Do you anyone of you have one of those Electronic Lightsabers?

Jun 30, 2003
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Yes...I'm a big star wars fan...probably one of the biggest here...anyways...just wondering, do you guys have one of those electronic lightsabers? Can you post a pic with one that's fully extended?
You mean one of those plastic ones?

(sadly I don't have one, my gf's cousin has he can fight with you :) )
So am I correct in thinking that you have just asked people to send in pics of them playing with a toy lightsaber that is "fully" extended? If you're really asking that...
Maskirovka said:
i don't want to see any pics of any "extended" objects.

You don't wanna see pics of guys "playing" with their "extended light-sabers"? There's no shame in admitting you sometimes think about guy in this way. I mean, I personally don't, but that's just me. I respect peoples' preferences.
i feel like I have to fit the riseing in the gutter trend

i have a extended saber that you might want to see :thumbs:
Believe it or not, I'm going to abstain from the homoerotic stuff in this thread. :)

I actually used to have one of those toy ligthsabers, I broke it over my sisters head, which I guess was a little mean.
qckbeam said:
I broke it over my sisters head, which I guess was a little mean.
How long was the max length? I'm thinking about getting one and wanted to see how far it extends. Was the length the same as the movies?
lol, depends on the saber, nw909.

If you're looking at the "namebrand" sabre you can get at say, Wal-Mart, then that'll probably be about 3 feet in length.

I had a cheapy-knock off that glowed in the dark as well as lit up, was about 3 feet as well, but it broke rather quickly.
nw909 said:
There's namebrand plastic lightsabers?

Holy crap.

lol, they're like.. Hasbro, with the StarWars namebrand stamped on the package. That's what I meant by namebrand
Ohh, ok, thank god, I was going to crawl into a hole and die when nike and mitsubishi started making plastic lightsabers.

and here's a picture to stay ontopic, I guess that would be an "official" lightsaber thinger.
I got Luke's lightsaber from Return of the Jedi when I was a little kid and it was too big for me so I would joust with it, if that answers your question. I havn't seen it in years, but in retrospect I would say it's pretty close to the length in the movies because I was a very small kid. I'll see if I can find it. Keep in mind that there are lots of different ones in different price ranges, and they vary in size.
I have 2. Qui Gon Jin's and Count Dooku's(Darth Tyrannus), which sucks IMO. The handle on it is so gay. EDIT: Top Secreat thanks for the link. $210 for a ****ing lightsaber is a wee bit too much. :|
I've got Luke Skywalker's 2nd Lightsaber, and it also makes this buzzing noise and when you stuff with it, it says this "brrzzz" sound. It's awesome!
Yeah, for that money, I want an actual lightsaber... you know... that cuts things...
I used to have a cheap light saber that was brandless. It had a white blade and was just connected to a cheap flashlight. The bulb burned after about a week. Sometimes, the plastic would get stuck, and would push people back.
I have a dual red. and a single green. Plus one of those multi colored crap ones from disneyland that I broke 5 minutes into the flight home. Then I hade my elastic gun (from tom sawyers adventure island or whatever) confiscated ;(
I have a few questions about the Park Sabers can anyone answer them?
1) Are the sabers really light weight?
2)Can I switch the colour of the blade?
3)Are the prices in USD(Usually are) or CDN(Canadian)
those ones are cool if they could make the outer tip really u can cut things
From what I've seen the tip has an orange cap on it. I bet it comes off though.
Pauly said:
those ones are cool if they could make the outer tip really u can cut things

It's also be cool if pens had knives on the end...for stabbing...
Six Three said:
It's also be cool if pens had knives on the end...for stabbing...

You know what else would be cool? A shotgun built into a pen for shooting. No wait scratch the pen part. Just a shotgun for shooting.
Just play KOTOR for 25 hours straight and you'll see them all around you :dozey:
/me plays KoToR for 25 hrs. straight.

Damnit-how can I hallucinate lightsabers with all these damn colours distracting me?