Dissappointments with Oblivion?

oldagerocker said:
Whats Mount and Blade? it seems i've missed out on some rpg goodness?


Fast travel is there if you want it...why blame the game for offering something completely optional that you feel takes away from the game? It's like somebody blaming the game for having cheats available.

Whose fault is it if you can't resist? :P

I use fast travel sometimes for trivial uses such as going to an out-of-the-way place where I can train with the master blade trainer. If it's a quest, I go on foot and ESPECIALLY if it's a place I've never been.
AmishSlayer said:
http://www.taleworlds.com/Fast travel is there if you want it...why blame the game for offering something completely optional that you feel takes away from the game? It's like somebody blaming the game for having cheats available.
It's more like a game coming with cheats enabled. It should only be available if you've visted the place before, but that only happens on some places where there's normally a warp town close enough anyway.