Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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I thought you were a health nut! You're f***ing eyes are different colors!

Don't kill me
how did that scar on your eye happen?

I also enhanced my eyes, to make me look like a psycho, i think if i had a scar like that people would avoid me in the street :)

I do actually have a brown section in my right eye, when i was about 6 or 7 i was watching my brother doing metalwork without eye protection, bit of metal got wedged in front of eye in eye, became inflamed/red had to have eye drops for a couple of weeks.....left a permanent stain on the iris!

Only really notice it when you use a flash camera.
My browser goes crazy when I try and quote someone, crazy!!
Unfocused's pic is awesome! :D

Terminator looks like he could kick everyone's ass just by staring at them.

Time for Neptune's weekly camwhoring.

New denim jacket-ey thing, and stripey top.


Oh lawd, you can actually see me.
I also enhanced my eyes, to make me look like a psycho, i think if i had a scar like that people would avoid me in the street :)

I do actually have a brown section in my right eye, when i was about 6 or 7 i was watching my brother doing metalwork without eye protection, bit of metal got wedged in front of eye in eye, became inflamed/red had to have eye drops for a couple of weeks.....left a permanent stain on the iris!

Only really notice it when you use a flash camera.

Not as cool.
I also enhanced my eyes, to make me look like a psycho, i think if i had a scar like that people would avoid me in the street :)

I do actually have a brown section in my right eye, when i was about 6 or 7 i was watching my brother doing metalwork without eye protection, bit of metal got wedged in front of eye in eye, became inflamed/red had to have eye drops for a couple of weeks.....left a permanent stain on the iris!

Only really notice it when you use a flash camera.

haha! Impressive, I'm quite gullible, as you now know :(


^ meh :upstare:

OMG A/S/L YOU ARE THE SEXIEST THING ALIVE, actually in reality.. I think it's odd that you have 18 posts and made a post of yourself shirtless :|
hahaha wow.

ROFL!11 I know I like need @ least a thousand posts before I do that!1 I mean then it's just odd fjkfskfs!111

Hahahahahahaha the problem is, Neptune, that I'm hot.. that picture you posted of your mom is ugly.

Nice try though. I have to admit your attempt to flame me is better than just say "asl"...

LOL the funny part is that ASL is probably as far as Xendance (who likely based on his posts is about 16 years old) gets with a girl.
The funny thing is, I thought this guy was something like 12. Picture or not.
kk well I think you have to admit it's pretty brave of me to post that picture on this forum. I mean I expected sort of a backlash as the type of people I'm posting with. ^_________^

No offense. But I mean the stereotypical perception of a gamer is just.. well, ha.
You seem to be acting like a bit of a shit, and I think you should stop.
HEy wIlliE, Is THaT tHe GiRL ThAT taLKs LiKe ThIS?
Hahahahahahaha the problem is, Neptune, that I'm hot.. that picture you posted of your mom is ugly.

Nice try though. I have to admit your attempt to flame me is better than just say "asl"...

LOL the funny part is that ASL is probably as far as Xendance (who likely based on his posts is about 16 years old) gets with a girl.

I actually was beginning to like you. But since you take humourous posts so seriously, I'm going the opposite way. :sniper:
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