Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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I found another old serious zombie goggles photo... ooo, sooo cool :rolleyes:
Why the hell does your thumb have such a strange curl!?

Pfft thats nothin.

The first picture I ever posted of myself made someone feel really sick.

**** yeah!
I'm sorry, but I straight away thought that it had been broken, and I have a weird thing about broken fingers. It freaked me out.
Since it naturally bends that far, I sometimes do it without thinking, and people who havent seen it yet freak out and are like "Holy shit, what happened?" and im like "wut?" and they're like "Your ****ing thumb is broken, what do you mean 'wut?'!!!!"

Then many lols are had and I have to show off my sweet hitchhiker's thumb. It looks really weird when I do them both at the same time.
Pfft thats nothin.


Hah! You call that a banana thumb? It's stubby!

<insert image of my left-hand thumb here>

Of course, due to reasons where I'd have to kill you, I can't actually show you what my thumb looks like, but I'm sure someone here would vouch for it's epicness.
When I bend my thumb back like that people can't reach with their thumb and then they accuse me of cheating for having mutant thumbs.
Damnit, I might just picture my thumb to compete with yours!
That requires effort...

One minute while I attempt to get my webcam to function correctly...

Edit: First picture on HL2.net. Scary. Too tired to consider otherwise.

Oh my god. That's like the straightest thumb ever! Freak!
Holy Christ, KA. That scared the shit of me!

Also, looks-like-dick-ftw
Qonfused and Bad^Hat duel an epic battle to determine who has the absurdly straightest thumb in the Galaxy's greatest game of Thumb Wars!

Batteries not included.
I lol'd at the frowny face behind Qonf's thumb, intentional?
It's drawn on a piece of paper which I placed over my monitor. So yeah. :P
Most people I know have straight thumbs like that.

I don't think there's a way to rearrange your words to make it sound right.
The guy beside you looks like he was photoshopped into the picture D:
I don't even see any finger nail. Unless you mean the part that's attatched to your fingers. In which case, mine are as long or longer.
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