Discussion on the 7 Hours War.

I believe we have reached a conclusion...

On a sidenote, Atomic Piggy, what do you think of this little thing I whipped up as an av?

Thank you for those illuminating insights, both of you.

Now get the hell back on topic (if there's even anything else to discuss).
As we have completely digressed from the topic:

What is so wrong with taking pride in your military? What is so wrong with wanting to join the marines or the army to fight in wars? Stop bashing madog. Thank you.

End Transmission.
Start your own thread if you want to argue with these people about the merits of patriotism and military culture, sonny-jim.
As we have completely digressed from the topic:

What is so wrong with taking pride in your military? What is so wrong with wanting to join the marines or the army to fight in wars? Stop bashing madog. Thank you.

End Transmission.

Well he takes the pride waay overboard, and he is one of these american stereotypes who think America is the best country in the world. Yeah, there is actually something wrong if you wanna join the Marines thinking that its good to fight in wars, just shows how much someone knows about wars.

Plus I think have sucked this topic dry now so lets leave it alone lol
As we have completely digressed from the topic:

What is so wrong with taking pride in your military? What is so wrong with wanting to join the marines or the army to fight in wars? Stop bashing madog. Thank you.

End Transmission.

Beep Beep Beep -BEEP- :E
As we have completely digressed from the topic:

What is so wrong with taking pride in your military? What is so wrong with wanting to join the marines or the army to fight in wars? Stop bashing madog. Thank you.

Taking pride in our military-could someday spark a war:
"My BFG is better,no i have the nuke that could make a Sahara out of your country..."
Fighting in wars-I'm not so keen with fighting in wars-there are more peacefull ways to rezolve a problem betwen two countries.
I would only fight in a war if I believed what I was fighting for, not like today to which all the sodiers are doing is doing the bidding of their goverment. World War 1 and 2, I definately would have fought in as its stopping a twat from taking over the world and making Nazis out of everyone, but then its get to the Vietnam War, then reasons for just seem to plumet. Although the Falkons (or however you spell it) can be well justified since the Argentinians were attacking British property.
Start your own thread if you want to argue with these people about the merits of patriotism and military culture, sonny-jim.

YEs, sir, Political Officer Sulkdodds!

Anyway, my point was that STOP> sarfhafoua dht
Why has this thread become such a political discussion?

lol brings back memories of Social Studies :bounce:
As we have completely digressed from the topic:

What is so wrong with taking pride in your military?

End Transmission.

Nothing is wrong with that. But when you say silly statements in which you think they are true, but in all-worlds, are dead false, then I think we should have the right to bash someone for making up stuff.

I am American, I have been thinking about joining the army and stuff. But if it just so happens a mega powered alien race invades, and starts destorying earth, I am going to run.. because the US, along with the world would surrender! :thumbs:
I am American, I have been thinking about joining the army and stuff. But if it just so happens a mega powered alien race invades, and starts destorying earth, I am going to run.. because the US, along with the world would surrender! :thumbs:

I would'nt be suprised if the world got invaded by a galaxy conquering alien race :borg:*in real life* ...Im expecting it anytime now.
Nothing is wrong with that. But when you say silly statements in which you think they are true, but in all-worlds, are dead false, then I think we should have the right to bash someone for making up stuff.

I would'nt be suprised if the world got invaded by a galaxy conquering alien race :borg:*in real life* ...Im expecting it anytime now.

lol yeah, if it happened i would think 'there is something very farmiliar about all this...' lol
Than I would think "where can I find a crate with infinite rockets?" :)
I'd pretty much be just standing there in awe... and get squashed by a landing dropship.

(Glad you like it, Atomic Piggy :D )
This is what sucks about our Gov't...they don't tell us sh*t about them, but yet they know all about these creature's. It really sucks, so basically were all doomed.
Not really, at first we would be twatted, but for those who manage to survive, we resist ^^, as you said, all occupations fail, which is VERY true, I dont recall a single occupation in history that has worked, thats why I see Iraq failing to be honest

These are the "Phoenix Lights"

The first pick is a comparison between the "lights" and high intensity flares and the second pick is a CGI representation of a huge V shaped UFO that was seen over Phoenix.


  • Lights.jpg
    20.3 KB · Views: 273
  • UFO Phoenix.jpg
    UFO Phoenix.jpg
    31 KB · Views: 252
Im not so much patriotic shift, but you damn well know Americans never surrender. All I'm saying is I wish I could see the fight between Americans and Combine because I know we would put up a good fight. I would like to see the methods the Combine used to defeat such a powerful force.

Stop talking out of your ass, America have never been invaded before so you'd never know. Plus may I remind you of Vietnam, America's army was stupid enough to take drugs while on duty and got ther asses kicked by a few peasants using old bombs as hand grenades, even though they helped us in WW2, it's goes without saying that Americans are so full of themselves
Stop talking out of your ass, America have never been invaded before so you'd never know. Plus may I remind you of Vietnam, America's army was stupid enough to take drugs while on duty and got ther asses kicked by a few peasants using old bombs as hand grenades, even though they helped us in WW2, it's goes without saying that Americans are so full of themselves

I don't think thats a very fair comment. Madog sure, but not all Americans (I know a few myself).

Finally you've got a new avatar ;) and a nice one :E

Stop talking out of your ass, America have never been invaded before so you'd never know. Plus may I remind you of Vietnam, America's army was stupid enough to take drugs while on duty and got ther asses kicked by a few peasants using old bombs as hand grenades, even though they helped us in WW2, it's goes without saying that Americans are so full of themselves

The Vietnamese were no where near a crap army, in fact, I would say the NVA and the Vietcong contained some of the greatest generals of modern times. Their army was extremely well disaplined and very well organized, and the methods they used against the yanks were genius. In fact, US troops even abondoned their own rifles to swap for the rifles they were using, which was mostly the AK-47, since it was a lot more reliable and powerful compared to the early M16 which was pretty shite.
Shift is right, especially about the weaponry bit. The M16 had to be kept clean both internally and externally for them to work, which was hard on the battlefield. Furthermore, 5,56mm rounds of that time had less knockdown power than a 7,62mm slug.

Atomic_Piggy, I'm glad you like my present :D
AK-47 FTW!
I seriously don't think this thread is useful anymore. Most people (including me) are using it for a thoughtful polotical disscussion, which ain't right.

Shift is right, especially about the weaponry bit. The M16 had to be kept clean both internally and externally for them to work, which was hard on the battlefield. Furthermore, 5,56mm rounds of that time had less knockdown power than a 7,62mm slug.

Atomic_Piggy, I'm glad you like my present :D

Yeah, you cat one is funny. If only I were good at anything I'd get you one to. <3.
Should've kept the M-14, I hated the fact that the M-16 replaced the M-14. Grrrrr
This thread is the reason people are trying to axe the politics thread, kill the thread now or get back on topic...............M9s FTW!!!!!!!!!
Earth should've had an atomic piggy then it would've been know as the 3 hour war:E .

atomic piggy-1
What nearly nobody here mentions, is the missing of good communication and planning. Plus, no army is 100% fully engaged all the time, it takes some time to "start up" (e.g. calling in all soldiers etc.).
I think that is one big point.
Combine could have easily disabled our communication with some advanced EMP-tech.
And every army is useless without any coordination.
Noooo, do not bring this topic back, leave it dead!
I was not the one spaming, so quit complaining.

btw, it was still on page 1, so not too old.