Discussion on the 7 Hours War.

I think any alien force that uses a power-cell as ammo (Overwatch rifle) would definitely have the upper hand. All it takes is one bullet to kill you, even with armour a rifle round can penetrate easily. Imagine a plasma or other energy-based weapon, which the Combine uses insofar as we can tell. I'd think it'd literally eat away your flesh and bones leaving nothing but fatal wounds. And they're fast.

Anti-matter bullets?-the reaction betwen matter and anti-matter is quite a BOOM.
But the Overwatch rifle is not a projectile weapon?
Im not so much patriotic shift, but you damn well know Americans never surrender. All I'm saying is I wish I could see the fight between Americans and Combine because I know we would put up a good fight. I would like to see the methods the Combine used to defeat such a powerful force.

No i dont know damn well that the yanks would never surrender. We aint talking about fighting normal people from some other nationalized army like in the World Wars etc, we are talking about a massive race with a massive empire with technology that goes way beyond ours. When it said that that Earth was defeated in 7 hours, that includes the US, they got twatted just like everyone else.
Shift, all I want is OFFICIAL RECOGNITION of our contribution to the war effort and APOLOGY for the way our troops were treated during and after the II World War. Don't you find it interesting, that it took some sixty years for the British Intelligence to recognize our Polish Intelligence contribution, in form of detailed V1 and V2 drawings and schematics, dismantled V2 rocket and V1?

That's all I want. We had the fourth biggest army in the World War, at it's peak counting 249,000 troops, after the Soviet Union, USA and Great Britain. Yet on the monument erected on the 60th anniversary of the closure of the war in Russia, there is France pictured in our place. Thank you very much for this commemoration.

Contrary to what you think, I'm not dismising the allied contribution to the War - I'm criticizing the way they treated us. The legitimate Polish Government in Exile was essentially reduced to the role of an annoying parrot by the West, when the PKWN (Polish Commitee of National Liberation, an USSR puppet) was launched in the 'liberated' Poland. Political interests won over loyalty to friends.

True, without the US, USSR and Britain, the war would not end as fast. But they were supported by many, many smaller countries, the biggest one being Poland. And yet, we are forgotten.
Im not so much patriotic shift, but you damn well know Americans never surrender. All I'm saying is I wish I could see the fight between Americans and Combine because I know we would put up a good fight. I would like to see the methods the Combine used to defeat such a powerful force.

You're a piece of work. Six years ago, I believe you would have liked to see the methods a few Arabs can use to destroy Twin Towers.

"Americans never surrender!" How do you know that? America has never been invaded, only tried to invade other countries. And I have to add, invaded countires tend to kick America's ass eventually.

Anyway, the war last 7 hours. It is obvious from Kleiner's speech at EpOne that stranded Combine units on the world can be dealt by Resistance. (Or at least there is a chance that they can be dealt with) And he speaks of an "unimanigable retaliation". I guess Combine has won the war by that "unimanigable" force, that we have never seen.
America never surrenders. Especially in Vietnam.
wtf, I really don't understand all this rambling on about how it didn't last 7 hours and other beef. The combine defeated earth in 7 hours.. As the newspaper titled said. Why even go forth with more arguements?
No one in this thread was saying that the defeat wasn't in 7 hours, you're missing the point. But then, you apparently have a problem with people discussing any and all aspects of the seven hours war in a thread titled "discussion on the 7 hours war", so there's no surprises there.
Well, most of humanity was pretty much wiped out by 7-hours. I think it is fair to say that given another few hours, there'd be nothing left.
I just remembered this quote again, and it reminded me of something: the combine's victory was undoubtably made easier by the Portal Storms. Add that to 20 years of forced oppression, and I think that saying that humanity was all but wiped out by the war misses the mark by quite a bit. I actually suspect that the casualties in the war were actually quite minimal.
Well, I took this quote to basically mean that there really wasn't much of a population left.

The player again picks up the crowbar of research scientist Gordon Freeman, who finds himself on an alien-infested Earth being picked to the bone, its resources depleted, its populace dwindling. Freeman is thrust into the unenviable role of rescuing the world from the wrong he unleashed back at Black Mesa. And a lot of people people he cares about are counting on him.
Well, I took this quote to basically mean that there really wasn't much of a population left.
I don't doubt that there isn't much population left, but the cause isn't the Seven Hours War.
edit: the direct cause anyway.
Im not so much patriotic shift, but you damn well know Americans never surrender. All I'm saying is I wish I could see the fight between Americans and Combine because I know we would put up a good fight. I would like to see the methods the Combine used to defeat such a powerful force.

The Combine can produce unlimited synths, and build them every second, horrors from every corner of the universe are pouring in by the millions. You would put up a fight and be butchered. Good Luck wiht that.:hmph:

(Also, get your head out of your ass)
Anti-matter bullets?-the reaction betwen matter and anti-matter is quite a BOOM.
But the Overwatch rifle is not a projectile weapon?

I don't think it's an antimatter rifle. What I meant is that the weapons use energy based projectiles, rather than kinetic physical projectiles. (The Overwatch rifle has a little arm that 'beats' out a pulse for every shot fired. You'll notice the arm beats the back of the energy pack, I take it that means it's an energy weapon of some sort.)

