Disappearing Gordon.


Jun 20, 2004
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Why have none of the NPC's asked Gordon why he has disappeared between the time of HL1 and HL2? They may have thought Gordon had died in Black Mesa but why have none of them asked how he got out? Or even why he didn't run for help after Black Mesa? This is a really weird bugging question that I thought would be answered in HL2. I think its even more weird why Gordon has not asked why nobody has seen the mysterious man in a blue suit who keeps teleporting him everywhere (the G-Man). This would'nt fit in the plot though because Gordon will never talk. And maybe the NPC's would think Gordon went a little crazy. But in the early parts of HL2 when your running away from the combine you see the G-Man. A man and vortigaunt is also watching a tv with the G-Man. I mean it would look weird watching Dr.Breen then the G-Man comes on adjusting his tie and Gordon dropping in behind you. Would'nt the guy be like "AHHH! Oh its you, shhh, don't make so much noise! Hey did you just see that weird guy on tv?" Just some questions I always wanted discussed. *And another weird thing. Why hasn't Kleiner said how he got out or even Eli? Or for Barney for that matter!
the reason no one talks about how they escaped BM that much is because it happened 10 years before HL2 starts. Do you talk alot about things that happened to you a decade ago?
But they did get word from someone that Gordon was still alive at least. This is the only thing that bugged me. If they assumed he was dead, how come no-one asked him how he got out of Xen. Not that he could answer but still...
If you hadn't seen a friend for 10 years, i'm certain you'd ask about that happened. "What'd ya get up to after Black Mesa? Me and the wife started a termite farm!"
Someone still should have asked. They hadn't heard anything of Gordon for 10 years so they should have been curious about what he'd been doing for 10 years.
the thing is though, is that they're kind of preoccupied with big problems they have to take care of. they dont have time to just sit around and chat and have a tea party.
It's because others (Alyx, Eli, Dr. Kleiner, etc.) are not aware of the existence of G-Man, they don't know that Gordon was put into stasis. I'm sure that they thought Gordon was simply away, trying to contact his allies, but surely he didn't know where they are... He has been wandering about, seeking for anyone left alive from the BM accident... Or he was simply going on foot towards City 17, which is far away from BM. However CPs caught him, and, as a 'criminal' he is, he was ready to be packed as a gift and sent to Nova Prospekt.

This is why everyone didn't bother to ask Gordon where he was - it was obvious (at least that's what they thought) that Gordon was simply wandering all these years. 10 years is a lot of time, but a nerd without a map, walking through wastelands full of portal storms and hostile aliens, without an HEV suit... Takes time, you know.

EDIT: I'd also like to add that the main characters knew (but were wrong, of course) that Gordon probably already knows what happened, and, not wasting time re-telling the LARGE story, moved on. It was THE Red Letter Day, and wasting time would be futile.
gabriel said:
the thing is though, is that they're kind of preoccupied with big problems they have to take care of. they dont have time to just sit around and chat and have a tea party.

Thats not the point. They can spare 5 minutes to ask!
For Christ's Sake, what would you choose? 5 minutes of idle chat, with NPC simply standing or walking from A to B? Or to collect little pieces of information throughout the game, seeking answers to your endless questions. The game is your answer, and that's a great choice of Valve. Instead of producing info via BINK videos or characters, they let the player himself find out more about the totally new world. Remember Eli's lab? You'd walk up to certain objects and he'd comment them. Besides, imagine everytime you re-play HL2 you have to wait 5 minutes for NPCs to finish their speech.
iMMuNiTy said:
For Christ's Sake, what would you choose? 5 minutes of idle chat, with NPC simply standing or walking from A to B? Or to collect little pieces of information throughout the game, seeking answers to your endless questions. The game is your answer, and that's a great choice of Valve. Instead of producing info via BINK videos or characters, they let the player himself find out more about the totally new world. Remember Eli's lab? You'd walk up to certain objects and he'd comment them. Besides, imagine everytime you re-play HL2 you have to wait 5 minutes for NPCs to finish their speech.

Oh, come on. I was only trying to make a point.
At the very start of HL2 when your teleported on the train, one of the people say to you "never saw you get on this train." Don't you think thats odd?!! Would'nt the guy be like how did you get here?
Errr, not really. I mean, there are severak carriages. In his situation would you think 'wtf how'd that guy get there? SOMETHING'S UP!'

Or would you think: 'hmm, I didn't notice him before. Must have just not seen him get on.'
Exactly. The passenger didn't say "I NEVER seen you enter the train." He said "I didn't see you get on."

Nothing special, I fully agree with Sulkdodds.
Don't you guys think the G-Man probley made them forget all about Gordon being in Xen?

Well, what I mean is, the G-Man probley made them forget to ask what happened to Gordon for these 10 years (I thought it was 14 or 15 years).
In earlier scripts NPCs sat you down and explained the situation to you although they never ask what has happened to you since you can only imagine replies.

Valve decided to brilliantly cut this unessecary fat from the game and replace it with plot holes.
BeaverMon said:
Don't you guys think the G-Man probley made them forget all about Gordon being in Xen?

