Do Not Listen To Mainstream Media

Do you believe we have been taking by Corporate Fascists?

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I'm sorry if I come off as crazy. Passionate I understand, but I don't know how I'm crazy. Be more constructive with your criticism, please.

You come off as crazy because:
1. You are making up bullshit conspiracy theories.
2. You write in large, red, white and blue letters.
3. You support a lunatic for president.
Your missing the point, really. The whole point of freedom is to be independent, and free from govt's cradle. You're being ushered into the illusion that govt can do it better, but I'm trying to tell you that the constitution recognizes that We the people not only make the rules, but live our only life free of govt dictation.

Now I'm not saying Ron Paul will go into office and change everything in his first day (like toaster-chan assumed of me), but I'm trying to get someone in office that recognizes that these freedoms in the first place. Ever wonder why it was called land of the free? Home of the brave? Because the people that fought for freedom, were truly free... And those people were fighting a very similar enemy, one of the best examples of this parallel is the phrase "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION". That tax today is the income tax.

Please, just invest some time into the links that I have provided. There is tons more out there waiting to be discovered about our fascist regime. Once you have formulated an opinion based off of what you've seen.. come back... send me a PM telling me you will join this revolution that is happening.. I would like to get through to at least one of you.

You're spouting nonsense. Please take a political science class or an American government course and come back in a few years.

How is the income tax not representational? It's voted for by members of congress, and is a direct tax on all Americans. What else could be more egalitarian? Besides, the vast majority of the government's income is from the individual and corporate income tax. Without it, our government programs would fail, millions of jobs would be lost, and the country would spiral into debt. The new deal gave us the welfare government, and to get rid of it (and I see no reason why we should), we would have to slowly degrade the bureaucracy, not make sweeping, ludicrous reforms like revoking the income tax.

You have to realize that the bureaucracy is very much like the fourth branch of government. It employs millions. It holds a lot of clout in congress and in the presidency. Electing a libertarian into office will do nothing to change that. The presidency actually has very little power to affect domestic policy without a supporting congress and bureaucracy. I can imagine Ron Paul trying to put many policy issues through congress and failing, and I can imagine him wastefully vetoing useful bills because they contain pork projects, and completely stalling government, getting nothing done at all.

What is needed is a unified democratic congress and a democratic president. To get real policy change in Iraq and at home we need a strong supporting base in government and of the people, and I do not believe such a base exists for Ron Paul.
I do not listen to people who preach unless I'm already a part of their thoughtclass. Rule of thumb.
It's voted for by members of congress, and is a direct tax on all Americans. What else could be more egalitarian?

Er, don't mean to burst your know it all bubble, but it wasn't ratified by all the states, which technically means it's actually an illegal tax, so he's right. Most people seem to think it's legal because they like to be good boys and girls and listen to the corrupt ****ers running the federal reserve and your government.
Er, don't mean to burst your know it all bubble, but it wasn't ratified by all the states, which technically means it's actually an illegal tax, so he's right. Most people seem to think it's legal because they like to be good boys and girls and listen to the corrupt ****ers running the federal reserve and your government.

It doesn't matter if it was ratified by all the states. It is an amendment to the constitution ratified by 2/3rds of the states and is thus the law of the land, not an "illegal tax".

I don't even know where you're getting that. The 16th amendment was passed specifically to allow congress to levy an income tax. It was ratified by all the states except Connecticut, Florida, Utah, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Rhode Island. That means 42 of the 48 existing states at that time voted for the amendment, making it the supreme federal law of the land, which nothing except another constitutional amendment could make "illegal".