Even if the energy used is pure contained kinetic energy, it's still miles more efficient than regular kinetic rounds. I wouldn't know how that would work, but while a bullet both loses height, speed and hence penetration power as it travels, a packet of energy doesn't suffer from the problem until its containment field actually breaks down. Bullets leave messy wounds when the bullet is stopped by the body, but most of the energy is distributed around where the bullet stopped (or if it exits, you're lucky and it's a cleaner wound). If a packet of energy were to simply release its contents into a body, it would almost literally explode.

Of course it could be just a small physical round enveloped in an energy field, but the bulk of the shot is some sort of highly charged energy. Highly charged particles tend to mean plasma. It may be a low-grade plasma weapon, or at least hot enough to leave terrible burns on the victim.

By the way, blame the politicians for acts of heroism not recognised in wars. They always love to take the credit and share the blame. I can understand the sentiment. I grew up in a former British colony where the British ran off after being soundly trashed by the invading forces. After the war, they came back and tried to act like they'd won our war. So we fought a political war for independence and got it. =) Be proud your people did their part in the war. Even if the politicians refuse to acknowledge them, other people will.
I laugh at the losers who say America wouldn't surrender. Read that Mikael Grizzley's stuff. I mean, if you want me to make it easier, this would be a fight between a wheelchaired retard versus Vladimir Klitchsco, it really wouldn't be fair.
Exactly. It's easy to not surrender when you're winning.

What are you talking about, the yanks got wooped in Vietnam, they stuck their noses in when they didn't need to (and are still doing it) just because of the ludicrous Domino Theory, get a shit load of US troops killed in the process, not to mention what they did to the entire landscape and the immense civilian deaths. Those men went through hell and none of them knew why they were fighting the war, they lost, pulled out, and what did they get when they got back? Nothing but abuse for losing, when really all they tried to think they were fighting for was for their country, and in the end their country turned their back on them, absultely shocking.

Anyway back on topic
Actually, I think you'll find that from a military perspective, the US weren't doing terribly in Vietnam. They were 'winning' the physical battles, but their mistake was not realising that the fighting is only half of a war.

As you say - back on topic.
This is why we should never talk about anything remotely related to real life. Everyone has their own little opinions and it all gets homagonized and you lose the whole edge of it. Im going with Jerk-store! jerk store is the line! jerk store! Woah sorry, now I quote Seinfeld involuntarily, but the first two sentances I typed can be considered an addition to this topic!
What are you talking about, the yanks got wooped in Vietnam

I know. The only time the US surrendered (well, technically maybe they didn't "surrender") was when they were not winning. Very easy to do the opposite during opposite circumstances.
Same with The Combine...Occupations never last. Germans during WW2 of Europe, The japanese during WW2 in the pacific, The Russian's during cold war, The British during the American revolution, The Spanish during Spain's occupation of Latin America, The Soviet's of Afganistan.

For the most part, occupations fail.
You forgot to include Iraq in that list.
Combine= Big Slimy Tubs O`Lard,

Overwatch= Notso big and slimy but still Tubs O`lard...

Difference eh, The slime got the humans D:
How the **** can you compare defeats of worlds war, to a war that lastest 7 hours, in which a unknown race destorys earth and takes it over? Can someone please give me a run-through in which why you compare armies to the Combine and whatnot, because it has nothing to do with the 7 Hour War... quite frankly.
You see, North Koreans= -BEEP-
And, Combine= -BEEP-
The Combine can produce unlimited synths, and build them every second, horrors from every corner of the universe are pouring in by the millions. You would put up a fight and be butchered. Good Luck wiht that.:hmph:

(Also, get your head out of your ass)

it takes longer than a second to make a synth. Even if they did have millions they would get cut down by the billions. BITE ME! You think we have our head up our asses? Well at least we aren't chicken!

Shift said:
What are you talking about, the yanks got wooped in Vietnam, they stuck their noses in when they didn't need to (and are still doing it) just because of the ludicrous Domino Theory, get a shit load of US troops killed in the process, not to mention what they did to the entire landscape and the immense civilian deaths. Those men went through hell and none of them knew why they were fighting the war, they lost, pulled out, and what did they get when they got back? Nothing but abuse for losing, when really all they tried to think they were fighting for was for their country, and in the end their country turned their back on them, absultely shocking.

Anyway back on topic
Last time I checked America is now the super power of the world, not Great Britain. So before you go criticizing our military check yours. I'm not saying the Brits are useless but all I'm saying is that I think the overall forces of Earth should have lasted a bit longer than 7 hours realistically based upon the power of the combine that I have seen so far.
it takes longer than a second to make a synth. Even if they did have millions they would get cut down by the billions. BITE ME! You think we have our head up our asses? Well at least we aren't chicken!

Last time I checked America is now the super power of the world, not Great Britain. So before you go criticizing our military check yours. I'm not saying the Brits are useless but all I'm saying is that I think the overall forces of Earth should have lasted a bit longer than 7 hours realistically based upon the power of the combine that I have seen so far.

