Do u straighten your hair!

baron insig

Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
when my hair gets long it curls! so i straightened it and its awesome!

anyone else straighten their hair?

i know badger does:p
I've never needed to. My hair is naturally straight, and my hair doesn't get too long.
I do sometimes. The tips of my hair sometimes curl so I straighten them out :)
my hair is naturally straight.
I usually ponytail it.
no I don't and to be honest, that sounds somewhat gay
I wish I had a curly hair instead, I would never straighten it
I just don't use shampoo that often. Then I comb it straight after I take a shower and it just stays that way when it's dry. Normally it curls a bit.
I just don't use shampoo that often. Then I comb it straight after I take a shower and it just stays that way when it's dry. Normally it curls a bit.


No, my hair is naturally straight and I keep it reasonably short.
Naturally straight hair here also. I have a few emofag friends who straighten their hair but it doesn't look half bad.
The hair on the side of my head gets very curly when it gets long. But I dont straighten my hair.
I know a guy with very greasy hair, green teeth and bad b.o.
Curly hair, and I keep it short. Haven't combed once in 5 years now...
I like it when my hair curls at the ends, but it doesn't happen anymore 'cuz I think it's too long. I'm trying to find a good hairstyle at the moment so I can cut it.
Why would you straighten it, you look younger and more playful when you let it curl a bit. And it's in.

As for me I have naturally straight hair, even when it gets long.
I hate my hair

too curly and so wild that no cumb can dominate

and if I think about it, is like me :D
Nah, it's straight by nature. Would love to have curly hair though.
I have it incredibly curly hair. I actually do straighten it just so when it dries it isn't as curly. (Just combing it straight, nothing much. It helps.)

Currently though I got a viciously bad haircut, so I just cut all my hair off. My girlfriend said she likes my normal hair better....well up until the morning when she said she couldn't decide what one she liked better now that she's seen me almost-bald for a day. Also, she loves touching my hair now that it's 2 milimeters tall. I look pretty good almost bald. My only complaint, I get cold easier. THANK SCIENCE FOR SUMMER!

The main difference between me and my older brother is our hair. He has straight hair and I have curly hair. I'd love to have his hair.
Get a hat.
I like it!

When my hair was curly a lot of girls wanted to straighten it. I don't know why..... i'd get that comment often though.
I like it!

When my hair was curly a lot of girls wanted to straighten it. I don't know why..... i'd get that comment often though.

So did I, really weird.
My hair is mostly staight. It curls a small bit (very small bit) when it's long, as it is now.
My hair is shoulder length and quite wavy/curly. I straighten it occasionally, which makes it stupendously long, but I have so much of the stuff it takes bloody ages to do. Im just going to get dreadlocks.
Did I suddenly just get magically transported to girlspace?

but off course,or what you thoguht you wher ein like a forum of a computer videogame????!!1

thats like so weird like so rare girl!

now who is he hottest jude law or tom cruise!!!
I hate my hair

too curly and so wild that no cumb can dominate

and if I think about it, is like me :D

I don't know what a 'cumb' is but you should probably be glad it can't dominate you. I have curly hair and it shits me no end, everyone wants the style of hair they don't have.
my hair doesn't curl it's just REALLY THICK. I don't think I'll ever go bald.

Only if I definitely feel it pointing out. Otherwise require mirror.
My hair is naturally straight, people constantly ask me if I straighten my hair

What hair?
I used to want to straighten my hair and glue it up so I could look like a spiky haired DBZ person.
Now I don't even screw with it. I don't even cut it. Wash every couple days, brush whenever I gotta be presentable.
Straightening your hair isn't homosexual, that notion is utterly retarded.

That being said, I've straightened my hair a few times. I'm too lazy to get haircuts on a regular basis, so once it's in the final a-few-months-long stage of "reaches between my eyebrows and the tip of my nose" I'll usually straighten it, because my hair is thick and curls like a mother****er. And believe me, I look... decidedly non-presentable... with an afro.
If I use too much shampoo my hair gets on the verge of becoming deadly curly. So I have to lay off the shampoo and comb my hair... while showering. It's an odd combination, but it seems to keep it pretty tame. However, I have terrible bedhead no matter what, and at times my hair still gets pretty poofy. It's quite annoying. Wearing a hat helps too. :P Oh, and I have extremely thick hair. Many a-barber have commented on my thick hair. "Out of everyone's hair I've ever cut, yours has to be the thickest."