Do we need new media or can we wait for the game?



I'm wondering how you all are feeling about this?
I was thinking just then that I personally wouldn't mind it if VALve doesn't release new media before the release of the game. I can hold my breath for 4 weeks with out seeing anything new from them. And I would hate for them to show footage of a new creature or weapon now so close to the release. Perhaps some concept art would be nice. Some pretty pictures of what we all ready know. But I'm certainly not getting itchy to see a new video.

But what do you think?
I agree. I don't really care for the videos anymore. I would rather just wait for them to relese it
Yeah I'm over the media. Bring along the game already. Bit under one month peoples.
Yeah, to be perfectly honest, it doesn't matter at this point whether or not they release the rest of the e3 presentation. New media? I doubt they'll put anything out and seeing as how close it is, I'd rather experience it than simply see it.
Im indifferent, I dont think new media would ruin the experience nor would it enhance it. We know nothing about this game really story/plot wise (which is a very good thing). All we know is that Gordon goes to City 17, a dock, some outdoor area, and has a few scientist buddies and Alyx. Id be willing to be we know less than 5% of the game's story.
I'd only really like them to release all the remaining vids at once as a final stress test for steam but i'm not too bothered about seeing them.

I would like some more info regarding the multiplayer before release day though.
Originally posted by MoJo|Night
I would like some more info regarding the multiplayer before release day though.

Good luck on that ;)
I could go for a bink video, but I'm equally unsure if I'd like something new.
Id rather have Valve work on getting the game ready and as bug free as possible for a Sept.30 release than waste time releasing videos to appease us fans.
Originally posted by MoJo|Night
I would like some more info regarding the multiplayer before release day though.
Hmmm. They've said that they want the player to discover things rather than shove info down people's throats prior to release, but it'd seem strange to do this about m/p. It'd be interesting to see what they do about this...
Mp is really an afterthought for me at THIS point in time. I just am excited to ignore the world and play through the single player game first.

Then I can call myself a moron a week or two later for calling MP an aftethought ;)
I want the new media for the sake of Completeness.
Originally posted by Feath
I want the new media for the sake of Completeness.

Thats one thing HL2 has over "Other" FPS games... the fact that its a month before release and we know absolutly NOTHING about it. I mean we have seen a couple new aliens, and we know a few very small pieces of information, but other than that... we have no clue what HL2 is about. Most games get to the point where almost ALL the information is revealed and there are screen shots of almost every single enemy that you will encounter... that takes the fun outa it a bit dont you think? :cool:
Originally posted by Deadline
Thats one thing HL2 has over "Other" FPS games... the fact that its a month before release and we know absolutly NOTHING about it. I mean we have seen a couple new aliens, and we know a few very small pieces of information, but other than that... we have no clue what HL2 is about. Most games get to the point where almost ALL the information is revealed and there are screen shots of almost every single enemy that you will encounter... that takes the fun outa it a bit dont you think? :cool:

Yeah I hear ya
For example, nothings worse than being a Metal Gear Solid series fan (which I am), the whole goddamn plot of those games somehow makes it onto the net before the games release.
I don't really mind if they don't release any new media, I want the benchmarking tools!
Originally posted by Deadline
Thats one thing HL2 has over "Other" FPS games... the fact that its a month before release and we know absolutly NOTHING about it. I mean we have seen a couple new aliens, and we know a few very small pieces of information, but other than that... we have no clue what HL2 is about. Most games get to the point where almost ALL the information is revealed and there are screen shots of almost every single enemy that you will encounter... that takes the fun outa it a bit dont you think? :cool:

Io agree , not knowing about this sht is awsome. Makes me more excited.
I do have to like the certain amount of secrecy, but it makes the wait all the more horrible. :b
Yeah as far as storyline and details go I'm in agreement with you lot but benchmarking might be nice to know so people can make a decision on upgrades etc before release. I'm happy with my DX8 card but a lot of people want to upgrade and I think knowing how their current rig will run the game would be nice so I hope the benchmarking tool comes out as planned.
and i don't need any of the bink videos after what they've released, but i wouldn't mind if they released the strider demo....
benchmark tool is the only thing im looking foward to before the game is out.. it'll be out next week or the week after..
Or the week after...
Don't ya just love the waiting game?
I'd still like to see the E3 video's in bink format, but I don't even WANT to see new material.
Or some new screenshots of known footage, like a docks screenshot with FSAA turned up full (they said they would do a similar thing like that)
What I Am hoping for is the early release of the benchmarking tool and possibly the SDK and a special version of XSI.
All I want to see is a Bink vid of either the Tech map or the Strider movie. And maybe some concept art of the Strider or some other enemy we've already seen footage of.

Then after I'm done watching those, I want to use the benchmarking tool to find out how different and utterly terribly the game will actually look on my comp :D

EDIT: After about five seconds of thought on the matter, I've decided that I'm now afraid to run the benchmarking tool.
strider movie (bink), benmark tool and that will be enough for me
Originally posted by harhar
strider movie (bink), benmark tool and that will be enough for me
True, those would do just fine.
Its interesting, there seems to be a high demand to get the tech demo as a Bink Movie, people seem more interested in getting that than the remaining in game footage.
I say dont worry about the media, focus on the game - priority, and let a few ppl aside work on a benchmark to see how it will be.
I'm really grateful valve have released so little media. HL2 is going to be quite an experience - when I played the original HL, part of what made it so immersive was that I didn't know what to expect (someone gave me the early Day One version, and I hadn't even heard of HL before).

The experience will be much more gratifying for all of us because of Valve's smart marketing. We should all thank them for it, and wait out the meagre month before the game's release.