too....can anyone confirm?

Alright cool man. I guess it was a stupid question but I saw pictures before comparing DX8, 8.1, and 9 so I figured it was card specific. Also in the earlier pages I read I got the impression people were saying that 8.1 was a large difference from 8.

Anyway, thanks.
Omlette makes the same mistake Nvidia made: new features don't actually need to perform well because they don't show up in games.

[oops, I didn't mean Omlette but whomever he's quoting]

He's right that that has been the case in the past, but Valve seems to be doing something different with HL2 by making a game that takes advantage of the bleeding edge all the way down to four generations ago.

Maybe other developers will learn from the example.
sif. half-life+mods and games based on the source engine will be around for the next few years at least.
far cry has all the advanced graphics features of half life 2, and more.. full reflective surfaces with real time lighting etc.. DX 9 up the wazoo. It also has draw distances that no other game including half life 2 have shown so far.
Originally posted by festivalman
far cry has all the advanced graphics features of half life 2, and more.. full reflective surfaces with real time lighting etc.. DX 9 up the wazoo. It also has draw distances that no other game including half life 2 have shown so far.

yeah far cry is quite impressive, and its editing tool is amazing and it's easy to use. Even the only thing i like in doom3 is dynamics lighting&shadowing which is also included in the cry engine. However for the "full reflective surface", i'm not sure, i have been watching all far cry videos so far(even the cry engine video), and i have never seen any reflective surface, except the water. The source engine shows that reflective surface in hl2 can be on the bodies of ennemies and on everything else in the hl2 world.