DM-Plaza17 Online Test - Sunday Night

Dario D.

Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
I would just to invite everyone to the last online playtest of DM_Plaza17, Sunday night at 8pm Pacific, 11pm Eastern time on ESPN... I mean on my server.

All are invited. Just download the beta map (from this direct link) and put the file in:
(your Half Life 2 folder)\SteamApps\(your username)\half-life 2 deathmatch\HL2MP\MAPS
(Or, you can just connect to the server and download it the long way. :))

Once it's installed, just join the only server that's running dm_plaza17_test. It'll be:

Server Name: Plaza17_test
Map: dm_plaza17_test
(If you don't see it in the server browser, remember to disable your server filters)

If I can figure out how to switch gametypes, the server will be running in Team-Deathmatch, which was my main focus in making this map.

I've been working on Plaza17 on and off (whenever I have time between my other projects) since the HL2DM mapping contest, back when HL2 first came out, and it's now just finally complete. This test will be a final gameplay and balancing test, as well as seeing if there are any exploits/glitches that pop up, so that I can fix them before the final release. I'm also going to change the map-name from Plaza17 into something else, because I realized that it can't be City C17, since HL2 Episode 1 (and maybe 2) still has the Citadel on the horizon, and this map doesn't.

Anyway, I hope to see everyone there. Please invite your friends and people on your buddy list.

(if, for any reason, you can't connect or the server doesnt show up, that means something unforseen has gone terribly wrong with the server settings, but I'm not counting on anything happening... it *should* be just fine)



Did u manage to host your own server to test the map?
Yeah. It was running nicely for 2 weeks, with good ping, and there were some good battles... I just took it down the other day. Right now, the final compile of the map is under way (it'll take another two days), unless someone points out something that needs to be fixed before it's released.