Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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Your son doesn't seem to have great difficulty smiling, unlike Dad. Good job. :)
My kids are awesome, and are the recipients of my smiling visage. You bunch of ****s, on the other hand, don't merit any.
He'd be far more likely to eat the camera.

New and awesome hat is new and awesome.
Looks a bit like my hat!

excuse the panda eyes, that was taken at about 3am.

Actually he's 14.

I have one of those hats.
Hats, eh?


Though I think I've posted a pic of me wearing it before.
Are we posting hats? I will post hats. When I was just child I wore hats so consistently that the one thing people say to me when they haven't seen me since I was 5 is something to the effect of "Tristen! I wouldn't recognize you without a hat!"
Hah, I wear this hat almost daily;
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