The ending really sucked. The begining sucked even more with the authentication BS! I could play but it usually took me 2hrs! to get it to work on or offline. It wasn't a refined system. Now.....Beyond that stuff the game was really great, which is the only thing that makes up for the rest. I'm not finished. The length of the game was a shortcoming as well. Way too short and that ending was like they just got to a point where they needed to get the game out and finally just meet a deadline so they just said the hell with it. I was much more satisfied with DOOM3 than Half life because of all the BS. Great graphics, AI and all that stuff but just tooooooooo much other crap that ruined the whole gaming experience. If they decide to do the online Authentication next time I won't buy their games. It's like inviting friends over to watch a movie and you end up having to wait 3 or 4 hrs to watch it just for authentification. I bought it! After that it's mine! And I want to play it when I want in about 30sec after starting it up. I want my money back Valve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!