I wasn't reffering to America as a whole I was referring to you. You don't deserve HL2 if your not even gonna follow the story. You think the Combine would only use Striders? Striders would be but a distraction for what the Combine used against us in the Seven-Hour war.

Now for you. You are a rasict bastard. You think you are the best, and everyone else sucks. Well, you are wrong. Who cares if it is a super-power. YOur president claims America is a police of the world when a) nobody wants you to be, 2)Soem police force, sticking your heads into other peoples bisnuess, making everything war, and oh, LETS NOT FOGOT HORISHIMA AND NAGASAKI. Yaaa. But lets get the polotics out now shall we, before I PM a mod about your racism towards Britian.

BTW, just as a side comment, how old are you? Twelve? I thought so.
This is the most amusing arguement I have ever read, keep going guys!
I think the overall forces of Earth should have lasted a bit longer than 7 hours realistically based upon the power of the combine that I have seen so far.
No offense, but are you slow? I don't know how many people have already stated that the Combine pulled almost all their forces off world after Earth surrendered. All we've seen from the Combine is what would equate to MP of our military, with a few choppers running around. How many times do you have to touch a pot of boiling water to understand it's hot?
No offense, but are you slow? I don't know how many people have already stated that the Combine pulled almost all their forces off world after Earth surrendered. All we've seen from the Combine is what would equate to MP of our military, with a few choppers running around. How many times do you have to touch a pot of boiling water to understand it's hot?

Exactly. Don't forget about that unimaginable retaliation thing.

Also, MadDog you are the proof that America won't be the superpower of the world in the future.
Atomic_Piggy, yes, I am not that retarded to say the least. I feel sad for madog, who seems very american, and I respect that. But, please, quit playing games and go to social studies class, or something similar. Later on, when you do, and you add the equations up when you look at a over-powering (lets call it) "Alien Force" against a coun... world that has technology in which these force's could crush whilst taking a shit, then you will get whiped out. You need to understand that the newspaper clip in Eli's lab in which says "World Surrenders" is the United Nations building in... New York.
No offense, but are you slow? I don't know how many people have already stated that the Combine pulled almost all their forces off world after Earth surrendered. All we've seen from the Combine is what would equate to MP of our military, with a few choppers running around. How many times do you have to touch a pot of boiling water to understand it's hot?

I did that with an iron once. Ouch...

But, please, quit playing games and go to social studies class, or something similar. Later on, when you do, and you add the equations up when you look at a over-powering (lets call it) "Alien Force" against a coun... world that has technology in which these force's could crush whilst taking a shit, then you will get whiped out. You need to understand that the newspaper clip in Eli's lab in which says "World Surrenders" is the United Nations building in... New York.

Is that directed at me? D:
I thought so. Phew. I wnat Madog to come back so we can kick his ass some more.
Atomic Piggy, you're officially my hero :D

As I said, America, when it would come down to war on their own land would propably suck completely, due to the loss of morale and the obliteration of the "unconquerable North America myth". Take the 9/11 shock and multiply by sevral thousand.

Besides, what can be actually thrown at the Combine? About 3 milion soldiers out of 135 milion citizens, equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry.

But what use can they be? The Combine strikes from all directions, primarily from INSIDE the mainland, while the army is scattered, fighting the portal storms spawn and protecting the cities. This is a giant stretch of manpower and resources, rendering the "uber-US-tech" obsolete. Even in Iraq, the war was won by numbers, not tech, since communications were ineffective and friendly fire incidents were daily.

Why the hell madog can't understand this isn't a human vs. human conflict? It's a human vs. interstellar empire conflict for Christ's sakes! IT's obvious we got essentially walked over!
Last time I checked America is now the super power of the world, not Great Britain. So before you go criticizing our military check yours. I'm not saying the Brits are useless but all I'm saying is that I think the overall forces of Earth should have lasted a bit longer than 7 hours realistically based upon the power of the combine that I have seen so far.

Fvcking nukes can't destroy a fvcking citadel! Fvcking citadel produces a fvcking huge fvcking infinite amount of synths and troops! US's fvcking resources (missiles and all) are fvcking depleted!

Fvck! The Combine fvcking win again.
Atomic Piggy, you're officially my hero :D
<3 u too. :imu:
But your right, he cannot seem to understnad this isn't like America vs. Russia (what a fight!) but America vs anubermegasuperempirewithlimitlessresourcesandmillionsoftroopsandmorebiengbuilteverymomentandunlimintedamountdawgpeaceoutatthespeedofsound.
Nah Maddog must be one of these young American who watches too much tv and gets taken in by all the crap that he see's on it, I went over their last October and the amount of the US Army adds was amazing. He probably wants to join the Marines and go fight in wars because he has some sort delusion to think that wars are really good. America is a super-power, but it is not the only super-power in the world, but when you go about thinking that America can beat anyone in the world, you utterly, utterly wrong, and you are blinded with American patriotic propaganda. War is not fun, war is hell, and I think you need to go fight in a proper war to figure that out. The Combine twatted the World, they practically walked over everyone INCLUDING AMERICA!!!!!!!!! so stop with all your American 'we never surrender' crap because its pathetic!