dm maps that need to be made!


Oct 13, 2004
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post all your ideas here!

i personally want coast to be a HUGE team dm map, and for an olriginal, i wanna see a walmart level!
I think that some maps where the vehicles are used would be a great addition to this. Buggy or swamp boat races or DM would be very cool.

Someone has already put up shots of a map they slapped together of buggy races where there are 10 buggies waiting to be used and I guess the coder and his friend had a great time. Sounds good to me. Put some wicked jumps in it so that turbo boost can be used and some obsticles in the path, there you go. Now you have something there.

I don't think you can jump with the buggy. Because I boosted off a cliff and just fell straight down.
yeah, you need some sort of ya know, an incline for it to go up.

cars dont magically fly into the sky when they go off a cliff lololol
Oh trust me you can :p the buggies are highly tweakable - in the mod im making - the buggies are 600bhp and have a max speed of 120mph - with more ballast and tougher grip...

In my map that i've made - there are two ramps - hitting the boost on either sends u into the air - so hit it before u hit the ramp.
Some sort of mod that utilized bug bait would be wicked cool.
DarkStar said:
Some sort of mod that utilized bug bait would be wicked cool.

Yeah, you'd have to balance the throwing of the spores and the killing on enemy antlions.
crossfire has already been made.

Im starting work on a coast level... similar to those from hl2, along the lines of the 2 current valve maps.
ravenholm without a doubt...simply for the claustrophobic feeling you get when your in there...
didnt play too much for HL1 DM, but the 1 map i think needs to be remade is the map with the bunker with a button inside that sets of a nuke that kills all the players that didnt make it into the bunker.

such a good map
such a good idea
Carnage_333 said:
didnt play too much for HL1 DM, but the 1 map i think needs to be remade is the map with the bunker with a button inside that sets of a nuke that kills all the players that didnt make it into the bunker.

such a good map
such a good idea
Crossfire I believe.
I'm trying to do Killbox, but I need some help with entities. I don't know how to drop weapons, set the platform to raise up, or make characters sspawn w/o weapons. If anyone cares to help me, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Edit: changed "sspawn" so pop-up ads don't appear.
Anyone remember Canyon Oasis from Jedi Knight? Boy oh boy, that was a good level.
Ravenholm sounds good, but how about an Invasion style map, like in Unreal Tournament? Slicing Zombies together in the moonlight... oh yes.
DM3/Abandoned Base from Quake1.

I played the crossfire map today but all the weapons had disappeared. Too many people running servers with locks on em, too.
lets get some originality going! I command some creative individual to make a map full of large upright statues or boulders or something that you can cause to fall on each other in a domino effect, CRUSHING ALL WHOM OPPOSE YOU!!!

Or how about a map with 2 of 3 or 4 of those giant magnet crane things that pickup stuff, pickup the huge metal shipping containers and hurl them at people from the magnet, or crush them
oh the fun to be had.
or get shot by someone who has a pistol... that right there screws up your crane idea... :p
Well to continue on the ant lion aspect....

I think..because I'm a genius of course :p, that someone should make a mod where there is a commander who THROWS the ant lion spores..and there also ppl who play as the antlions, antlions will be able to play even if a spore isnt thrown..but either some sort of object on radar or on the screen pops up where the spore is thrown, so they know where the enemy is..i would personally enjoy that ;)
Definatly a combine citadel level with only the super grav gun!

Think it will result into a instant death fest, but fan "cheesy" fun will be had by all
A map where you have to take the stairs to the top of the citadel! :E
they need to add a powerup that gives you the blue grav gun for a limited time, kinda like a quad damage
How about a dodge ball arena where there are only gravity guns and a few balls about the field with a few extras hidden out in the stands. Or tether ball! Where there's a couple large mass items suspended from the ceiling or poles on the field. Again, only the gravity gun is available. The players launch these objects at each other and hope that they doesn't swing back around and hit them.
I like the buggy race idea.

U spawn like CS:S, but u begin near a buggy without any weapons. When the game begins, u drive like mad through a small circuit towards an area with weapons. Once there, u get out and pickup weapons to kill your enemies. If you are first, all weapons are still there, when u pick one up, it dissapears.

So it's first come, first serve...
Alot of the posted ideas sound great. Would personally like to see a map without the gravity gun, but where lots and lots of traps where set up to be used with the physics engine. Imagine how cool it would actually be to drown someone in a little hole because you dropped heavy items on top of it =) (a bit morbid i know, but fun none the less)
BIG outdoor spaces with canyons, antlions, portable thumpers to keep them at bay, safe zones to set up bases where you can re-charge, vehicles....
Did anybody ever play a PSOne game called "Poy Poy"?
It was an arena with stuff spawning on it (rocks, boxes, bombs) and you could pick up stuff and throw it at other players. You could even pick up players! A map like that would be so cool. Tweaking the blue grav gun to pick up players without killing them would make it more fun in a map like that. :)
Prodigal Monkey said:
Alot of the posted ideas sound great. Would personally like to see a map without the gravity gun, but where lots and lots of traps where set up to be used with the physics engine. Imagine how cool it would actually be to drown someone in a little hole because you dropped heavy items on top of it =) (a bit morbid i know, but fun none the less)

yeh, if there was a lower area where the battles went on and a bunch of heavy things that can roll held by string or somthing and when a player shoots the string the objects (eg.LOGS) fall down crushing everything in there path.