Well, what I mean is, the G-Man probley made them forget to ask what happened to Gordon for these 10 years (I thought it was 14 or 15 years).
Hopefully not. The G-Man doesn't care for all other people, except for those who may influence on Gordon's "job"(Alyx, for example - she made a lot to help Gordon). Besides, why would he want to make people forget about Gordon? That sounds too paranoic. We're over-analysing it.
hool10300 said:
At the very start of HL2 when your teleported on the train, one of the people say to you "never saw you get on this train." Don't you think thats odd?!! Would'nt the guy be like how did you get here?
i dont think he really cares that much to bother asking, that's why. the other day i saw some guy jump out from behind a bush for some random reason. i didnt run up to him and go "hey!! how did you get behind that bush!?" because 1. it was really none of my business, 2. i didn't really care, and 3. i just made my own assumptions about the situation. thats how it was with the guy on the train. people dont need to ask about every little thing because they can make their own assumptions.
The part you are all missing is that some of them Alyx especially knows what happened to him. If you think about the meeting in Breen's office he starts to talk about how everyone has a price, even Freeman. Then goes on to talk about knowing that he has someone paying for him to fight on that side. Then Alyx starts telling him not to listen as if she has something to hide. All of the main npcs that interact with him on a regular basis know what has become of him, and payed the G-man to have him fight on their side. At least this is the way I took all of the end game dialog.
RabidChipmunk said:
The part you are all missing is that some of them Alyx especially knows what happened to him. If you think about the meeting in Breen's office he starts to talk about how everyone has a price, even Freeman. Then goes on to talk about knowing that he has someone paying for him to fight on that side. Then Alyx starts telling him not to listen as if she has something to hide. All of the main npcs that interact with him on a regular basis know what has become of him, and payed the G-man to have him fight on their side. At least this is the way I took all of the end game dialog.
Nonsense. Breen was simply trying to stop you morally with his sweet speeches. This is why Alyx shouts out "Don't listen to him, Gordon!".
Um, most people don't realize who Gordon Freeman is. He seems to be known among the resistance, but they've been told who he is most likely. Your average citizen has no clue who or what Gordon is or knows much about Black Mesa per se.
r2000 said:
Um, most people don't realize who Gordon Freeman is. He seems to be known among the resistance, but they've been told who he is most likely.
is it just me or did you just contradict yourself with the second sentence?

gabriel said:
the reason no one talks about how they escaped BM that much is because it happened 10 years before HL2 starts. Do you talk alot about things that happened to you a decade ago?

I do, especially if it involves the high-school number 1 CheerLeader. muhahahahhaaha:eek:
gabriel said:
is it just me or did you just contradict yourself with the second sentence?
I think he means that they don't know that he was the starter of all this, that he killed Nihilanth, etc.
Boogymanx said:
I think he means that they don't know that he was the starter of all this, that he killed Nihilanth, etc.
ohh ok. well i suppose that's why they don't ask him about it.
As I've seen on these forums before: He uses the invasion of aliens as a weak excuse.
iMMuNiTy said:
Barney still ows you beer. :| Lying bastard.

Barney will probably remember Gordon's beer in another 10 years, or on Gordon's deathbed (if gman ever allows him to die) This comes across that Barney is forgetfull.

My other theory is that Barney is a cheap bastard (probably true) he wouldn't have any money anyway.......

I really feel like a beer now.:cheers:
yeah jeez, poor gordon doesn't get his beer.. well, maybe he will in hl3. that would be cool if it just showed gordons hands picking up a glass of beer and then tipping it back and sloshing it at the computer screen.
Skaadi said:
I really feel like a beer now.:cheers:
When he mentioned it, I actually paused the game and went to get some beer. But imagine Gordon holding a bottle of beer instead of a grenade, and primary fire makes you drink it, and secondary pour it on your head!
that would be cool if it just showed gordons hands picking up a glass of beer and then tipping it back and sloshing it at the computer screen.

And then, due to HL3's EXTREME liquid physcis engine, actual beer comes out of your computer screen!
iMMuNiTy said:
When he mentioned it, I actually paused the game and went to get some beer. But imagine Gordon holding a bottle of beer instead of a grenade, and primary fire makes you drink it, and secondary pour it on your head!


Poor Gordon cops it everytime.
TST_Devgru Seal said:
You still owe me that beer...

G-Man: "So, wake up, Mr. Freeman, wake up again, and smell the ashes once again!"

Ruffled high-pitched voice voice: "Gordon! *cough* Where are you?! *cough*"

*Smoke clears out, Barney comes out holding Alyx*

Barney: Now, about that beer I still owe ya...
DoctorWeeTodd said:
In earlier scripts NPCs sat you down and explained the situation to you although they never ask what has happened to you since you can only imagine replies.

Valve decided to brilliantly cut this unessecary fat from the game and replace it with plot holes.

Oh bullshit. If you and every other person on the ****ing planet lived through something as extreme as that do you think they would need to kep telling people what happened? No ofcourse not. Everyone already knows. It's like telling someone who lives in New York that 4 years ago some planes hit the twin towers.

Also take into consideration that this is ****ing Europe here. Barney, Kleiner and Eli are only together because that's how they left Black Mesa. Together. (Blue Shift).

The warp storms happened soon after that and the second they did they became refugees slowley making their way to Europe.

They had no knowledge that Gordan travelled through Xen or that he beat their invasion forces. Only Gordan and GMan know those things.

They just assumed that like everyone else in the ****ing world that Gordan was spending his time in refuge camps and hiding from the Combine.