Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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Danimal said:
We need to make a flash.

"The Wonderful Life of Iron Kat"

It would look like a still shot.

lefty said:
It really hurts me to leave you, but not as much as when we were together. And that's what really hurts. *removes rubber ball gag*

'They toss it, and leave it, and I pull up quick to retrieve it.' - SirMixAlot

Here's the guy that's been fapping to all your pictures:
I'm flattered!!!! :cheese:

Sinkoman said:
What does HL2.net think of my haircut?

There ya go man. Way better, don't you think?
There ya go man. Way better, don't you think?


Thing is, this is how I get my hair cut each and every time. Give it a week or two, it'll look exactly how it did before :P

My hairs, they grow fast.
In three to four days I will have new glasses to show off to you all!!!
Shit who needs hats when you can do BACKFLIPS


Im also sure I was the single whitest person in the Dominican Republic when that shot was taken. Which is ironic because I am also part Dominican.
Maybe they were giving you dirty looks because you were diving where it is clearly marked 'NO DIVING' in gigantic roman letters.
Listen alright a backflip is not a dive, its more of a fancy jump if you will. Besides if they say anything Id just be all "I DONT SPEAK ENGLISH LEAVE ME ALONE." and continue doing backflips. Besides it was kind of a backfail.
A backflip is definately a dive.

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Nein Sturzkampfflugzeug!
Even engulfed in motion blur, your hairy legs stand out amongst the hairiest!
You call that a rat's nest? That barely looks habitable, not even a twig in sight. For god's sake, you couldn't even pass for a librarian! You have failed at disgusting me.

Brownie points for epic scrunchfaec, tho.
Psht, I've scrunched scrunchier faces than that in my short scrunchied existence.
Let's see how you'd look scrunched, Mr. Scrunched-To-Be!
I just realised. Why the hell does she have a sleeve on one arm, and not the other?
Maybe it's a blanket draped over one arm.

She is in bed.
Phobie, you are so pretty. I'm coming to England. I'm on my way now. I'm on foot, so I'll be there pretty soon. I'll sell my car for shoe money.
Phobie, you are so pretty. I'm coming to England. I'm on my way now. I'm on foot, so I'll be there pretty soon. I'll sell my car for shoe money.

VT2 you are so lovely. I'm waiting for you. I'm still waiting and you'll be here pretty soon. I'm a pikey and will be beating you up on your arrival and stealing your shoe money.

[EDIT] re: that top. It's a tshirt I forgot I had and wore. This is me wearing it on the same day I think. I think that one of the sleeves rode up and my hair is covering it. I didn't put the picture in this thread because this isn't a pictures of Phobie thread. But yeah THE TOP IS REVEALED. inb4 hypnotoad. I look like him there!@_@
Kashmir looks lovely, except for the soulless black pits of eyes.

Phobie, on the other hand is a mess and I th-ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOPHOAB.
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